footer: Reginald @raganwald Braithwaite, PagerDuty Inc.
ember-concurrency is an Ember Addon that makes it easy to write concise, robust, and beautiful asynchronous code.
aTask = task(function * () {
const { geolocation, store } = this.get(...);
const coords = yield geolocation.getCoords();
const result = yield store.getNearbyStores(coords);
this.set('result', result);
anInstance = someTask.perform();
^ example from the docs ^ looks a lot like async/await!
^ sends multiple overlapping requests
^ This is not what we want.
task(function * () {
// ...
this.set('isLoading', true);
this.xhr = fetch(id).then(
success => {
this.set('isLoading', false);
// ...
failure => {
this.set('isLoading', false);
// ...
^ What if the component is destroyed?
isLoading: reads('fetchTask.isRunning')
^ tasks can be inspected
const chunks = _.chunk(incidents, CHUNK_SIZE);
let done = 0;
this.set('done', done);
for (const theseIncidents of chunks) {
yield this.resolve(theseIncidents);
done = done + theseIncidents.length);
this.set('done', done);
In JavaScript, AJAX requests happen concurrently.
^ Job Switching Video
websocket ping: [-----------------]
submit update: [-----------]
^ We are notified that an update is available for our model and execute a fetch. While this is happening in one component, our user submits an update in the foreground.
task(function * (promissoryThunk) {
let result;
yield promissoryThunk().then(value => {
result = value;
return result;
websocket ping: [--------]
submit update: [-------]
^ what happens to our isLoading
^ sharing queues amongst multiple component instances
tasks: taskGroup().enqueue(),
handlePing: task(function * () {
// ...
submitUpdate: task(function * () {
// ...
^ sharing task groups amongst multiple component instances