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Calculation of gravity and magnetic fields of a spherical body


This notebook serves as an example on how to use the GravMag3D MATLAB toolbox to model gravity and magnetic responses due to solid bodies with homogeneous density $\rho$ or magnetization $M$.

The shape of the bodies under consideration can be constructed using a triangulation of a point cloud sampled at their surface.

Given such a surface triangulation, the gravity and magnetic anomaly can be calculated using surface integrals across the individual triangles. The sum of all triangle contributions finally yields the gravity or magnetic anomaly.

Usage tutorial

We consider an approximation to the shape of a spherical body using a triangulation of sufficiently many points at the surface of a sphere.

The center of the sphere is at the point $(0,0,10)$. Its radius is $1$.

To this end, we create n points by randomly choosing angles $\varphi$ and $\theta$.

n = 1000;
phi = 2 * pi * rand(n, 1);
theta = asin(2 * rand(n, 1) - 1);
radius = 1.0;
[vtx(:, 1), vtx(:, 2), vtx(:,3)] = ...
    sph2cart(phi, theta, radius);
depth = 10.0;
vtx(:, 3) = vtx(:, 3) + depth;
scatter3(vtx(:, 1), vtx(:, 2), vtx(:, 3), 8, 'filled', ...
    'MarkerFaceColor', 'red');
set(gca, 'ZDir', 'reverse');
axis equal


From a Delaunay triangulation we obtain the convex hull formed by the vertices.

[ch, v] = convexHull(delaunayTriangulation(vtx));

The array ch contains the vertices of the convex hull of the triangulation. The volume of the convex hull is returned in the array v.

trisurf(ch, vtx(:,1), vtx(:,2), vtx(:,3), ...
    'FaceColor', '#1111AA', 'FaceAlpha', 0.1);
hold on
scatter3(vtx(:, 1), vtx(:, 2), vtx(:, 3), 8, 'filled', ...
    'MarkerFaceColor', 'red');
set(gca, 'ZDir', 'reverse');
hold off
axis equal


We also need the direction of the outer normals of the triangles. The normal direction can be calculated using a vector cross product.

nf = size(ch, 1);
Un = zeros(nf, 3);
for i = 1:nf
    v1 = vtx(ch(i, 2), :) - vtx(ch(i, 1), :);
    v2 = vtx(ch(i, 3), :) - vtx(ch(i, 1), :);
    v1_cross_v2 = cross(v1, v2);
    Un(i, :) = v1_cross_v2 ./ norm(v1_cross_v2);

We now want to compute the gravitational attraction and the magnetic total field anomaly of the sphere along a profile $-50\le x\le 50$.

nx = 201;
x = linspace(-50, 50, nx);

For the calculation of the magnetic anomaly we need the ambient field. It is defined by the vector field $T$ which represents the magnetic flux density of the Earth's magnetic field. The ambient field is considered homogeneous in the region of the measurements. Typically, it is given in units of nanoTesla (nT). A typical value of $T$ in Middle Europe would be

$T=(15000,0,45000)^{\top }$ nT.

The magnetic reponse of a magnetized body is proportional to both the ambient field $T$ as well as its susceptibility $\kappa$. Both can be combined to the magnetization $M$, such that

$M=\frac{\kappa }{\mu_0 }T$.

For our experiment, we set $\kappa =0.126$ given in dimensionless SI units.

T = [15000; 0; 45000];
mu0 = pi * 4e-7;
kappa = 0.126;
M = kappa / mu0 * T;

For gravity we need the mass density of the sphere. We choose $\rho =2700~kg/m^3$.

rho = 2700;

In the following we compute the magnetic anomaly $\Delta B$ and the vertical component of the gravitational attraction $g_z$ of our sphere.

We also compare to reference solutions.

The anomaly of a magnetized sphere is equivalent to a magnetic dipole with dipole moment $m=\int MdV$.

Further, the gravitational attraction of a sphere is equal to that of a point mass with mass $m=\int \rho dV$.

Bx = zeros(nx, 1);
By = zeros(nx, 1);
Bz = zeros(nx, 1);
B = zeros(3, nx);
gz = zeros(nx, 1);
g = zeros(nx, 1);
for i = 1:nx
    xyz = [x(i), 0, 0];
    r = [0, 0, depth] - xyz;
    [Bx(i), By(i), Bz(i), ~, ~, gz(i)] = ...
        get_H(ch, vtx - xyz, Un, M, rho);
    B(:, i) = mu0 * (3 * dot(r(:), M * v) * r(:) - M * v * norm(r)^2) / (4 * pi * norm(r)^5);
    g(i) = 6.6732e-11 * rho * v * depth ./ sqrt(x(i)^2 + depth^2).^3;
plot(x, Bz, '-x', x, B(3, :))
legend('convex hull', 'dipole', 'Location', 'northeast')
ylabel('\DeltaB_z in nT')


plot(x, gz, '-x', x, g)
legend('convex hull', 'dipole')
xlabel('x in m')
ylabel('g_z in m/s^2')


Error analysis

The relative L2 norm of the difference in the magnetic anomaly is

norm(Bz' - B(3, :)) / norm(B(3, :))
ans = 8.6457e-05

The relative L2 norm of the difference in the gravity anomaly is

norm(gz - g) / norm(g)
ans = 5.1115e-05

The ratio of the volume of the sphere and the polyhedron is not one. We obtain

vol_sphere = 4 * pi / 3 * radius^3;
vol_poly = v;
vol_poly / vol_sphere * 100
ans = 98.7944

The polyhedron built from 1000 randomly placed vertices across a spherical surface has a slightly reduced volume which is about 98.8 percent of the volume of the sphere itself.