diff --git a/ppx/reason_react_ppx.ml b/ppx/reason_react_ppx.ml
index 9646da10c..b66fa424a 100644
--- a/ppx/reason_react_ppx.ml
+++ b/ppx/reason_react_ppx.ml
@@ -653,11 +653,6 @@ let jsxMapper =
"Key cannot be accessed inside of a component. Don't worry - you \
can always key a component from its parent!")
- | Pexp_fun (Labelled "ref", _, _, _) | Pexp_fun (Optional "ref", _, _, _) ->
- raise
- (Invalid_argument
- "Ref cannot be passed as a normal prop. Please use `forwardRef` \
- API instead.")
| Pexp_fun
( ((Optional label | Labelled label) as arg),
diff --git a/ppx/test/component.t/input.re b/ppx/test/component.t/input.re
index 7fdccd901..3c9839e68 100644
--- a/ppx/test/component.t/input.re
+++ b/ppx/test/component.t/input.re
@@ -41,6 +41,13 @@ module Forward_Ref = {
+module Ref_as_prop = {
+ [@react.component]
+ let make = (~children, ~ref) => {
+ ;
+ };
module Onclick_handler_button = {
let make = (~name, ~isDisabled=?) => {
diff --git a/ppx/test/component.t/run.t b/ppx/test/component.t/run.t
index aa9583ce1..22e4bcbf5 100644
--- a/ppx/test/component.t/run.t
+++ b/ppx/test/component.t/run.t
@@ -68,6 +68,27 @@ We need to output ML syntax here, otherwise refmt could not parse it.
make ~buttonRef:(Props ## buttonRef) ~children:(Props ## children) in
+ module Ref_as_prop =
+ struct
+ external makeProps :
+ children:'children ->
+ ref:'ref ->
+ ?key:string -> unit -> < children: 'children ;ref: 'ref > Js.t
+ = ""[@@mel.obj ]
+ let make =
+ ((fun ~children ->
+ ((fun ~ref ->
+ ReactDOM.jsx "button"
+ (((ReactDOM.domProps)[@merlin.hide ]) ~children ~ref
+ ~className:"FancyButton" ()))
+ [@warning "-16"]))
+ [@warning "-16"])
+ let make =
+ let Output$Ref_as_prop
+ (Props : < children: 'children ;ref: 'ref > Js.t) =
+ make ~ref:(Props ## ref) ~children:(Props ## children) in
+ Output$Ref_as_prop
+ end
module Onclick_handler_button =
external makeProps :
diff --git a/test/Ref__test.re b/test/Ref__test.re
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..223a5f348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Ref__test.re
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+open Jest;
+open Expect;
+module Button_with_ref = {
+ [@react.component]
+ let make = (~children, ~ref) => {
+ ;
+ };
+let getByRole = (role, container) => {
+ ReactTestingLibrary.getByRole(~matcher=`Str(role), container);
+[@mel.get] external innerHTML: Dom.element => string = "innerHTML";
+describe("ref", () => {
+ test("can be passed as prop to a component", () => {
+ let domRef = React.createRef();
+ let container =
+ ReactTestingLibrary.render(
+ {React.string("Click me")}
+ ,
+ );
+ let button = getByRole("FancyButton", container);
+ expect(button->innerHTML)->toBe("Click me");
+ let content =
+ switch (Js.Nullable.toOption(domRef.current)) {
+ | Some(element) => element->innerHTML
+ | None => failwith("No element found")
+ };
+ expect(content)->toBe("Click me");
+ })