- Idea origin on 2017(wished to do some AI project on Agriculture but i was novice back then).
- Did some of ML codes but skipped mathematics(so i am still having problems).
- Got an idea to do some detection project on hens.
- The idea was to detect died hens and count them then warn the owner. The concept was to collect image dataset and use YOLO like model later.
- But failed because data collection was not succesful.
- Still no idea what to do next.
- Still no idea what to do next.
- Our corn got infected due to some swamp insects and pests.
- Then i took first photo of corn's plant on June 12.
- I was late to collect photos and our field has only few infected and other farmer's corn was already grown. So i was able to collect only 223 images.
- Also electricity was gone for days and many climate changes.
- I wrote some agumentation code to make 10 images from one image.
- Flip x
- Flip y
- Flip xy
- Brightness
- Erosion
- Dilation followed by Erosion
- Dilation
- Erosion followed by Dilation
- Scale 0.75
- Scale 0.5
- Took 2009 images of freshly infected plants. There were more than 5k infected plants but my phone battery was low.
- Those field of corn was totally ruined.
- Found a bug of image read and annotation of VOTT. If we rotate image 90 degree then the annotation becomes true else annotation becomes wrong. (using np.rot90)
- Wrote a code on 3rd day to find annotation of agumented images.
- Wrote some codes to find region of images and also used some image segmentation codes but used
algorithm. - Learned about some data generators for Keras.
- 11th day, completed annotation. Still having question should i do agumentation?
- Having electricity problem still on 11th day and heavy rain.
- Should go to wifi zone and stay for days to train a detection model using GPUs.
- July 22, about to sell classification of infected/normal corn leaf image to some MSc students.
- As for july 26, nothing exciting happening. But studying about Region Proposal Network. It is hard to understand code of other peoples so i am thinking about writing my own version of RPN.
- Wrote a code to classify whether a patch of corn is infected or not. Had to make custom data generator and then feed it to classifier.
- Worte a code to predict possible Bounding Boxes on images by training it on images and bounding boxes. I think it doesn't work.
- Both above codes were tested on local hardware and still dataset is not on cloud.
- Got help on my internet by Vikash Krishna and trying to test YOLO for corn on colab.
- Using TrainYourOwnYolo for training. My entire images has to be rotated by 90 and only the annotation works.
- Train unsuccessful.
- Dataset made live at kaggle.
- Published blog about data preparation on q-viper.github.io.