A more complete solution for deathrun servers. With flexibility and simplicity in mind.
##Installaion Simply download and compile. The config will be generated at /cfg/sourcemod/deathrun_doneright.cfg on load.
##Features (Current)
- Blocking Radio Commands
- Tracking of how many rounds since a player was T
- Queue System which has priority over random selection. Viewable from a menu.
- Disable plugin if its not a deathrun map (Ability to disable this feature included)
- Full blocking of changing to T team manually.
- Disable autoswitching based on players on server.
- Player can't be T consecutively unless allowed to. Not implemented yet..
- sm_queue Opens up main Queue menu.
- deathrundr_enable Enable or disable the Deathrun Done Right; 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
- deathrundr_check_maps Enable or disable the checking of whether or not the map is deathrun. 0 disabled, 1 - enabled
- deathrundr_rounds_as_t How many consecutive rounds can you play as T? Not implemented yet..
- deathrundr_block_radio Should radio commands be blocked? 0 disabled, 1 - enabled.
- deathrundr_enable_queue Enable or disable the T-queue implementation. 0 disabled, 1 - enabled.
##Features (Planned)
Queue systemAdded in v1.0- Priority System
Prevention of consecutive TingAdded in v1.0- Integrated timed respawns
- Optional 1v1 finish
- Rankings
- Rewarding the CT who kills the T (letting them be T next round).
###Credits bobbobagan's original Deathrun Plugin and databomb's CTBans Plugin. As well as the entire AlliedMods forum.