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Continuous Integration

1. blocktest-yarp-plugins

Repository containing the yarp plugins for blocktest.

4. Installation

Supported OS: Linux Ubuntu 18.10 and Windows 10. Boost library version must be >1.64.

4.1. Prerequisite Linux

sudo apt-get install -y cmake libboost-all-dev

YARP see

Add in your bashrc:

export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}:/<build/install_dir_of_yarp>

Instead if you use robotology_superbuild in .bashrc:


export ROBOTOLOGY_SUPERBUILD_INSTALL_DIR=<path to your robotology install dir>
source ${ROBOTOLOGY_SUPERBUILD_INSTALL_DIR}/share/robotology-superbuild/

4.2. Prerequisite Windows

vcpkg install boost:x86-windows

YARP see

In bash:

export blocktestcore_DIR=<path to your blocktest build dir>

4.3. Installation and compilation

In order to compile just execute the following commands in a bash terminal.

git clone     
cd blocktest-yarp-plugins
mkdir build
cd build
ccmake ..

Make sure your CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX in ccmake is <path to your blocktest install dir>

Suggested location:


Make sure your blocktestcore_DIR is <path to your blocktest build dir>

Suggested location:



make -j 4
make install

2. Available commands

These action blocks are contained in yarp blocktest plugin.

1.0.2. Yarp commands

  • yarpreset

    Reset the robot to the original frame position and pose.

        <command name="yarpreset" repetitions="1" wait="0" reporterror="true"/>
  • yarpsendpwm

    Send the pwm value to a specific jointname. Available options for pwm profile are: sin,const or stepwave.
    If profile is const dutycycle is between -60 and +60 and frequency is not used. In this case, the pwm is provided as a constant value.
    If profile is sin frequency is the sinusoid frequency.

        <command name="yarpsendpwm" profile="sin" frequency="1" dutycycle="20" time="20" jointname="L_AK_R" repetitions="1" wait="0" reporterror="true"/>
  • yarpsendposdirect

    Send the position to a specific jointname

        <command name="yarpsenddirectpos" jointname="L_AK_R" degree="-30" repetitions="1" wait="0" reporterror="true"/>
  • yarpsendpos

    Send the position to a specific jointname using a minimum jerk trajectory.

        <command name="yarpsendpos" jointname="L_AK_R" degree="0" velocity="20" repetitions="1" wait="0" reporterror="true"/>
  • yarpcheckrobot

        <command name="checkRobot" repetitions="1" wait="0" reporterror="true"/>

    Check if joints are present.

  • yarpcheckjointposition

    Check if the joint position is correct.

        <command name="yarpcheckjointposition" wrappername="/right_leg" jointname="r_ankle_pitch" tolerance="1" expectedvalue="15" repetitions="1" wait="0" reporterror="true"/>
  • yarpcheckrobotisvertical

    Check if robot is vertical.

        <command name="yarpcheckrobotisvertical" repetitions="1" wait="0" reporterror="true"/>
  • yarpsendpwmtrain

        <command name="yarpsendpwmtrain" dutycycle="20" maxposition="20" minposition="-20" cycletime="10" cyclesleep="8" jointname="L_AK_R" repetitions="1" wait="0" reporterror="true"/>

    Send a PWM train. Chenge PWM sign when the position is reached

  • applyforce

    Apply wrench to the robot.

  • yarpcanwrite

       <command library="yarp" name="yarpcanwrite" device="socketcan" messageid="0x011" data="0x17 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00" candevicenum="0" canmyaddress="0" cantxtimeout="500" canrxtimeout="500" repetitions="1" wait="0" reporterror="true"></command>

    Sends a CAN message trought device (socketcan available at the moment) . Sets the parameters for the driver.

  • yarpcanread

       <command library="yarp" name="yarpcanread" device="socketcan" messageid="0x011" checkdata="false" data="0xAA" candevicenum="0" canmyaddress="0" cantxtimeout="500" canrxtimeout="500" readtimeout="1000" repetitions="1" wait="0" reporterror="true"></command>

    Receives a CAN message trought device (socketcan available at the moment) until readtimeout is reached (milliseconds) . Sets the parameters for the driver.

  • yarpopenpolydriver

       <command library="yarp" name="yarpopenpolydriver" property="" polydrivertag="" repetitions="1" wait="0" reporterror="true"></command>

    Open a polydriver using the property as in xml. The property must be in (key value) yarp format. The parameter polydrivertag is used for tagging the device in others block

  • yarpclosepolydriver

       <command library="yarp" name="yarpclosepolydriver" property="" polydrivertag="" repetitions="1" wait="0" reporterror="true"></command>

    Close a polydriver using the property as in xml. The property must be in (key value) yarp format. The parameter polydrivertag is used for tagging the device in others block

1.0.2. Yarp walking commands (not tested and not more used)

  • setvelocity

        <command name="setVelocity" xvelocity="0.05" yvelocity="0.00001" repetitions="1" wait="0" reporterror="true"/>

    The attributes xvelocity and yvelocity rapesent the velocity in that direction.

  • checkposition

        <command name="checkPosition" xminposition="0.14" yminposition="0.13" zminposition="0.15" repetitions="1" wait="0" reporterror="true"/>

    Check if joints are present.

  • preparestraightwalking

        <command name="prepareStraightWalking" repetitions="1" wait="0" reporterror="true"/>

    No params needed

  • startwalking

        <command name="startWalking" repetitions="1" wait="0" reporterror="true"/>

    No params needed

  • resetwalking

        <command name="resetWalking" repetitions="1" wait="0" reporterror="true"/>

    No params needed

    If the robot position is less than xminposition,yminposition,zminposition the check fails. If the position is 0 it doesn't check on that axis. For now only the abs value of the position is checked.