Photo Processing Micro-service for photo upload to Amazon S3 and keyword generation from Clarifai API Lensity main repo
- Product Owner: Josphine Eng
- Scrum Master: Julie Truong
- Development Team Members: Brian Kilrain
POST /photoProcessor/upload/:id Web server from Lensity sends POST /photoProcessor/upload/:id request to photo-processor service. Multer looks for the form data name attribute 'photo' and a save to local disk storage. Photo is scraped for GPS metadata, saved to S3 and then send to Clarifai AI to generate list of keywords associated with the photo.
POST /photoProcessor/validPhoto Checks the if uploaded photo is in a valid format
In root folder run:
docker build -t photo-processor:0.1 .
From within the root directory
npm install
brew install graphicsmagick
brew install imagemagick
- Copy api-key-sample.js and rename to api-key.js
- Set-up S3 account
- Obtain access keys, bucket and region
- Update api-key.js
- Obtain access keys Clarifai
- Update api-key.js
See for contribution guidelines.