diff --git a/preamble/_schedule-days.qmd b/preamble/_schedule-days.qmd
deleted file mode 100644
index bb145fa..0000000
--- a/preamble/_schedule-days.qmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-## `r day` {.unnumbered}
-#| echo: false
-schedule %>%
- filter(Day == day) %>%
- select(-Day) %>%
- knitr::kable()
diff --git a/preamble/schedule.csv b/preamble/schedule.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b49648..0000000
--- a/preamble/schedule.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-Day,Time,Session topic,icon,link
-Day 1,9:30,Arrival. Coffee and snacks,mug-hot,
-Day 1,10:00,Introduction to the course,person-chalkboard,../sessions/introduction.html
-Day 1,10:30,TBD,laptop-code,
-Day 1,12:30,Lunch,utensils,
-Day 1,13:15,Networking and social activity,user-group,../appendix/social.qmd#social-day-one
-Day 1,13:35,TBD,laptop-code,
-Day 1,14:30,Break with coffee and snacks,mug-hot,
-Day 1,15:30,TBD,laptop-code,
-Day 1,17:00,End-of-day short survey,comment-dots,
-Day 2,9:00,TBD,laptop-code,
-Day 2,10:15,"Break with coffee, tea, and snacks",mug-hot,
-Day 2,10:30,TBD,laptop-code,
-Day 2,12:15,Lunch,utensils,
-Day 2,13:00,Networking and social activity,user-group,../appendix/social.qmd#social-day-two
-Day 2,13:20,TBD,laptop-code,
-Day 2,14:45,Break with coffee and snacks,mug-hot,
-Day 2,15:00,TBD,laptop-code,
-Day 2,17:00,End-of-day short survey,comment-dots,
-Day 3,9:00,TBD,laptop-code,
-Day 3,10:15,Break with coffee and snacks,mug-hot,
-Day 3,11:00,TBD,laptop-code,
-Day 3,12:15,Lunch,utensils,
-Day 3,13:00,TBD,user-group,
-Day 3,16:00,TBD,user-group,
-Day 3,16:20,Closing remarks,person-chalkboard,../sessions/what-next.html
-Day 3,16:45,Short survey and farewell,comment-dots,
diff --git a/preamble/schedule.qmd b/preamble/schedule.qmd
index 8a48db4..38dcecb 100644
--- a/preamble/schedule.qmd
+++ b/preamble/schedule.qmd
@@ -12,38 +12,45 @@ and others may be longer. Instead, it is meant to be an approximate
guide and overview.
::: panel-tabset
-```{r schedule-table}
-#| eval: true
-#| echo: false
-#| output: asis
-add_link <- function(text, icon, link) {
- colour <- "#138d75"
- added_link <- paste0(" ", text, "")
- if (link == "") {
- added_link <- paste0(" ", text)
- }
- return(htmltools::HTML(added_link))
-schedule <- here::here("preamble/schedule.csv") %>%
- readr::read_csv(col_types = "ccccc") %>%
- mutate(across(everything(), ~ if_else(is.na(.x), "", .x))) %>%
- mutate(
- `Session topic` = list(`Session topic`, icon, link) %>%
- purrr::pmap(~ add_link(..1, ..2, ..3)) %>%
- unlist()
- ) %>%
- select(-icon, -link)
-unique(schedule$Day) %>%
- purrr::map_chr( \(day) {
- knitr::knit_child(
- input = here::here("preamble/_schedule-days.qmd"),
- envir = environment(),
- quiet = TRUE
- )
- }) %>%
- cat(sep = "\n")
+## Day 1
+| Time | Session topic |
+| 9:30 | {{< fa mug-hot >}} Arrival. Coffee and snacks |
+| 10:00 | [{{< fa person-chalkboard >}} Introduction to the course](../sessions/introduction.qmd) |
+| 10:30 | [{{< fa laptop-code >}} TBD]() |
+| 12:30 | {{< fa utensils >}} Lunch |
+| 13:15 | [{{< fa user-group >}} Networking and social activity](../appendix/social.qmd#social-day-one) |
+| 13:35 | [{{< fa laptop-code >}} TBD]() |
+| 14:30 | {{< fa mug-hot >}} Break with coffee and snacks |
+| 15:30 | [{{< fa laptop-code >}} TBD]() |
+| 17:00 | [{{< fa comment-dots >}} End of day survey]() |
+## Day 2
+| Time | Session topic |
+| 9:00 | [{{< fa laptop-code >}} TBD]() |
+| 10:15 | {{< fa mug-hot >}} Break with coffee and snacks |
+| 10:30 | [{{< fa laptop-code >}} TBD]() |
+| 12:15 | {{< fa utensils >}} Lunch |
+| 13:00 | [{{< fa user-group >}} Networking and social activity](../appendix/social.qmd#social-day-two) |
+| 13:20 | TBD |
+| 14:45 | {{< fa mug-hot >}} Break with coffee and snacks |
+| 15:00 | TBD |
+| 17:00 | [{{< fa comment-dots >}} End of day survey]() |
+## Day 3
+| Time | Session topic |
+| 9:00 | [{{< fa laptop-code >}} TBD]() |
+| 10:15 | {{< fa mug-hot >}} Break with coffee and snacks |
+| 11:00 | [{{< fa laptop-code >}} TBD]() |
+| 12:15 | {{< fa utensils >}} Lunch |
+| 13:00 | [{{< fa user-group >}} Group project](../appendix/group-project.qmd) |
+| 14:45 | {{< fa mug-hot >}} Break with coffee and snacks |
+| 16:00 | [{{< fa user-group >}} Group project](../appendix/group-project.qmd) |
+| 16:20 | [{{< fa person-chalkboard >}} Closing remarks](../sessions/what-next.qmd) |
+| 16:45 | [{{< fa comment-dots >}} Short survey and farewell]() |