Releases: redhat-nfvpe/kube-ansible
Fedora with fixes
Includes all the goodies for Fedora + CRI-O + kpod + buildah, but, with fixes for expanding the qcow image of the fedora VMs.
Now with Fedora functionality
Which would get you a workflow with CRI-O + kpod + Buildah
Old style inventory
This is with the old style inventory to use as a tag in some blog posts.
GlusterFS dynamic volume provisioning
Includes a GlusterFS deployed directly on Kube (e.g. glusterd running in containers, using gk-deploy from gluster-kubernetes), and also can dynamically provision volumes -- so that you don't have to baby the creation/deletion of persistent volumes, just the claims.
Ansible 2.3 Compatible
Changes to make playbook compatible with Ansible 2.3
Minor fixes
Adds minor fixes and creates release to reference in article.
CRI-O + Parameterization
Includes changes to allow for CRI-O option, plus Leif's changes for variable parameterization
Before CRI-O
How it was all working, before CRI-O was introduced as an option.
Kubernetes 1.6.1 beta
Flannel is tested, weave & multus are untested.
kubernetes 1.5
was working with kube 1.5