Alertmanager integrates with any charm that supports the
At the moment only one receiver per alertmanager deployment is supported, which can be one of:
- PagerDuty
- Pushover
- Webhook
By default, when alertmanager starts without user config, a dummy receiver is generated.
An example deployment with pushover may look as follows:
# deploy alertmanager, name it "am", and provide pushover credentials
juju deploy alertmanager-k8s am \
--config pushover::user_key=<your key> --config pushover::token=<your_token>
Configuration items are namespaced and key names match exactly the keys expected by alertmananger in alertmanager.yml.
Alertmanager is typically deployed together with prometheus:
juju deploy alertmanager-k8s am
juju deploy prometheus-k8s prom
juju relate am prom
which would relate the two charms over the alertmanager_dispatch
Scaling alertmanager would automatically update related instances of prometheus.
Karma provides a super slick dashboard for alertmanager. Check it out with:
juju deploy alertmanager-k8s am
juju deploy karma-k8s karma
juju relate am karma
which would relate the two charms over the karma_dashboard
Scaling alertmanager would automatically cause karma to group alerts by cluster.
The karma alertmanager proxy is intended for remote alertmanager deployments. This particular use-case is covered by that charm.