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React Suite Snippets for VS Code


ext install rsuite-snippets


Available Snippets

Trigger Description
rsb Default Button
rsbp Primary Button
rsbg ButtonGroup
rsbt ButtonToolbar
rsic Icon
rsicb IconButton
rsics IconStack
rstt Tooltip
rsp Popover
rsali AlertInfo
rsals AlertSuccess
rsalw AlertWarning
rsale AlertError
rsalc AlertClose
rsalca AlertCloseAll
rsnti NotificationInfo
rsnts NotificationSuccess
rsntw NotificationWarning
rsnte NotificationError
rsntc NotificationClose
rsntca NotificationCloseAll
rsms Message
rsld Loader
rsm Modal
rsdw Drawer
rsdv Divider
rspgl ProgressLine
rspgc ProgressCircle
rsph PlaceholderParagraph
rsdd Dropdown
rsnav Nav
rsnavbar NavBar
rssn Sidenav
rsst Steps
rspage Pagination
rsbc Breadcrumb
rsg Grid
rsf FlexboxGrid
rsfg FormGroup
rscg CheckboxGroup
rsrg RadioGroup
rsi Input
rsin InputNumber
rsac AutoComplete
rsto Toggle
rsip InputPicker
rstp TagPicker
rssp SelectPicker
rscp CheckPicker
rstp TreePicker
rsctp CheckTreePicker
rsca Cascader
rsmca MultiCascader
rsdp DatePicker
rsdrp DateRangePicker
rssl Slider
rsup Uploader
rsrt Rate
rsav Avatar
rsbb Badge
rstable Table
rstree Tree
rsct CheckTree
rspl Panel
rstl Timeline
rstg TagGroup
rsls List
rscld Calendar
rscr Carousel
rsaf Affix
rsanf Animation.Fade
rsanc Animation.Collapse
rsanb Animation.Bounce
rsans Animation.Slide
rsant Animation.Transition
rspt Portal