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This page contains request classification tiers and reasons as well as mitigations, with explanations for some non-trivial cases.

Request classification

http_desync_guardian is a library for analyzing and classifying HTTP/1.x requests to provide customers security balanced with necessity to serve traffic for legacy or proprietary systems (not always RFC compliant).

  • Compliant - RFC compliant requests (*)
  • Acceptable - non RFC compliant requests, but which do not represent security risks
  • Ambiguous - requests that might be treated differently by different HTTP servers and therefore may lead to HTTP Desync issues (and request splitting/smuggling as a possible consequence)
  • Severe - either malformed or highly likely crafted to trick HTTP parsers and cause HTTP de-synchronization.

Recommended http_desync_guardian Modes

Classification Defensive mode Strictest mode
Compliant Allowed Allowed
Acceptable Allowed Blocked
Ambiguous Allowed¹ Blocked
Severe Blocked Blocked

¹ Route the requests but closes the client and target connections.

For Blocked requests the client connection must be closed.

If you are concerned about potential impact, Monitoring mode offers a metrics-only approach to assess prior to switching.

Classification Reasons

  • Compliant
    • Compliant - a compliant request
  • Acceptable
    • NonCompliantHeader - non-essential header containing a non-ASCII or control characters (CTL) - i.e. special invisible characters.
    • SpaceInUri - unescaped space in the URI
    • NonCompliantVersion - version which contains extra spaces, missing (i.e. HTTP/0.9) or matches HTTP/1.[2-9]
    • GetHeadZeroContentLength - GET/HEAD request with a “Content-Length: 0” header
  • Ambiguous
    • EmptyHeader - if there is an empty header or a line with whitespaces only in the request
    • AmbiguousUri - an URI containing CTL characters
    • UndefinedContentLengthSemantics - Content-Length for GET/HEAD requests
    • UndefinedTransferEncodingSemantics - Transfer-Encoding for GET/HEAD requests
    • DuplicateContentLength - duplicated Content-Length header (same value)
    • BothTeClPresent - both Transfer-Encoding and Content-Length are present in the request
    • SuspiciousHeader - a header that can be normalized to Transfer-Encoding or Content-Length using common text normalization techniques (sanitation, case normalization, delimiters normalization).
  • Severe
    • BadHeader - header containing null-character or CR
    • BadUri - URI containing null-character or CR
    • BadVersion - malformed version
    • MultipleContentLength - different Content-Length headers
    • BadContentLength - a non-parseable value or an invalid number
    • MultipleTransferEncodingChunked - multiple Transfer-Encoding: chunked headers
    • BadTransferEncoding - unknown Transfer-Encoding value
    • BadMethod - malformed method
  • Parsing raw-requests
    • NonCrLfLineTermination (Acceptable) - allowing “\n” line termination (similar to Nginx).
    • MultilineHeader (Ambiguous) - multi-line headers are non RFC compliant (except Content-Type)
    • PartialHeaderLine (Ambiguous) - if a header line was not terminated
    • MissingLastEmptyLine (Ambiguous) - there is no empty line at the end of request
    • MissingHeaderColon (Ambiguous) - header line doesn’t have colon separator
    • MissingUri (Ambiguous) - there is no URI in the request line

Details on certain classifications

Undefined Content-Length/Transfer-Encoding Semantics (UndefinedTransferEncodingSemantics, UndefinedContentLengthSemantics)

A payload within a GET/HEAD request message has no defined semantics. 3.1 GET Request with CL != 0 See "Capturing other users’ requests" see "EXAMPLE #3"

Both Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding are present (BothTeClPresent)

If a request containing both Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding was received, it means that the sender didn’t follow RFC, and thus there is a chance that request boundaries might be out of sync with the sender.

If a message is received with both a Transfer-Encoding and a Content-Length header field, the Transfer-Encoding overrides the Content-Length. Such a message might indicate an attempt to perform request smuggling (Section 9.5) or response splitting (Section 9.4) and ought to be handled as an error. A sender MUST remove the received Content-Length field prior to forwarding such a message downstream.

Multi-line headers (MultilineHeader)

Multi-line headers have been deprecated in RFC 7230, and different engines may either support it or not, which provides malicious actors a toolkit to trick parser to “see” headers that are not there or vice versa. That’s why we mark requests containing multi-line headers as Ambiguous (except the Content-Type header).

Historically, HTTP header field values could be extended over multiple lines by preceding each extra line with at least one space or horizontal tab (obs-fold). This specification deprecates such line folding except within the message/http media type (Section 8.3.1). A sender MUST NOT generate a message that includes line folding (i.e., that has any field-value that contains a match to the obs-fold rule) unless the message is intended for packaging within the message/http media type.

Multiple Transfer-Encoding Chunked (MultipleTransferEncodingChunked)

A sender MUST NOT apply chunked more than once to a message body

Multiple Content-Length Headers (MultipleContentLength, DuplicateContentLength)

If there are multiple different Content-Length headers (different values) the request is marked as Severe. In the case of multiple but same values, it falls into DuplicateContentLength category (marked as Ambiguous).

If a message is received that has multiple Content-Length header fields with field-values consisting of the same decimal value, or a single Content-Length header field with a field value containing a list of identical decimal values (e.g., "Content-Length: 42, 42"), indicating that duplicate Content-Length header fields have been generated or combined by an upstream message processor, then the recipient MUST either reject the message as invalid or replace the duplicated field-values with a single valid Content-Length field containing that decimal value prior to determining the message body length or forwarding the message.

Suspicious headers (SuspiciousHeader)

There is a range of attacks to masquerade Transfer-Encoding and Content-Length headers, so some engines in the chain will see them while others won’t. For example:

Transfer-Encoding : chunked
Content-Length: 100

In this case, some engines may reject this request, as it’s not RFC compliant. Some may sanitize the space before the colon and treat as it has “Transfer-Encoding: chunked” while some may see “Transfer-Encoding[space]” and ignore it. It is the simplest case to illustrate this idea, but there are many others. For instance:

Transfer-Encodıng: chunked

Small Dotless I becomes ASCII “I” on upper-case transformation which may trick some engines. Or have a CTL character:

Transfer_Encoding: chunked
\x01Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Transfer-Encoding\b: chunked

Some engines may normalize delimiters or non-letters, e.g., using regular expressions, etc. (especially using standard string trimming routines that may have different behaviors in different platforms).

To mitigate these risks, we determine the similarity of headers to Transfer-Encoding and Content-Length and mark requests as Ambiguous if any of these deviations are detected.


There are two types of mitigations:

  • Reject request with 400 and close the connection
  • Serve the request but disable connection re-use on both front-end and back-end.

Why connection is closed after a Severe request

In this case, we cannot establish request boundaries and tell when the next request starts.

Why connections are both FE/BE connections closed after an Ambiguous request?

Let’s start with not re-using a backend connection example:

  1. Attacker sends a request, such as Proxy only sees POST /foo while backend also sees GET /poison
  2. However Proxy marks the request as Ambiguous
  3. Proxy closes the connection after the response
  4. The /poison response is dropped as the connection is not going to be re-used.

This seems to be efficient, but falls short if there is a layer in front of the proxy:

  1. In this case let’s assume Desync happens between CDN and the Proxy and Proxy marks the request as Ambiguous
  2. While Proxy closes the BE connection, it’s not helpful
  3. The /poison response is still served via re-used front-end connection

But if both FE/BE connections are closed, then HTTP Desync is prevented:

  1. Same as in the previous example, let’s assume Desync happens between CDN and the Proxy and Proxy marks the request as Ambiguous
  2. Now Proxy closes both FE/BE connections.
  3. The /poison response is dropped.