This code subscribes to echo
and publishes on ack
The data received on echo
will be published on ack
Generate the ROS libraries prior to building this example as instructed in the README of root directory (If done already, ignore)
Default mode of rosserial communication is over UART.
To use WiFi:
- Enable rosserial over WiFi menuconfig
-> Component config
-> rosserial
->rosserial over WiFi using TCP
- Enter WiFi and server details
$ export ESPPORT=/dev/ttyUSB0
$ build flash
On a new terminal
$ roscore
On another new terminal
$ rosrun rosserial_python _baud:=11520
-- WiFi
$ rosrun rosserial_python tcp
On another new terminal
$ rostopic echo ack
On another new terminal
rostopic pub echo std_msgs/String "Hello World\!" --once