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Upgrading to Serenity.NET 5

This document outlines steps required to upgrade an existing Serenity .NET Core 3.1 based project (3.14.x) to Serenity.NET 5.0 (5.0.12)

If you have to not migrated from ASP.NET MVC to ASP.NET Core yet, please follow this document first:

ASP.NET MVC to Core Migration

Using Stargen

StartSharp customers may follow instructions in this document to use Stargen:

Editing Project File

Edit YourProject.csproj and change target framework:





If you are using GIT it is recommended to stage your changes on every step to be able to undo your changes if you make a mistake during following steps as we'll do many bulk operations.

Changes in Usage of Serenity as Submodule Case

If you use serenity as submodule instead nuget packages, you need update package reference, their condition paths paths and project reference paths.


<PackageReference Include="Serenity.Scripts" Version="3.14.5" />
<PackageReference Include="Serenity.Web" Version="3.14.5" Condition="!Exists('..\..\Serenity\Serenity.Core\Serenity.Core.csproj')" />
<PackageReference Include="Serenity.Web.Assets" Version="3.14.4" />


<PackageReference Include="Serenity.Scripts" Version="5.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Serenity.Web" Version="5.0.6" Condition="!Exists('..\..\Serenity\src\Serenity.Net.Core\Serenity.Net.Core.csproj')" />
<PackageReference Include="Serenity.Web.Assets" Version="3.14.4" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Data.SqlClient" Version="2.1.1" />


<ItemGroup Condition="Exists('..\..\Serenity\Serenity.Core\Serenity.Core.csproj')">
  <ProjectReference Include="..\..\Serenity\Serenity.Core\Serenity.Core.csproj" />
  <ProjectReference Include="..\..\Serenity\Serenity.Data.Entity\Serenity.Data.Entity.csproj" />
  <ProjectReference Include="..\..\Serenity\Serenity.Data\Serenity.Data.csproj" />
  <ProjectReference Include="..\..\Serenity\Serenity.Services\Serenity.Services.csproj" />
  <ProjectReference Include="..\..\Serenity\Serenity.Web\Serenity.Web.csproj" />


<ItemGroup Condition="Exists('..\..\Serenity\src\Serenity.Net.Core\Serenity.Net.Core.csproj')">
  <ProjectReference Include="..\..\Serenity\src\Serenity.Net.Core\Serenity.Net.Core.csproj" />
  <ProjectReference Include="..\..\Serenity\src\Serenity.Net.Entity\Serenity.Net.Entity.csproj" />
  <ProjectReference Include="..\..\Serenity\src\Serenity.Net.Data\Serenity.Net.Data.csproj" />
  <ProjectReference Include="..\..\Serenity\src\Serenity.Net.Services\Serenity.Net.Services.csproj" />
  <ProjectReference Include="..\..\Serenity\src\Serenity.Net.Web\Serenity.Net.Web.csproj" />


<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)Serenity\tools\Submodule\Serenity.Submodule.AspNetCore.targets" Condition="Exists('$(SolutionDir)Serenity\tools\Submodule\Serenity.Submodule.AspNetCore.targets')" />


<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)Serenity\build\submodule.targets" Condition="Exists('$(SolutionDir)Serenity\build\submodule.targets')" />

Changing References to Row with IRow interface

Serenity base Row class is replaced with a generic row class which implements new IRow interface so any references in your project to old Row class should be replaced with IRow.

It might be hard to replace all such references manually, so we'll use a trick to make Visual Studio do it for us automatically.

Create an empty .CS file in your project like RowTrick.cs:

namespace Serenity.Data
    public class Row 

Now put your editing cursor. onto Row word and press Ctrl+R+R or Ctrl+F2 (based on your editor shortcuts) or right click Row and click Rename... and type IRow then press Enter to apply changes.

Now you may delete RowTrick.cs file.

Changing base class of rows to Row<TRowFields>

As noted in previous section, base Row class is replaced with a generic row class Row<TRowFields> which provides a direct reference to a rows fields type.

So if you used to had:

public class MyRow : Row
    public class RowFields

You will need to replace it with:

public class MyRow : Row<MyRow.RowFields>
    public class RowFields

Again this might take too much time for a manual process, so let's use a Regex replace:

  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type class\s*([A-Za-z]*)Row\s*:\s*I?Row(\s*[^<]{1}) in Find input

  • Type class $1Row : Row<$1Row.RowFields>$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Save all open files if any

Removing Static RowFields Instance from Rows

We used to have a static RowFields instance named Fields in row classes which is no longer required as the base generic row class already have a correctly typed static Fields property with the same name.

This new design will open way to having different sets of fields for multi tenant row customization scenarios in the future.

  • Open Replace in Fields dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type [\r]?[\n]?[ \t]*public\s+static\s+readonly\s+RowFields\s+Fields\s*=\s*new\s+RowFields\(\)\.Init\(\);\r?\n in Find input

  • Clear Replace input value (empty string)

  • Click Replace All

Adding Row Constructors to Accept a RowFields Instance

Row constructors used to pass the static RowFields instance to base Row constructor like this:

public CustomerRow()
    : base(Fields)

As there is no longer a static Fields instance, we'll keep the default constructor removing the base call and also add a new constructor that accepts a RowFields instance.

  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type ([ \t]*public[ \t]* )([A-Za-z]*)Row\(\)([\s\r\n]*:[\s]*base\()Fields\)(\s*\{\s*\})([\r]?[\n]?) in Find input

  • Type $1$2Row()$4$5$5$1$2Row(RowFields fields)$3fields)$4$5 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Save all open files if any

Replacing IIdRow.IdField with [IdProperty] Attribute

In your rows you might you have IIdRow interface implemented like below:

// we will delete this
IIdField IIdRow.IdField
    get { return Fields.CustomerId; }

This interface is still there, but it does not have IdField property now.

We replaced it with [IdProperty] attribute as old explicit style made determining that field using reflection (without creating a row instance first) difficult.

You need to find all such rows by searching for IIdRow.IdField. Then take a note of IdField, delete the block and put a [IdProperty] attribute on corresponding property if required (read following paragraph).

Please note that if you only have one property with [Identity] attribute in your row class and it matches the ID property you don't need to put [IdProperty] explicitly. Same applies to [PrimaryKey] as long as it is just one.

Tip: Fields with [Identity] attribute implicitly has the PrimaryKey flag as it is a combination of AutoIncrement and PrimaryKey. If you have an auto increment field that is not a primary key, it should be marked with [AutoIncrement] not [Identity].

The order for precedence to determine the ID property is [IdProperty] => Single [Identity] => Single [PrimaryKey].

So if your ID property can't be determined by [Identity] or [PrimaryKey] attributes, or if you prefer to be explicit, add [IdProperty] like this:

[..., IdProperty] 
public Guid? CustomerId
    get { return Fields.CustomerId[this]; }
    set { Fields.CustomerId[this] = value; }

If you prefer to do it with search / replace again, here is the way (warning might be slow due to complexity of the regex):

  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type (\[[^\{\}]*)(\][\r\n\s]*public [A-Za-z0-9]+\?? )([A-Za-z]+)(\s*\r?\n+[\s\S\n]+)(\r?\n\s*IIdField\s*IIdRow.IdField[\s\r\n]*(\{[\r\n\s]*get[r\n\s]*\{[\r\n\s]*return|=>\s*) Fields.)(\3)([\s]*;([\r\n\s]*\}[\r\n\s]*\}|))\r?\n?\r?\n? in Find input

  • Type $1, IdProperty$2$3$4 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Save all open files if any

Replacing INameRow.NameField with [NameProperty] Attribute

Just like IIdRow, you may also you have INameRow interface implemented like below:

// we will delete this
StringField INameRow.NameField
    get { return Fields.CustomerName; }

Again, this interface is still there, but it does not have NameField property now.

We replaced it with [NameProperty] attribute as old explicit style made determining that field without creating a row instance first difficult, and it had to be a string field before.

You need to find all such rows by searching for INameRow.NameField. Then take a note of NameField, delete the block, and put a [NameProperty] attribute on corresponding property.

For the example above, CustomerName property will be like this:

[..., NameProperty] 
public String CustomerName
    get { return Fields.CustomerName[this]; }
    set { Fields.CustomerName[this] = value; }

If you prefer to do it with search / replace again, here is the way (warning might be slow due to complexity of the regex):

  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type (\[[^\{\}]*)(\][\r\n\s]*public [A-Za-z0-9]+\?? )([A-Za-z]+)(\s*\r?\n+[\s\S\n]+)(\r?\n\s*StringField\s*INameRow.NameField[\s\r\n]*(\{[\r\n\s]*get[r\n\s]*\{[\r\n\s]*return|=>\s*) Fields.)(\3)([\s]*;([\r\n\s]*\}[\r\n\s]*\}|))\r?\n? in Find input

  • Type $1, NameProperty$2$3$4 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Save all open files if any

Replacing IIdField References with Field

The IIdField interface is removed, and interfaces like IInsertLogRow and IUpdateLogRow uses Field instead of IIdField.

So if you had these (for example in LoggingRow.cs):

IIdField IInsertLogRow.InsertUserIdField
    get { return loggingFields.InsertUserId; }

IIdField IUpdateLogRow.UpdateUserIdField
    get { return loggingFields.UpdateUserId; }

Need to replace them with these:

Field IInsertLogRow.InsertUserIdField
    get { return loggingFields.InsertUserId; }

Field IUpdateLogRow.UpdateUserIdField
    get { return loggingFields.UpdateUserId; }
  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type (\s?)IIdField(\s+) in Find input

  • Type $1Field$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Save all open files if any

Using fields instead of Fields in Row Properties

The new static Fields instance in base Row class is resolved from a RowFieldsProvider for current thread context everytime it is accessed.

We used to have such properties in Row.cs:

public int? CountryID
    get { return Fields.CountryID[this]; }
    set { Fields.CountryID[this] = value; }

We need to replace Fields with fields as they might be different in rare cases (multi-tenant scenarios). Also it is much slower to access Fields than fields.

We'll replace them like below (also using new property syntax):

public int? CountryID
    get => fields.CountryID[this];
    set => fields.CountryID[this] = value;
  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type (^[\t ]*)(get|set)[ \t]*(\=\>|\{)[\t ]*(return|)[\t ]*F(ields\.[^\^;}]*)\;[\t ]*\}?[\t ]*\r?$ in Find input

  • Type $1$2 => f$5; in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Save all open files if any

Replacing Check.NotNull Calls

We used to have a helper class to check for nulls and empty strings etc. but Visual Studio analyzer still raised warnings even if you check for null using those helpers.

So, we decided to remove that class completely.

If you had a check like below:

Check.NotNull(request.Something, nameof(request.Something));

Replace it with:

if (request.Something == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request.Something));

Here is the search replace method that can do it:

  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type ([\t ]*)Check.NotNull\(([A-Za-z0-9\.]+),\s*([^\n\r]*)\);([\r]?\n) in Find input

  • Type

    $1if ($2 is null)$4$1    throw new ArgumentNullException($3);$4
    in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Replacing Check.NotNullOrEmpty Calls

  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type ([\t ]*)Check.NotNullOrEmpty\(([A-Za-z0-9\.]+),\s*([^\n\r]*)\);([\r]?\n) in Find input

  • Type

    $1if (string.IsNullOrEmpty($2))$4$1    throw new ArgumentNullException($3);$4
    in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Replacing Check.NotNullOrWhiteSpace Calls

  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type ([\t ]*)Check.NotNullOrWhiteSpace\(([A-Za-z0-9\.]+),\s*([^\n\r]*)\);([\r]?\n) in Find input

  • Type

    $1if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace($2))$4$1    throw new ArgumentNullException($3);$4
    in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Save all open files if any

Replacing request.CheckNotNull Calls

If you had a check like below:


Replace it with:

if (request is null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request));
  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type ([\t ]*)request.CheckNotNull\(\);([\r]?\n) in Find input

  • Type

    $1if (request is null)$2$1    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request));$2
    in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Save all open files if any

Add System Namespace to Files with Errors

You might get The type or namespace name 'ArgumentNullException'... after doing prior changes, so please add using System; to any file that you get that error in, for example SergenEndpoint.cs and UserPreferenceRepository.cs

Moving BackgroundJobManager.Settings Class Outside

If you have a project created from a recent StartSharp template, you may have a BackgroundJobManager.cs file like below:

            isDisabled = !Config.Get<Settings>().Enabled;

        public static void Register(IBackgroundJob task)

        [SettingScope("Application"), SettingKey("BackgroundJobs")]
        public class Settings
            public bool Enabled { get; set; }

The Settings class is a nested one, and we need to move it outside the BackgroundJobManager class, and rename it to BackgroundJobSettings:

            isDisabled = !Config.Get<BackgroundJobSettings>().Enabled;

        public static void Register(IBackgroundJob task)

    [SettingScope("Application"), SettingKey("BackgroundJobs")]
    public class BackgroundJobSettings
        public bool Enabled { get; set; }

Replacing SettingScope and SettingKey

Serenity applications used to have settings like following which are read through a special Config class when required:

[SettingScope("Application"), SettingKey("MyCustomKey")]
public class MyCustomSettings

We removed the Config class and will be using .NET Core configuration / options instead.

See following documents on how it works:

Previous class will be replaced with following:

[SettingScope("Application"), SettingKey("MyCustomKey")]
public class MyCustomSettings
    public const string ConfigurationPath = "AppSettings:MyCustomKey";
  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type [\t ]*\[[\t ]*(SettingScope\(.*\)\,|)[\t ]*SettingKey\("(.*)"\)\][\t ]*\r?\n[\s\r\n]*public class[\t ]*([A-Za-z0-9]*)[\t ]*(\r?\n)[\r\n]*([\t ]*)\{ in Find input

  • Type $5// services.Configure<$3>(Configuration.GetSection($3.SectionKey));$4$5public class $3$4$5{$4$5 public const string SectionKey = "$2";$4 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Now your setting class will turn into this:

// services.Configure<InstalledModuleSettings>(Configuration.GetSection(MyCustomSettings.SectionKey));
public class MyCustomSettings
    public const string SectionKey = "MyCustomKey";

Please copy the commented like (except //) and paste it inside Startup.cs -> ConfigureServices method:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

You may need to add the namespace for MyCustomSettings to usings in Startup.cs.

After that delete the commented line above MyCustomSettings.

And finally open appsettings.json file and move the setting inside AppSettings subsection to root:

    "AppSettings": {
        // ...before lines
        "MyCustomKey": {

        // ...after lines

should be replaced with:

    "AppSettings": {
        // ...before lines
        // ...after lines
    "MyCustomKey": {


Serenity used to keep its own settings under AppSettings: for historical reasons. This prefix is no longer used.

Repeat steps above for all settings classes you have.

Migrating EnvironmentSettings

As EnvironmentSettings class under Modules/Membership/Account/EnvironmentSettings.cs does not have SettingKey attribute, modify the class like below and repeat changes in appsettings.json and Startup.cs for it.

public class EnvironmentSettings
    public const string SectionKey = "EnvironmentSettings";

    public string SiteExternalUrl { get; set; }

Configuring Serenity Options

Just like we configured your custom settings with .NET options system in the last section, we also need to configure Serenity options.

Open Startup.cs file and add following under ConfigureServices method:

using Serenity.Data;
using Serenity.Web;

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Edit appsettings.json and move following out from AppSettings:

    "AppSettings": {
        // ...before lines
        "CssBundling": {
        "ScriptBundling": {
        "UploadSettings": {
        "LocalTextPackages": {
        // ...after lines

should be replaced with:

    "AppSettings": {
        // ...before lines
        // ...after lines
    "CssBundling": {
    "ScriptBundling": {
    "UploadSettings": {
    "LocalTextPackages": {

You may delete AppSettings key if nothing left under it after doing this.

Migrating LocalTextPackages Setting

LocalTextPackages determines the list of text bundles that are allowed to be sent to the browser. They used to be a list of prefixes:

"LocalTextPackages": {
    "Site": [
    "Login": [

In the new version, packages are defined as a simple regular expression instead of an array of prefixes, so the previous setting in appsettings.json should be replaced with following:

"LocalTextPackages": {
    "Site": "^(Controls|Db|Dialogs|Enums|Forms|Permission|Site|Validation)\\.",
    "Login": "^(Forms\\.Membership\\.Login|Db\\.Administration\\.User|Validation\\.Required|Dialogs)\\."

Simply put a ^( followed by previous prefixes separated by | then )\\., while . inside the prefixes should be replaced with \\.. If you haven't modified anything there, then just use our sample.

Migrating CssBundles.json and ScriptBundles.json to Options System

We used to have wwwroot/Scripts/site/ScriptBundles.json and wwwroot/Content/site/CssBundles.json files. These bundles are still there but needs to be migrated to .NET options. Their contents should be moved to relevant sections inside a appsettings.bundles.json file.

So if you have CssBundles.json file like this:

  "Libs": [
  // ...
  "Site": [
  // ...

and a ScriptBundles.json file like this:

    "Libs": [
    // ...
    "Site": [
    // ...

Create a appsettings.bundles.json file next to appsettings.json file and copy existing content under ScriptBundles.json and CssBundles.json like this:

  "CssBundling": {
    "Bundles": { // this part is from CssBundles.json
      "Libs": [
        // ...
      "Site": [
        // ...
  "ScriptBundling": {
    "Bundles": { // this part is from ScriptBundles.json
      "Libs": [
        // ...
      "Site": [
        // ...

Next we need to set this file as a JSON config source. Open Program.cs and add following line before appsettings.machine.json:

config.AddJsonFile("appsettings.machine.json", optional: true);

You may delete CssBundles.json and ScriptBundles.json afterwards.

Replacing Config.Get<TSettings> Calls

As noted in previous sections, Config class is removed and we'll be using .NET options pattern instead.

Unfortunately this is not something we can do simply with Search/Replace.

We'll list some samples below for your custom cases, and will show steps for DataExplorer, BackgroundJobManager in the following sections

If you were reading configuration in a Controller:

public class MyController : Controller
    public ActionResult SomeAction(...)
        var config = Config.Get<MyCustomSettings>();

You may replace it like this:

using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;

public class MyController : Controller
    public ActionResult SomeAction([FromServices] IOptions<MyCustomSettings> myCustomSettings...)
        var config = myCustomSettings.Value;

Or if you prefer constructor injection:

using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;

public class MyController : Controller
    MyCustomSettings myCustomSettings;

    public MyController(IOptions<MyCustomSettings> myCustomSettings)
        this.myCustomSettings = myCustomSettings.Value;

    public ActionResult SomeAction(...)
        var config = myCustomSettings;

If you are accessing the setting from a repository method you need to inject the configuration to the service endpoint (controller) using one of the methods shown above, and pass the setting to the constructor / method of your repository:

public class MyController : ServiceEndpoint
    public ServiceResponse SomeServiceCall(MyRequest serviceRequest, 
        [FromServices] IOptions<MyCustomSettings> myCustomSettings)
        return new MyRepository().SomeServiceCall(serviceRequest, myCustomSettings)

public class MyRepository
    public ServiceResponse SomeServiceCall(MyRequest serviceRequest, 
        IOptions<MyCustomSettings> myCustomSettings)
        // use myCustomSettings here

If you are accessing the setting from a view, and it is not possible to pass it from controller (layout page?), inject it like:

@model MyModel
@using Microsoft.Extensions.Options
@inject IOptions<MyCustomSettings> myCustomSettings
    @if (myCustomSettings?.Value.SomeFlag == true) 


Fixing Config.Get in DataExplorerEndpoint.cs

If you have DataExplorer sample in your StartSharp based project, do following steps in DataExplorerEndpoint.cs:

You may also get latest DataExplorerEndpoint.cs from StartSharp repository.

All replaces is given as regex as before, but should be applied only to the specified file.

  • Add using Microsoft.Extensions.Options after using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
  • Replace Request request\) with Request request, [FromServices] IOptions<DataExplorerConfig> options
  • Replace Config\.Get<DataExplorerConfig>\(\) with options.Value
  • Replace ListConnections\(new ListRequest\(\)\) with ListConnections(new ListRequest(), options)
  • Replace ConnectionKey \}\) with ConnectionKey }, options)

Fixing Config.Get in BackgroundJobManager.cs

If you have BackgroundJobManager in your project, do following in BackgroundJobManager.cs:

You may also get latest BackgroundJobManager.cs from StartSharp repository.

  • Add using Microsoft.Extensions.Options; and using Serenity.Abstractions;
  • Replace static with empty string.
  • Replace public class BackgroundJobManager with public class BackgroundJobManager : IBackgroundJobManager
  • Add private IExceptionLogger logger; after private bool isDisabled;
  • Replace BackgroundJobManager\(\) with public BackgroundJobManager(IOptions<BackgroundJobSettings> options, IExceptionLogger logger = null)
  • Replace Config.Get\<BackgroundJobSettings\>\(\)\.Enabled; with options.Value.Enabled; and add this.logger = logger; line after that.
  • Replace ex.Log\(\) with ex.Log(logger)

Add a IBackgroundJobManager.cs file with following content next to BackgroundJobManager.cs, replacing the namespace with yours:

namespace YourNamespace.Common.Services
    public interface IBackgroundJobManager
        void Initialize();
        void Register(IBackgroundJob task);
        void Reset();

Edit Startup.cs and do following steps:

  • Add services.AddSingleton<IBackgroundJobManager, BackgroundJobManager>(); after services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>(); line.

  • Add var backgroundJobManager = app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService<IBackgroundJobManager>(); before the first BackgroundManager.Register(...) line.

  • Replace BackgroundJobManager\. with backgroundJobManager.

Replacing EmailHelper with a IEmailSender Interface

We used to have an EmailHelper static class which makes testing difficult, so it will be replaced with an abstraction.

Delete Modules/Common/EmailHelper.cs file and create a Modules/Common/EmailSender folder with following files in it (replace namespace with your project namespace):

Warning! If you made any modifications to EmailHelper.cs, you need to apply your changes to new style manually

  • IEmailSender.cs:
using MimeKit;

namespace YourProject.Common
    public interface IEmailSender
        void Send(MimeMessage message, bool skipQueue = false);
  • SmtpSettings.cs:
namespace YourProject.Common
    public class SmtpSettings
        public const string SectionKey = "SmtpSettings";

        public string Host { get; set; }
        public int Port { get; set; }
        public bool UseSsl { get; set; }
        public string From { get; set; }
        public string PickupPath { get; set; }
  • EmailSender.cs:
using MailKit.Net.Smtp;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using MimeKit;
using Serenity.Data;
using YourProject.Common.Entities;
using YourProject.Common.Services;
using System;
using System.IO;

namespace YourProject.Common
    public class EmailSender : IEmailSender
        private IWebHostEnvironment host;
        private SmtpSettings smtp;
        // these three lines below are only for StartSharp with mail queue
        private MailingServiceSettings mailing; 
        private ISqlConnections connections;
        private IUserAccessor userAccessor;

        public EmailSender(IWebHostEnvironment host, IOptions<SmtpSettings> smtp,
            // below line is only for StartSharp with mail queue
            IOptions<MailingServiceSettings> mailing, ISqlConnections connections, IUserAccessor userAccessor) 
   = (host ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(host)));
            this.smtp = (smtp ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(smtp))).Value;
            // three lines below only for StartSharp with mail queue
            this.mailing = (mailing ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mailing))).Value;
            this.connections = connections ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connections));
            this.userAccessor = userAccessor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(userAccessor));

        public void Send(MimeMessage message, bool skipQueue)
            if (message == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message));

            if (message.From.Count == 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(smtp.From))

            // this first if block is only for StartSharp with mail queue
            if (!skipQueue && mailing.AutoUse)
                using (var connection = connections.NewFor<MailRow>())
                    new MailingService().Enqueue(connection, message, userAccessor);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smtp.Host))
                using var client = new SmtpClient();
                client.Connect(smtp.Host, smtp.Port, smtp.UseSsl);
                var pickupPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(smtp.PickupPath) ?
                    Path.Combine(host.ContentRootPath, "App_Data", "Mail") : 
                    Path.Combine(host.ContentRootPath, smtp.PickupPath);
                if (!Directory.Exists(pickupPath))
                message.WriteTo(Path.Combine(pickupPath, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_fff") + ".eml"));
  • EmailSenderExtensions.cs:
using MimeKit;
using System;

namespace YourProject.Common
    public static class EmailSenderExtensions
        public static void Send(this IEmailSender emailSender, string subject, string body, string mailTo)
            var message = new MimeMessage();
            if (mailTo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mailTo));
            message.Subject = subject;
            var bodyBuilder = new BodyBuilder
                HtmlBody = body
            message.Body = bodyBuilder.ToMessageBody();
  • Register IEmailSender as Singleton Service in Startup.cs:
services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();
services.AddSingleton<Common.IEmailSender, Common.EmailSender>();

Fixing MailingService

If you have StartSharp mail queue feature, do following changes:

  • Add using Serenity.Abstractions;
  • Add a IUserAccessor parameter to Enqueue method:
public void Enqueue(IDbConnection connection, MimeMessage message, IUserAccessor userAccessor, Guid? uid = null)
    mail.InsertUserId = userAccessor?.User.GetIdentifier() == null ? (int?)null : 
  • Add two parameters to SendById method:
public bool SendById(IDbConnection connection, long mailId, IEmailSender emailSender, int retryLimit)
  • Change the try catch block inside SendById method like this:
        var message = BuildMessage(mail);
    catch (Exception ex)
        errorMessage = ex.Message;
        status = retryCount < retryLimit ? MailStatus.InQueue : MailStatus.Failed;

Fixing MailingBackgroundJob

If you have StartSharp mailing background job, do following changes in MailingBackgroundJob.cs:

  • Add using Serenity.Abstractions; and using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
  • Add following fields and constructor:
public class MailingBackgroundJob : PeriodicBackgroundJob
    private readonly ISqlConnections connections;
    private readonly IEmailSender emailSender;
    private readonly MailingServiceSettings config;
    private readonly IExceptionLogger logger;

    public MailingBackgroundJob(ISqlConnections connections, IEmailSender emailSender, 
        IOptions<MailingServiceSettings> options, IExceptionLogger logger = null)
        this.connections = connections ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connections));
        this.emailSender = emailSender ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(emailSender));
        config = (options ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options))).Value;
        this.logger = logger;
  • Remove two var config = Config.Get<MailingServiceSettings>(); lines
  • Replace SqlConnections.NewFor with connections.NewFor
  • Replace ex.Log() with ex.Log(logger)
  • Replace new MailingService().SendById(connection, mail.MailId.Value); with new MailingService().SendById(connection, mail.MailId.Value, emailSender, config.RetryLimit);

Edit Startup.cs:

  • Replace new MailingBackgroundJob() with ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<MailingBackgroundJob>(app.ApplicationServices)

Removing Serenity.Configuration Namespace

No such namespace exists anymore, so we need to delete any references to it:

  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type using Serenity\.Configuration\;[\t ]*\r?\n in Find input

  • Clear value in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Replace Serenity.Extensibility Namespace with Serenity.ComponentModel

NestedPermissions and NestedLocalTexts in Serenity.Extensibility namespace are moved to Serenity.ComponentModel namespace.

  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type using Serenity\.Extensibility\;(\t ]*\r?\n) in Find input

  • Type using Serenity.ComponentModel$1 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

There might be double usings for Serenity.ComponentModel after this in some files like Startup.cs, please remove one.

Using BaseRepository and IRequestContext in Repositories

We have a new IRequestContext class declared like below which you can inject into your repositories, handlers, controllers and other kinds of classes.

public interface IRequestContext
    IBehaviorProvider Behaviors { get; }
    ITwoLevelCache Cache { get; }
    ITextLocalizer Localizer { get; }
    IPermissionService Permissions { get; }
    ClaimsPrincipal User { get; }

This interface simply contains references to minimum set of services that repositories, request handlers and endpoints might need in a Serenity application:

  • Behaviors: Provides access to service behaviors, mostly used by request handlers
  • Cache: ITwoLevelCache instance which also provides access to MemoryCache and DistributedCache services
  • Localizer: Text localizer (required for LocalText to string conversion)
  • Permissions: Access to permission service
  • User: Provides access to current user (HttpContext.User in web contexts)

We could inject these services into your repositories / handlers separately but this design allows us to add new services to this interface in the future if required without breaking your code. As .NET dependency injection only supports Constructor Injection by default, if we had to add these as separate constructor injection arguments, you would have to change all your derived constructors if we decide to add a new required interface to our base constructors.

We also created a base repository class that accepts a IRequestContext parameter and provides access to these services as properties of itself.

public class BaseRepository
    public BaseRepository(IRequestContext context)
        Context = context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));

    protected IRequestContext Context { get; }
    protected ITextLocalizer Localizer => Context.Localizer;
    protected IPermissionService Permissions => Context.Permissions;
    protected ClaimsPrincipal User => Context.User;

We are now going to set this as base class for all your existing repositories:

  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type ([\t ]*)public[\t ]+class[\t ]+([A-Za-z0-9_]*)Repository[\t ]*(\r?\n|)[\t ]*\{ in Find input

  • Type $1public class $2Repository : BaseRepository$3$1{$3$1$1public $2Repository(IRequestContext context)$3$1$1$1 : base(context)$3$1$1{$3$1$1}$3 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Handling UserRepository

If your UserRepository is a partial class it will not be handled by previous regex, so need to manually add the constructor:

Partial repositories might have multiple files and including them in previous regex would create multiple constructors, which would be invalid.

Open UserRepository.cs and modify it like below:

public partial class UserRepository : BaseRepository
    public UserRepository(IRequestContext context)
        : base(context)

    // ...

Adding a constructor that accepts IRequestContext to Request Handlers

Just like we added a constructor that accepts IRequestContext for repositories, we need to do it for RequestHandlers.

You should have classes like below in your repositories:

private class MySaveHandler : SaveRequestHandler<MyRow> 


They now need a constructor with IRequestContext parameter as all base request handlers have one.

private class MySaveHandler : SaveRequestHandler<MyRow> 
    public MySaveHandler(IRequestContext context)
        : base(context)

First do it for handlers that are not empty:

  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type ([\t ]*)(private|public)[\t ]+class[\t ]+My(Save|Retrieve|List|Delete|Undelete)Handler[\t ]*\:[\t ]*(\3)RequestHandler(\<[A-Za-z\.\, \t]+\>)[\t ]*\{?[\t ]*(\r?\n)[\t\r\s]*\{ in Find input

  • Type

    $1$2 class My$3Handler : $3RequestHandler$5$6$1{$6$1    public My$3Handler(IRequestContext context)$6$1$1 : base(context)$6$1    {$6$1    }$6
    in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Now will repeat it for empty handlers:

  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type ([\t ]*)(private|public)[\t ]+class[\t ]+My(Save|Retrieve|List|Delete|Undelete)Handler[\t ]*\:[\t ]*(\3)RequestHandler(\<[A-Za-z\.\, \t]+\>)[\t ]*\{?[\t ]*\}[\t ]*(\r?\n)([\t\r\s]*\n)? in Find input

  • Type

    $1$2 class My$3Handler : $3RequestHandler$5$6$1{$6$1    public My$3Handler(IRequestContext context)$6$1$1 : base(context)$6$1    {$6$1    }$6$1}$6$6
    in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Pass Context to Handler Constructors

As all handlers now requires a context parameter, need to pass it to them, so all calls like this:

new MySaveHandler().Process(uow, request, SaveRequestType.Create);

will be replaced with:

new MySaveHandler(Context).Process(uow, request, SaveRequestType.Create);
  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type new[\t ]*My(Save|Retrieve|List|Delete|Undelete)Handler[\t ]*\([\t ]*\)

  • Type

    new My$1Handler(Context)
    in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Passing Context to Repository Constructors

As all repositories now requires a context parameter, need to pass it to them, so all calls like this:

new MyRepository().Create(uow, request);

will be replaced with:

new MyRepository(Context).Create(uow, request);
  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type new[\t ]*([A-Za-z0-9_]*)Repository[\t ]*\([\t ]*\)

  • Type

    new $1Repository(Context)
    in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Getting IRequestContext Instance in Ordinary Pages

Service endpoints deriving from ServiceEndpoint base class (XyzEndpoint.cs) automatically has a reference to Context so the previous change we made for repository constructors will work with them, but ordinary controllers don't have that property.

So you'll need to use constructor injection / [FromServices] attribute like we did for options if you are creating a repository in any of Page.cs files:

public ActionResult MyAction([FromServices] IRequestContext context)
    // ...
    var result = new MyRepository(context).Something();
    // ...

Fixing LoggingRow and Derived Rows

If you are using LoggingRow sample:

public abstract class LoggingRow : Row<LoggingRow.RowFields>, ILoggingRow
    protected LoggingRow(RowFieldsBase fields)
        : base(fields)

Modify it like below:

public abstract class LoggingRow<TFields> : Row<TFields>, ILoggingRow
        where TFields : LoggingRowFields
    protected LoggingRow(TFields fields) : base(fields) { }
    protected LoggingRow() : base() { }

    [NotNull, Insertable(false), Updatable(false)]
    public Int32? InsertUserId 
        get => fields.InsertUserId[this]; 
        set => fields.InsertUserId[this] = value; 

    [NotNull, Insertable(false), Updatable(false)]
    public DateTime? InsertDate
        get => fields.InsertDate[this]; 
        set => fields.InsertDate[this] = value; 

    [Insertable(false), Updatable(false)]
    public Int32? UpdateUserId 
        get => fields.UpdateUserId[this]; 
        set => fields.UpdateUserId[this] = value; 

    [Insertable(false), Updatable(false)]
    public DateTime? UpdateDate 
        get => fields.UpdateDate[this]; 
        set => fields.UpdateDate[this] = value; 

    Field IInsertLogRow.InsertUserIdField => fields.InsertUserId;
    Field IUpdateLogRow.UpdateUserIdField => fields.UpdateUserId;
    DateTimeField IInsertLogRow.InsertDateField => fields.InsertDate;
    DateTimeField IUpdateLogRow.UpdateDateField => fields.UpdateDate;

public class LoggingRowFields : RowFieldsBase
    public Int32Field InsertUserId;
    public DateTimeField InsertDate;
    public Int32Field UpdateUserId;
    public DateTimeField UpdateDate;

    public LoggingRowFields(string tableName = null, string fieldPrefix = null)
        : base(tableName, fieldPrefix)

And if you have a row that derives from LoggingRow:

public class SomeRow : LoggingRow, IIdRow
    public class SomeFields : LoggingRow.LoggingRowFields 

It should become:

public class SomeRow : LoggingRow<SomeRow.RowFields>, IIdRow
    public class RowFields : LoggingRowFields 
  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type class\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]*)Row\s*:\s*([A-Za-z0-9_.]*)LoggingRow\s*[^<]

  • Type

    class $1Row : $2LoggingRow<$1Row.RowFields>,
    in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type class\s*RowFields\s*:\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)LoggingRow\.LoggingRowFields in Find input

  • Type

    class RowFields : $1LoggingRowFields
    in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Replacing IAuthorizationService with IUserAccessor

IAuthorizationService interface which was used to access current user is removed and needs to be replaced with IUserAccessor interface which does a similar work but more compatible with ASP.NET Core authentication system.

services.AddSingleton<IAuthorizationService, AuthorizationService>();

AuthorizationService class in under Initialization folder should be removed and you can use Serenity.Web.HttpContextUserAccessor instead:

services.AddSingleton<IUserAccessor, Serenity.Web.HttpContextUserAccessor>();

If you also need impersonation support, you should use following class instead:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Serenity.Abstractions;
using Serenity.Web;
using System.Security.Claims;

public class UserAccessor : IUserAccessor, IImpersonator
    private ImpersonatingUserAccessor impersonator;

    public UserAccessor(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
        impersonator = new ImpersonatingUserAccessor(new HttpContextUserAccessor(httpContextAccessor), 
            new HttpContextItemsAccessor(httpContextAccessor));

    public ClaimsPrincipal User => impersonator.User;

    public void Impersonate(ClaimsPrincipal user)

    public void UndoImpersonate()

// Startup.cs
services.AddSingleton<IUserAccessor, UserAccessor>();

Remove References to Dependency

We use .NET dependency injection and there is no longer a Dependency class, so remove this line in Startup.cs:

Dependency.SetResolver(new DependencyResolver(app.ApplicationServices));

And remove DependencyResolver class under Initialization folder.

Also if you use Dependency.Resolve anywhere, replace those calls with constructor injection, or [FromServices] attribute.

Replacing SelfAssemblies with ITypeSource

Serenity apps used to hold a ExtensibilityHelper.SelfAssemblies array, which was used to find types used by Serenity like forms, lookup scripts etc. but it is now removed and will be replaced with an ITypeSource abstraction.

So given the code below in Startup.cs:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env, 
    ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IAntiforgery antiforgery)
    Serenity.Extensibility.ExtensibilityHelper.SelfAssemblies = 
        new System.Reflection.Assembly[]

It should be moved to start of ConfigureServices method and replaced with a ITypeSource service registration.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddSingleton<ITypeSource>(new DefaultTypeSource(new[] 

Fixing Local Text Initialization

Text registration block in Startup.cs:

public static void InitializeLocalTexts(ILocalTextRegistry textRegistry,       
    IWebHostEnvironment env)
        "Scripts/serenity/texts".Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)));
        "Scripts/site/texts".Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)));
        "App_Data/texts".Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)));

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env, 
    ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IAntiforgery antiforgery)
    var textRegistry = app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService<ILocalTextRegistry>();
    InitializeLocalTexts(textRegistry, env);

should be replaced with this:

public static void InitializeLocalTexts(IServiceProvider services)
    var env = services.GetRequiredService<IWebHostEnvironment>();

        Path.Combine(env.WebRootPath, "Scripts", "serenity", "texts"),
        Path.Combine(env.WebRootPath, "Scripts", "site", "texts"),
        Path.Combine(env.ContentRootPath, "App_Data", "texts")

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env, 
    ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IAntiforgery antiforgery)
    // ...

And if you have this line in TranslationRepository.cs:

public SaveResponse Update(TranslationUpdateRequest request)
    // ...

Replace it with:

public SaveResponse Update(TranslationUpdateRequest request, IServiceProvider services)
    // ...

And in TranslationEndpoint.cs:

public SaveResponse Update(TranslationUpdateRequest request)
    return new MyRepository(Context).Update(request, HttpContext.RequestServices);

Replacing Old IRequestContext Registration

If you have this line in Startup.cs:

services.AddSingleton<IRequestContext, Serenity.Web.RequestContext>();

Replace it with:

services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextItemsAccessor, HttpContextItemsAccessor>();

If you don't have that line but used a UserAccessor with impersonation support you still need to add it before registering the user accessor:

services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextItemsAccessor, HttpContextItemsAccessor>();
services.AddSingleton<IUserAccessor, Administration.UserAccessor>();

Fixing BatchGenerationUpdater Calls

  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Look in is Current project, Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is checked.

  • Type BatchGenerationUpdater\.OnCommit\((uow|this\.UnitOfWork|UnitOfWork),\s*(.*).GenerationKey\)

  • Type Cache.InvalidateOnCommit($1, $2) in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Replacing Authorization.HasPermission Calls

Static Authorization class is removed and calls like below:




where Permissions is a reference to IPermissionService.

Handlers, repositories and service endpoints already has this property, but if you need it somewhere else (e.g. ordinary Controller), you need to use constructor injection / [FromServices] attribute.

public ActionResult MyAction(...
    [FromServices] IPermissionService permissions) 
  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type Authorization\.HasPermission\(([A-Za-z\."]*)\) in Find input

  • Type Permissions.HasPermission($1) in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Replacing Authorization.ValidatePermission Calls

Static Authorization class is removed and calls like below:




where Permissions is a reference to IPermissionService while Localizer is a reference to ITextLocalizer.

Handlers, repositories and service endpoints already has these properties, but if you need it somewhere else (e.g. ordinary Controller), you need to use constructor injection / [FromServices] attribute like this:

public ActionResult MyAction(...
    [FromServices] IPermissionService permissions, [FromServices] ITextLocalizer localizer) 
    permissions.ValidatePermission("SomePermission", localizer);
  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type Authorization\.ValidatePermission\(([^\r\n]+)\); in Find input

  • Type Permissions.ValidatePermission($1, Localizer); in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type Serenity\.Permissions in Find input

  • Type Permissions.ValidatePermission($1, Localizer); in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Replacing TwoLevelCache.ExpireGroupItems Calls

  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type TwoLevelCache\.ExpireGroupItems in Find input

  • Type Cache.ExpireGroupItems in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Replacing TwoLevelCache.Get and TwoLevelCache.GetLocalStoreOnly Calls

  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type TwoLevelCache\.Get in Find input

  • Type Cache.Get in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Replacing TwoLevelCache.Remove Calls

  • Type TwoLevelCache\.Remove in Find input

  • Type Cache.Remove in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Remove DetailListSaveHandler

There was a DetailListSaveHandler class that was used before MasterDetailRelation behavior was written, so you should delete Modules/Common/Helpers/DetailListSaveHandler.cs

Replacing IdField Indexers and NotesBehavior.cs

As ID fields can now be any field, and there is no IIdField interface anymore, you should replace idField[row] calls with idField.AsObject.

Such an access is available in NotesBehavior (note that Notes behavior still expects integer ID fields).

Edit Modules/Northwind/Note/NotesBehavior.cs:

  • Add following constructor and properties to NotesBehavior:
public IRequestContext Context { get; }
public ISqlConnections SqlConnections { get; }

public NotesBehavior(IRequestContext context, ISqlConnections sqlConnections)
    Context = context ?? 
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
    SqlConnections = sqlConnections ?? 
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sqlConnections));
  • Replace idField\[handler\.Row\](\s) with idField.AsObject(handler.Row)$1

  • Replace ([A-Za-z]*dField)\[([A-Za-z\.]*)]\.Value with Convert.ToInt64($1.AsObject($2))

  • Replace rowIdField\[item\] with rowIdField.AsObject(item)

  • Replace id\.Value with Convert.ToInt64(id)

Fixing UserPermissionService

Take latest version of PermissionService.cs from StartSharp / Serene repository, or do following changes:

  • Add following constructor and properties:
protected ITwoLevelCache Cache { get; }
protected ISqlConnections SqlConnections { get; }
public ITypeSource TypeSource { get; }
protected IUserAccessor UserAccessor { get; }

public PermissionService(ITwoLevelCache cache, ISqlConnections sqlConnections, 
    ITypeSource typeSource, IUserAccessor userAccessor)
    Cache = cache ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cache));
    SqlConnections = sqlConnections ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sqlConnections));
    TypeSource = typeSource ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(typeSource));
    UserAccessor = userAccessor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(userAccessor));
  • Change start of HasPermission method like this:
public bool HasPermission(string permission)
    if (Authorization.Username == "admin")
    if (permission == null)
        return false;

    if (permission == "*")
        return true;

    var user = (UserDefinition)Authorization.UserDefinition;
    if (user == null)
    var isLoggedIn = UserAccessor.IsLoggedIn();

    if (permission == "?")
        return isLoggedIn;

    if (!isLoggedIn)
        return false;

    var username = UserAccessor.User?.Identity?.Name;
    if (username == "admin")
        return true;

    var userId = Convert.ToInt32(UserAccessor.User.GetIdentifier());
    // only admin has Impersonation...
  • Replace user\.UserId with userId

  • If have implicit permissions feature (StartSharp) replace new Repositories\.UserPermissionRepository\(\)\.ImplicitPermissions with UserPermissionRepository.GetImplicitPermissions(Cache.Memory, TypeSource); and change the code for ImplicitPermissions property in UserPermissionRepository:

public static Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> GetImplicitPermissions(
    IMemoryCache memoryCache, ITypeSource typeSource)
    // ...

  • Replace LocalCache\.Get with memoryCache.Get in GetImplicitPermissions
  • Replace the code block that enumerates ExtensibilityHelper.SelfAssemblies like
foreach (var type in typeSource.GetTypesWithAttribute(

You may also get latest code from StartSharp

Handling LocalText to String Conversion

We were able to simply pass a LocalText object to any method that requires a string, and it was automatically translated:

String.Format(Texts.Validation.MinRequiredPasswordLength, 5)

Unfortunately that is no longer possible as translation requires a localization context:

String.Format(Texts.Validation.MinRequiredPasswordLength.ToString(Localizer), 5);

Localizer is an ITextLocalizer object which is available in repositories, and service endpoints but should be injected in other contexts.

  • Open Replace in Files dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+Shift+H

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type Texts\.([A-Za-z_.]*)([\s,;\<\r\n)]) in Find input

  • Type Texts.$1.ToString(Localizer)$2 in Replace input

  • Make sure File Types is *.cshtml; *.cs

  • Click Replace All

  • Type Texts\.([A-Za-z_.]*)\.ToString\(\) in Find input

  • Type Texts.$1.ToString(Localizer) in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Handling LocalText.Get Calls

All calls like following:


should be replaced with

  • Type (Serenity\.)?LocalText\.(Get|TryGet)\((["A-Za-z_\.]+)\) in Find input

  • Type Localizer.$2($3) in Replace input

  • Make sure File Types is *.cshtml; *.cs

  • Click Replace All

Injecting Localizer to CSHTML Files

Find all .CSHTML files which needs Localizer service to get injected with searching following regex in *.cshtml files:


Add this line after @model directive if exists, or as the first line:

@model XYZ
@inject Serenity.ITextLocalizer Localizer

Inject Localizer to AccountPage

Add this property and constructor to AccountController.cs as Localizer is required in many files:

protected ITextLocalizer Localizer { get; }

public AccountController(ITextLocalizer localizer)
    Localizer = localizer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(localizer));

Fixing TranslationRepository and TranslationEndpoint

Get them from latest StartSharp / Serene repo or do following changes:

  • Modify TranslationEndpoint like below:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Serenity.Abstractions;
using Serenity.Services;
using System;
using MyRepository = StartSharp.Administration.Repositories.TranslationRepository;

namespace StartSharp.Administration.Endpoints
    public class TranslationController : ServiceEndpoint
        protected IWebHostEnvironment HostEnvironment { get; }
        protected ILocalTextRegistry LocalTextRegistry { get; }
        protected ITypeSource TypeSource { get; }

        public TranslationController(IWebHostEnvironment hostEnvironment,
            ILocalTextRegistry localTextRegistry, ITypeSource typeSource)
            HostEnvironment = hostEnvironment ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hostEnvironment));
            LocalTextRegistry = localTextRegistry ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(localTextRegistry));
            TypeSource = typeSource ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(typeSource));

        private MyRepository NewRepository()
            return new MyRepository(Context, HostEnvironment, LocalTextRegistry, TypeSource);

        public ListResponse<TranslationItem> List(TranslationListRequest request)
            return NewRepository().List(request);

        public SaveResponse Update(TranslationUpdateRequest request)
            return NewRepository().Update(request, HttpContext.RequestServices);
  • Modify TranslationRepository constructor and GetUserTextsFilePath:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
protected IWebHostEnvironment HostEnvironment { get; }
protected ILocalTextRegistry LocalTextRegistry { get; }
protected ITypeSource TypeSource { get; }

public TranslationRepository(IRequestContext context, IWebHostEnvironment hostEnvironment, 
    ILocalTextRegistry localTextRegistry, ITypeSource typeSource)
        : base(context)
    HostEnvironment = hostEnvironment;
    LocalTextRegistry = localTextRegistry;
    TypeSource = typeSource;

public static string GetUserTextsFilePath(IWebHostEnvironment hostEnvironment, string languageID)
    return Path.Combine(hostEnvironment.ContentRootPath, "App_Data", "texts", 
        "user.texts." + (languageID.TrimToNull() ?? "invariant") + ".json");
  • Replace GetUserTextsFilePath\(targetLanguageID\) with GetUserTextsFilePath(HostEnvironment, targetLanguageID)
  • Replace JsonConfigHelper\.LoadConfig\<Dictionary\<string, JToken\>\>\(textsFilePath\) with JSON.Parse<Dictionary<string, JToken>>(File.ReadAllText(textsFilePath))
  • Remove var registry = Dependency.Resolve<ILocalTextRegistry>();
  • Replace GetAllAvailableLocalTextKeys like following:
public HashSet<string> GetAllAvailableLocalTextKeys()
    var result = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

    foreach (NavigationItemAttribute attr in TypeSource.GetAssemblyAttributes<NavigationItemAttribute>())
        result.Add("Navigation." + (attr.Category.IsEmptyOrNull() ? "" : attr.Category + "/") + attr.Title);

    foreach (var type in TypeSource.GetTypesWithAttribute(typeof(FormScriptAttribute)))
        var attr = type.GetAttribute<FormScriptAttribute>();
        foreach (var member in type.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public))
            var category = member.GetCustomAttribute<CategoryAttribute>();
            if (category != null && !category.Category.IsEmptyOrNull())
                result.Add("Forms." + attr.Key + ".Categories." + category.Category);

    var repository = LocalTextRegistry as LocalTextRegistry;
    if (repository != null)

    return result;
  • Replace Dependency\.Resolve\<ILocalTextRegistry\>\(\) as LocalTextRegistry with LocalTextRegistry as LocalTextRegistry
  • Replace \(localTextRegistry as IRemoveAll\)\?\.RemoveAll\(\) with (LocalTextRegistry as IRemoveAll)?.RemoveAll()
  • Replace DynamicScriptManager\.Reset\(\) with services.GetService<IDynamicScriptManager>()?.Reset()

Handling AccountPage, UserPasswordValidator and Related Code

Find the following line:

services.AddSingleton<IAuthenticationService, Administration.AuthenticationService>();

and replace with

services.AddSingleton<Administration.IUserPasswordValidator, Administration.UserPasswordValidator>();

Find and delete in the following file:

  • Modules/Administration/User/Authentication/AuthenticationService.cs

Add new 3 files:

  • Modules/Administration/User/Authentication/UserPasswordValidator.cs
namespace StartSharp.Administration
    public interface IUserPasswordValidator
        PasswordValidationResult Validate(ref string username, string password);
  • Modules/Administration/User/Authentication/PasswordValidationResult.cs
namespace StartSharp.Administration
    public enum PasswordValidationResult
  • Modules/Administration/User/Authentication/UserPasswordValidator.cs
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Serenity;
using Serenity.Abstractions;
using Serenity.Data;
using StartSharp.Administration.Entities;
using StartSharp.Administration.Repositories;
using System;

namespace StartSharp.Administration
    public class UserPasswordValidator : IUserPasswordValidator
        public UserPasswordValidator(ITwoLevelCache cache, ISqlConnections sqlConnections, 
            IUserRetrieveService userRetriever, 
            ILogger<UserPasswordValidator> log = null, 
            IDirectoryService directoryService = null)
            Cache = cache ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cache));
            SqlConnections = sqlConnections ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sqlConnections));
            UserRetriever = userRetriever ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(userRetriever));
            DirectoryService = directoryService;
            Log = log;

        protected ITwoLevelCache Cache { get; }
        public ISqlConnections SqlConnections { get; }
        protected IUserRetrieveService UserRetriever { get; }
        protected IDirectoryService DirectoryService { get; }
        protected ILogger<UserPasswordValidator> Log { get; }

        public PasswordValidationResult Validate(ref string username, string password)
            if (username.IsTrimmedEmpty())
                return PasswordValidationResult.EmptyUsername;

            if (password.IsEmptyOrNull())
                return PasswordValidationResult.EmptyPassword;

            username = username.TrimToEmpty();

            if (UserRetriever.ByUsername(username) is UserDefinition user)
                return ValidateExistingUser(ref username, password, user);

            return ValidateFirstTimeUser(ref username, password);

        private PasswordValidationResult ValidateExistingUser(ref string username, string password, UserDefinition user)
            username = user.Username;

            if (user.IsActive != 1)
                Log?.LogError("Inactive user login attempt: {0}", username);
                return PasswordValidationResult.InactiveUser;

            // prevent more than 50 invalid login attempts in 30 minutes
            var throttler = new Throttler(Cache.Memory, "ValidateUser:" + username.ToLowerInvariant(), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30), 50);
            if (!throttler.Check())
                return PasswordValidationResult.Throttle;

            Func<bool> validatePassword = () => UserRepository.CalculateHash(password, user.PasswordSalt)
                .Equals(user.PasswordHash, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (user.Source == "site" || user.Source == "sign" || DirectoryService == null)
                if (validatePassword())
                    return PasswordValidationResult.Valid;

                return PasswordValidationResult.Invalid;

            if (user.Source != "ldap")
                return PasswordValidationResult.UnknownSource;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.PasswordHash) &&
                user.LastDirectoryUpdate != null &&
                user.LastDirectoryUpdate.Value.AddHours(1) >= DateTime.Now)
                if (validatePassword())
                    return PasswordValidationResult.Valid;

                return PasswordValidationResult.Invalid;

            DirectoryEntry entry;
                entry = DirectoryService.Validate(username, password);
                if (entry == null)
                    return PasswordValidationResult.Invalid;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Log?.LogError(ex, "Error on directory access");

                // couldn't access directory. allow user to login with cached password
                if (!user.PasswordHash.IsTrimmedEmpty())
                    if (validatePassword())
                        return PasswordValidationResult.Valid;

                    return PasswordValidationResult.Invalid;


                string salt = user.PasswordSalt.TrimToNull();
                var hash = UserRepository.GenerateHash(password, ref salt);
                var displayName = entry.FirstName + " " + entry.LastName;
                var email = entry.Email.TrimToNull() ?? user.Email ?? (username + "");

                using (var connection = SqlConnections.NewFor<UserRow>())
                using (var uow = new UnitOfWork(connection))
                    var fld = UserRow.Fields;
                    new SqlUpdate(fld.TableName)
                        .Set(fld.DisplayName, displayName)
                        .Set(fld.PasswordHash, hash)
                        .Set(fld.PasswordSalt, salt)
                        .Set(fld.Email, email)
                        .Set(fld.LastDirectoryUpdate, DateTime.Now)
                        .WhereEqual(fld.UserId, user.UserId)
                        .Execute(connection, ExpectedRows.One);


                    UserRetrieveService.RemoveCachedUser(Cache, user.UserId, username);

                return PasswordValidationResult.Valid;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log?.LogError(ex, "Error while updating directory user");
                return PasswordValidationResult.Valid;

        private PasswordValidationResult ValidateFirstTimeUser(ref string username, string password)
            var throttler = new Throttler(Cache.Memory, "ValidateUser:" + username.ToLowerInvariant(), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30), 50);
            if (!throttler.Check())
                return PasswordValidationResult.Throttle;

            if (DirectoryService == null)
                return PasswordValidationResult.Invalid;

            DirectoryEntry entry;
                entry = DirectoryService.Validate(username, password);
                if (entry == null)
                    return PasswordValidationResult.Invalid;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Log?.LogError(ex, "Error on directory first time authentication");
                return PasswordValidationResult.DirectoryError;

                string salt = null;
                var hash = UserRepository.GenerateHash(password, ref salt);
                var displayName = entry.FirstName + " " + entry.LastName;
                var email = entry.Email.TrimToNull() ?? (username + "");
                username = entry.Username.TrimToNull() ?? username;

                using (var connection = SqlConnections.NewFor<UserRow>())
                using (var uow = new UnitOfWork(connection))
                    var userId = (int)connection.InsertAndGetID(new UserRow
                        Username = username,
                        Source = "ldap",
                        DisplayName = displayName,
                        Email = email,
                        PasswordHash = hash,
                        PasswordSalt = salt,
                        IsActive = 1,
                        InsertDate = DateTime.Now,
                        InsertUserId = 1,
                        LastDirectoryUpdate = DateTime.Now


                    UserRetrieveService.RemoveCachedUser(Cache, userId, username);

                return PasswordValidationResult.Valid;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log?.LogError(ex, "Error while importing directory user");
                return PasswordValidationResult.DirectoryError;

Sergen Tool Update

Open command line in your project directory and run following:

dotnet tool update sergen

Fix SmtpSettings

.NET options does not like converting nulls to default values when the target is not nullable so fix the SmtpSettings in appsettings.json file (port and usessl, and pickuppath parts) like following (or apply your valid settings):

"SmtpSettings": {
    "Host": null,
    "Port": null,
    "UseSsl": null,
    "From": null
    "Port": 25,
    "UseSsl": false,
    "From": null,
    "PickupPath": "App_Data/Mail"

Handling DataMigrations.cs

We are going to use FluentMigrator's latest version and making DataMigrations dependency injectable.

  • Add following usings:
using FluentMigrator.Runner;
using FluentMigrator.Runner.Conventions;
using FluentMigrator.Runner.Processors;
using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using System.Data.Common;
  • Remove using System.Data.SqlClient;

  • Replace public static class DataMigrations with public class DataMigrations : IDataMigrations

  • Replace SqlConnections\.GetConnectionString\(databaseKey\)\; with

if (cs == null)
    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(databaseKey));
  • Replace Serenity\.Dependency\.Resolve\<IWebHostEnvironment\>\(\)\.ContentRootPath with HostEnvironment.ContentRootPath
  • Replace cs\.ProviderFactory\.CreateConnectionStringBuilder\(\)\; with DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(cs.ProviderName).CreateConnectionStringBuilder();
  • Replace , cs.ProviderName) with , cs.ProviderName, cs.Dialect)
  • Replace var hostingEnvironment \= Serenity\.Dependency\.TryResolve\<IWebHostEnvironment\>\(\)\; with var hostingEnvironment = HostEnvironment;
  • Remove var connection = cs.ConnectionString; line
  • Remove bool isSqlServer = serverType.StartsWith(""SqlServer"", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); line
  • Find the line starting with using (var sw = new StringWriter and modify remaining lines like below:
var conventionSet = new DefaultConventionSet(defaultSchemaName: null,

var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()
    .AddLogging(lb => lb.AddFluentMigratorConsole())
    .Configure<TypeFilterOptions>(options =>
        options.Namespace = "!!!YourProjectNamespace!!!.Migrations." + databaseKey + "DB";
    .Configure<ProcessorOptions>(options =>
        options.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(90);
    .ConfigureRunner(builder =>
        if (databaseType == OracleDialect.Instance.ServerType)
        else if (databaseType == SqliteDialect.Instance.ServerType)
        else if (databaseType == FirebirdDialect.Instance.ServerType)
        else if (databaseType == MySqlDialect.Instance.ServerType)
        else if (databaseType == PostgresDialect.Instance.ServerType)


var culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
    if (isFirebird)
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

    using var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope();
    var runner = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IMigrationRunner>();
catch (Exception ex)
    throw new InvalidOperationException("Error executing migration!", ex);
    if (isFirebird)
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture;
  • Edit Your .CSPROJ file and replace following line:
<PackageReference Include="Serenity.FluentMigrator.Runner" Version="1.6.904" />


<PackageReference Include="FluentMigrator.Runner" Version="3.2.9" />
  • Edit Startup.cs and following lines in ConfigureServices:
services.AddSingleton<IDataMigrations, DataMigrations>();
services.AddSingleton<IReportRegistry, ReportRegistry>();
  • Replace following lines:
services.AddSingleton<IAuthenticationService, Administration.AuthenticationService>();


services.AddSingleton<Administration.IUserPasswordValidator, Administration.UserPasswordValidator>();
  • Edit Startup.cs and replace following line



add these usings to start:

using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient;
using Serenity.Reporting;
using System.Data.Common;

remove this usings:

using System.Data.SqlClient;
using Serenity.Web.Middleware;

and add following to RegisterDataProviders:

DbProviderFactories.RegisterFactory("Microsoft.Data.SqlClient", SqlClientFactory.Instance);

Fix SqlErrorStore

  • Add using System.Data.Common;

  • Remove these lines:

private readonly string connectionString;
private readonly bool isSqlServer;
  • Modify constructor like this:
public SqlErrorStore(ErrorStoreSettings settings, string providerName)
    : base(settings)
    if (settings == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(settings));

    displayCount = Math.Min(displayCount, MaximumDisplayCount);
    this.providerName = providerName ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(providerName));
  • Replace if (isSqlServer) with if (providerName.IndexOf("SqlClient") >= 0)

  • Modify GetConnection:

private IDbConnection GetConnection()
    var connection = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(providerName).CreateConnection();
    connection.ConnectionString = Settings.ConnectionString;
    return connection;

Fixing Startup.ExceptionLog

Modify Log method like this:

public void Log(Exception exception, string category = null)
    exception.Log(httpContextAccessor.HttpContext, category);

Removing Web Based Sergen UI

Sergen will soon have its own web based UI, and the sample in the StartSharp/Serene is obsolete.

  • Edit AdministrationNavigation.cs and remove this line:

[assembly: NavigationLink(9000, "Administration/Sergen", typeof(Administration.SergenController), icon: "fa-magic")]

  • Delete Modules/Administration/Sergen folder and files under it.

Replacing isPublicDemo References

This is only used for Serenity Demo at, you may delete any line that looks like following:


or replace it with


Fixing DataAuditLog

If you have StartSharp data audit log feature, delete DataAuditLogHandler.cs and get latest versions of following files from StartSharp repository:

Fixing Row Lookup Scripts

If you have external lookup scripts defined like this:

public LanguageLookup()

You need to add a sqlConnections argument to the constructor (or add the constructor if none exists).

public LanguageLookup(ISqlConnections sqlConnections)
    : base(sqlConnections)

Replacing RoleRepository.RoleById by RoleRepository.GetRoleById

Modify static RoleById property like this:

public static Dictionary<int, MyRow> GetRoleById(ITwoLevelCache cache, ISqlConnections sqlConnections)
    if (cache is null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cache));

    return cache.GetLocalStoreOnly("RoleById", TimeSpan.Zero, 
        fld.GenerationKey, () =>
            if (sqlConnections is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sqlConnections));

            using var connection = sqlConnections.NewFor<MyRow>();
            return connection.List<MyRow>().ToDictionary(x => x.RoleId.Value);

Modify TranslationEndpoint.cs

Modify this file like below:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Serenity.Abstractions;
using Serenity.Services;
using System;
using MyRepository = StartSharp.Administration.Repositories.TranslationRepository;

namespace StartSharp.Administration.Endpoints
    public class TranslationController : ServiceEndpoint
        protected IWebHostEnvironment HostEnvironment { get; }
        protected ILocalTextRegistry LocalTextRegistry { get; }
        protected ITypeSource TypeSource { get; }

        public TranslationController(IWebHostEnvironment hostEnvironment,
            ILocalTextRegistry localTextRegistry, ITypeSource typeSource)
            HostEnvironment = hostEnvironment ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hostEnvironment));
            LocalTextRegistry = localTextRegistry ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(localTextRegistry));
            TypeSource = typeSource ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(typeSource));

        private MyRepository NewRepository()
            return new MyRepository(Context, HostEnvironment, LocalTextRegistry, TypeSource);

        public ListResponse<TranslationItem> List(TranslationListRequest request)
            return NewRepository().List(request);

        public SaveResponse Update(TranslationUpdateRequest request)
            return NewRepository().Update(request, HttpContext.RequestServices);

Fix TranslationRepository.cs

  • Add using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
  • Remove using System.Web.Hosting;
  • Modify constructor and GetUserTextsFilePath as below:
protected IWebHostEnvironment HostEnvironment { get; }
protected ILocalTextRegistry LocalTextRegistry { get; }
protected ITypeSource TypeSource { get; }

public TranslationRepository(IRequestContext context, IWebHostEnvironment hostEnvironment, 
    ILocalTextRegistry localTextRegistry, ITypeSource typeSource)
        : base(context)
    HostEnvironment = hostEnvironment;
    LocalTextRegistry = localTextRegistry;
    TypeSource = typeSource;

public static string GetUserTextsFilePath(IWebHostEnvironment hostEnvironment, string languageID)
    return Path.Combine(hostEnvironment.ContentRootPath, "App_Data", "texts", 
        "user.texts." + (languageID.TrimToNull() ?? "invariant") + ".json");
  • Replace GetUserTextsFilePath\(targetLanguageID\)\; with GetUserTextsFilePath(HostEnvironment, targetLanguageID);
  • Replace GetUserTextsFilePath\(request.TargetLanguageID\)\; with GetUserTextsFilePath(HostEnvironment, request.TargetLanguageID);
  • Replace var json \= JsonConfigHelper\.LoadConfig\<Dictionary\<string\, JToken\>\>\(textsFilePath\)\; with var json = JSON.Parse<Dictionary<string, JToken>>(File.ReadAllText(textsFilePath));
  • Remove var registry = Dependency.Resolve<ILocalTextRegistry>(); line
  • Replace registry\.TryGet\((source|target)LanguageID\, key\) with LocalTextRegistry.TryGet($1LanguageID, key, false)
  • Modify GetAllAvailableLocalTexts like this:
public HashSet<string> GetAllAvailableLocalTextKeys()
    var result = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

    foreach (NavigationItemAttribute attr in TypeSource.GetAssemblyAttributes<NavigationItemAttribute>())
        result.Add("Navigation." + (attr.Category.IsEmptyOrNull() ? "" : attr.Category + "/") + attr.Title);

    foreach (var type in TypeSource.GetTypesWithAttribute(typeof(FormScriptAttribute)))
        var attr = type.GetAttribute<FormScriptAttribute>();
        foreach (var member in type.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public))
            var category = member.GetCustomAttribute<CategoryAttribute>();
            if (category != null && !category.Category.IsEmptyOrNull())
                result.Add("Forms." + attr.Key + ".Categories." + category.Category);

    var repository = LocalTextRegistry as LocalTextRegistry;
    if (repository != null)

    return result;
  • Add (LocalTextRegistry as IRemoveAll)?.RemoveAll(); before `Startup.InitializeLocalTexts(services);``
  • Replace DynamicScriptManager\.Reset\(\)\; with services.GetService<IDynamicScriptManager>()?.Reset();

Modify UserRetrieve.cs

Apply the following file changes in StartSharp:

Modify UserEndpoint.cs

Find this line:

if (request != null && Serenity.Permissions.HasPermission("ImpersonateAs"))

and change with this line:

if (request != null && Permissions.HasPermission("ImpersonateAs"))

Modify UserRepository.cs

Apply the following file changes in StartSharp:

or following file changes in Serene:

Modify UserPermissionEndpoint.cs

Apply the following file changes:

  • Add using Serenity.Abstractions;

Find this method:

public ListResponse<string> ListPermissionKeys()
    return new MyRepository(Context).ListPermissionKeys(includeRoles: false);

and change with:

public ListResponse<string> ListPermissionKeys(
    [FromServices] ISqlConnections sqlConnections,
    [FromServices] ITypeSource typeSource)
    return new MyRepository(Context).ListPermissionKeys(sqlConnections, typeSource, includeRoles: false);

Find this method:

public Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> ListImplicitPermissions()
    return new MyRepository(Context).ImplicitPermissions;

and change with:

public IDictionary<string, HashSet<string>> ListImplicitPermissions(
    [FromServices] ITypeSource typeSource)
    return MyRepository.GetImplicitPermissions(Cache.Memory, typeSource);

Modify UserPermissionRepository.cs

Apply the following file changes in StartSharp:

or following file changes in Serene:

Modify AdvanceSamplesPage.cs

Apply the following file changes:

  • Add using Serenity.Data;
  • Add using System;

Find the controller AdvancedSamplesController and change inside of like in the following:

public AdvancedSamplesController(ISqlConnections sqlConnections)
    SqlConnections = sqlConnections ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sqlConnections));

protected ISqlConnections SqlConnections { get; }

at the end your AdvancedSamplesController will be like:

[PageAuthorize, Route("AdvancedSamples/[action]")]
public partial class AdvancedSamplesController : Controller
    public AdvancedSamplesController(ISqlConnections sqlConnections)
        SqlConnections = sqlConnections ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sqlConnections));

    protected ISqlConnections SqlConnections { get; }

Modify ServerSide.cshtml

Apply the following file changes:

  • Add @inject Serenity.ITextLocalizer Localizer
    under @model IEnumerable<StartSharp.Northwind.Entities.CustomerRow>

  • Change Title with GetTitle(Localizer) in <th> lines like in the following:


Modify DataExplorerEndpoint.cs

Apply the following file changes:

Add the following code lines above ListResponse method

protected ISqlConnections SqlConnections { get; }

public DataExplorerController(ISqlConnections sqlConnections)
    SqlConnections = sqlConnections ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sqlConnections));

Find the following line and

throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("serverType", (object)serverType, "Unknown server type");


throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(serverType), serverType, "Unknown server type");

Find the following line and

private string[] NumericTypes = new string[] { "Int32", "Int64", "Int16", "Decimal", "Double", "Single" };


private readonly string[] NumericTypes = new string[] { "Int32", "Int64", "Int16", "Decimal", "Double", "Single" };

Find the following line and

private static Dictionary<string, string> SqlTypeToFieldTypeMap =


private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> SqlTypeToFieldTypeMap =

Fix MeetingIndex.cshtml

  • Add @inject Serenity.Web.IContentHashCache ContentHashCache after @inject Serenity.ITextLocalizer Localizer

  • Replace @ContentHashCache.ResolvePath("~/Scripts/ckeditor/") with @ContentHashCache.ResolvePath(Context.Request.PathBase, "~/Scripts/ckeditor/")

Fix AccountLogin.AdminLTE.cshtml

  • Add @inject IDataMigrations DataMigrations after @inject Serenity.ITextLocalizer Localizer

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.Login.FormTitle; with Texts.Forms.Membership.Login.FormTitle.ToString(Localizer);

  • Replace @Texts.Forms.Membership.Login.RememberMe with @Texts.Forms.Membership.Login.RememberMe.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace @Texts.Forms.Membership.Login.SignInButton with @Texts.Forms.Membership.Login.SignInButton.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace @Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.ActivationCompleteMessage with @Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.ActivationCompleteMessage.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace @Texts.Navigation.SiteTitle with @Texts.Navigation.SiteTitle.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace @Texts.Forms.Membership.Login.FormTitle with @Texts.Forms.Membership.Login.FormTitle.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace @Texts.Forms.Membership.Login.OR with @Texts.Forms.Membership.Login.OR.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace @Texts.Forms.Membership.Login.FacebookButton with @Texts.Forms.Membership.Login.FacebookButton.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace @Texts.Forms.Membership.Login.GoogleButton with @Texts.Forms.Membership.Login.GoogleButton.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace @Texts.Forms.Membership.Login.ForgotPassword with @Texts.Forms.Membership.Login.ForgotPassword.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace @Texts.Forms.Membership.Login.SignUpButton with @Texts.Forms.Membership.Login.SignUpButton.ToString(Localizer)

Fix AccountLogin.cshtml

  • Add @inject IDataMigrations DataMigrations after @inject Serenity.ITextLocalizer Localizer

  • Replace @Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.ActivationCompleteMessage with @Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.ActivationCompleteMessage.ToString(Localizer)

Modify AccountPage.cs

Apply the following file changes in StartSharp:

or following file changes in Serene:

Modify BasicSamplesPage.Grids.cs

  • Add using Serenity.Data;
  • Find DragDropInTreeGrid() method and its inside like in the following:
public ActionResult DragDropInTreeGrid([FromServices] ISqlConnections sqlConnections)
    return View(Views.DragDropInTreeGrid.Index);

Modify DragDropSampleRepository.cs

  • Add using System;
  • Find PopulateInitialItems() method and add the parameter inside ISqlConnections sqlConnections
public static void PopulateInitialItems(ISqlConnections sqlConnections){ ... }
  • Find this line:
using (var connection = SqlConnections.NewFor<MyRow>())

and change SqlConnections with sqlConnections (pay attention to uppercase and lowercase letters)

  • Add these code lines above the using (var connection = sqlConnections.NewFor<MyRow>())
if (sqlConnections is null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sqlConnections));

at the end your method will be like:

public static void PopulateInitialItems(ISqlConnections sqlConnections)
    if (sqlConnections is null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sqlConnections));

    using (var connection = sqlConnections.NewFor<MyRow>())

Fix AccountChangePassword.cshtml

  • Add @injeinject Serenity.ITextLocalizer Localizer

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.ChangePassword.FormTitle with Texts.Forms.Membership.ChangePassword.FormTitle.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.ChangePassword.SubmitButton with Texts.Forms.Membership.ChangePassword.SubmitButton.ToString(Localizer)

Fix AccountPage.ChangePassword.cs

  • Replace public Result<ServiceResponse> ChangePassword(ChangePasswordRequest request) with public Result<ServiceResponse> ChangePassword(ChangePasswordRequest request, [FromServices] IUserPasswordValidator passwordValidator)

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.ChangePassword.SubmitButton with Texts.Forms.Membership.ChangePassword.SubmitButton.ToString(Localizer)

  • Add the following code lines inside the ChangePassword(ChangePasswordRequest request, [FromServices] IUserPasswordValidator passwordValidator) method

if (passwordValidator is null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(passwordValidator));
  • Replace Authorization.Username with User.Identity?.Name

Find the following line and

if (!Dependency.Resolve<IAuthenticationService>().Validate(ref username, request.OldPassword))
    throw new ValidationError("CurrentPasswordMismatch", Texts.Validation.CurrentPasswordMismatch);

replace with

if (passwordValidator.Validate(ref username, request.OldPassword) != PasswordValidationResult.Valid)
    throw new ValidationError("CurrentPasswordMismatch", Texts.Validation.CurrentPasswordMismatch.ToString(Localizer));
  • Replace UserRepository.ValidatePassword(username, request.NewPassword, false) with UserRepository.ValidatePassword(request.NewPassword, Localizer)

  • Replace Authorization.UserId with User.GetIdentifier()

Fix AccountForgotPassword.AdminLTE.cshtml

  • Add @injeinject Serenity.ITextLocalizer Localizer

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.ForgotPassword.SubmitButton with Texts.Forms.Membership.ForgotPassword.SubmitButton.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.ForgotPassword.FormInfo with Texts.Forms.Membership.ForgotPassword.FormInfo.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.ForgotPassword.FormTitle with Texts.Forms.Membership.ForgotPassword.FormTitle.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.ForgotPassword.BackToLogin with Texts.Forms.Membership.ForgotPassword.BackToLogin.ToString(Localizer)

Fix AccountForgotPassword.cshtml

  • Add @injeinject Serenity.ITextLocalizer Localizer

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.ForgotPassword.FormTitle with Texts.Forms.Membership.ForgotPassword.FormTitle.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.ForgotPassword.FormInfo with Texts.Forms.Membership.ForgotPassword.FormInfo.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.ForgotPassword.SubmitButton with Texts.Forms.Membership.ForgotPassword.SubmitButton.ToString(Localizer)

Fix AccountPage.ForgotPassword.cs

  • Add using Microsoft.Extensions.Options; and using StartSharp.Common;

  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type (public\s*Result<ServiceResponse>\s*ForgotPassword\s*\(\s*ForgotPasswordRequest\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]*))\)(\r\n\s*) in Find input

  • Type $1,$3[FromServices] IEmailSender emailSender,$3[FromServices] IOptions<EnvironmentSettings> options = null)$3 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*Texts.Validation.CantFindUserWithEmail)(\s*) in Find input

  • Type $1.ToString(Localizer)$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type Config.Get<EnvironmentSettings>\s*\(\).SiteExternalUrl in Find input

  • Type options?.Value.SiteExternalUrl in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*Texts.Forms.Membership.ResetPassword.EmailSubject).ToString\(\)(\s*) in Find input

  • Type $1.ToString(Localizer)$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)Common.EmailHelper.Send\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*,\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*,\s*(user.Email)\s*\)\s*;(\r\n\s*) in Find input

  • Type $1if (emailSender is null)\n$1\tthrow new ArgumentNullException(nameof(emailSender));$5emailSender.Send(subject: $2, body: $3, mailTo: $4);$5 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Fix ProductExcelImportEndpoint.cs

  • Remove using System.IO;
  • Find ExcelImport() method and add 3rd parameter [FromServices] IUploadStorage uploadStorage. Your method should be like:
public ExcelImportResponse ExcelImport(IUnitOfWork uow, ExcelImportRequest request,
    [FromServices] IUploadStorage uploadStorage)
  • Find exceptions contains "filename" parameters

and change with nameof(request.FileName) like in the following:

  • Find this line:
using (var fs = new FileStream(UploadHelper.DbFilePath(request.FileName), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))

and change with:

using (var fs = uploadStorage.OpenFile(request.FileName))
  • (optional) You can change ProductRow with MyRow except using line using MyRow = StartSharp.Northwind.Entities.ProductRow;

Fix AccountPage.ResetPassword.cs

  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type (.*public\s*ActionResult\s*ResetPassword\s*\(\s*string\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*)(\)) in Find input

  • Type $1, [FromServices] ISqlConnections sqlConnections$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*Texts.Validation.InvalidResetToken)(\s*) in Find input

  • Type $1.ToString(Localizer)$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type ((.*)using\s*\(\s*var\s*([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*=\s*)SqlConnections(.NewFor<UserRow>\(\)\)) in Find input

  • Type $2if (sqlConnections is null)\n$2\tthrow new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sqlConnections));\n\n$1sqlConnections$4 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*public\s*Result<ServiceResponse>\s*ResetPassword\s*\(\s*ResetPasswordRequest\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*)(\)) in Find input

  • Type $1, [FromServices] ISqlConnections sqlConnections$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (UserRepository.ValidatePassword\s*\()\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*\s*,\s*(request.NewPassword)\s*,\s*false(.*) in Find input

  • Type $1$2, Localizer$3 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Fix AccountResetPassword.AdminLTE.cshtml

  • Add @injeinject Serenity.ITextLocalizer Localizer

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.ResetPassword.FormTitle with Texts.Forms.Membership.ResetPassword.FormTitle.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.ResetPassword.SubmitButton with Texts.Forms.Membership.ResetPassword.SubmitButton.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace @Texts.Navigation.SiteTitle with @Texts.Navigation.SiteTitle.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.ResetPassword.BackToLogin with Texts.Forms.Membership.ResetPassword.BackToLogin.ToString(Localizer)

Fix AccountResetPassword.cshtml

  • Add @injeinject Serenity.ITextLocalizer Localizer

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.ResetPassword.FormTitle with Texts.Forms.Membership.ResetPassword.FormTitle.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.ResetPassword.SubmitButton with Texts.Forms.Membership.ResetPassword.SubmitButton.ToString(Localizer)

Modify CustomerGrossSalesEndpoint.cs

  • Add using Serenity.PropertyGrid;

  • Find DynamicDataReport() method and add 3rd parameter HttpContext.RequestServices. Your method should be like:

var report = new DynamicDataReport(data, request.IncludeColumns, 
    typeof(Columns.CustomerGrossSalesColumns), HttpContext.RequestServices);
  • Find this line
var bytes = new ReportRepository(Context).Render(report);

and change with

var bytes = ReportRepository.Render(report);

Modify BackgroundJobManager.cs

  • Find this line
isDisabled = !Config.Get<Settings>().Enabled;

and change with

isDisabled = !options.Value.Enabled;
this.logger = logger;

Modify DailyBackgroundJob.cs

  • Find Initialize() method and copy and paste in the following lines above that method
    protected ILogger Log { get; }
    protected IExceptionLogger ExceptionLog { get; }

    protected DailyBackgroundJob(ILogger log, IExceptionLogger exceptionLog)
        Log = log;
        ExceptionLog = exceptionLog;
  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H (be sure that Current Document is selected)

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type (using\s*Serenity;) in Find input

  • Type $1\nusing Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;\nusing Serenity.Abstractions; in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type ((.*)(private\s*.*retryCount;)()) in Find input

  • Type $1\n\n$2protected ILogger Log { get; }\n$2protected IExceptionLogger ExceptionLog { get; }\n\n$2protected DailyBackgroundJob(ILogger log, IExceptionLogger exceptionLog)\n$2{\n$2\tLog = log;\n$2\tExceptionLog = exceptionLog;\n$2} in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)this.(GetType.*) in Find input

  • Type $1$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type ((.*)(Log)(.*.*\(\))(\);)) in Find input

  • Type $2$3?.LogInformation(job$5 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type ((.*)(.Log\()(\);)) in Find input

  • Type $2$3ExceptionLog$4 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Fix AccountPage.SignUp.cs

  • Add using StartSharp.Common;

  • Add using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;

  • Remove using MailKit.Net.Smtp;

  • Remove using using MimeKit;

  • Remove using MailKit.Security;

  • Remove usinusing System.Web.Hosting;

  • Replace throw new ArgumentNullException(""email""); with throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request.Email));

  • Replace throw new ArgumentNullException(""password""); with throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request.Password));

  • Replace throw new ArgumentNullException(""displayName""); with throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request.DisplayName));

  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type (public\s*Result<ServiceResponse>\s*SignUp\s*\(\s*SignUpRequest\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]*))\)(\r\n\s*) in Find input

  • Type $1,$3\t[FromServices] IEmailSender emailSender,$3\t[FromServices] IOptions<EnvironmentSettings> options = null)$3 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*Texts.Validation.EmailInUse)(\s*) in Find input

  • Type $1.ToString(Localizer)$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type Config.Get<EnvironmentSettings>\s*\(\).SiteExternalUrl in Find input

  • Type options?.Value.SiteExternalUrl in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)Common.EmailHelper.Send\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*,\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*,\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*\)\s*;(\r\n\s*) in Find input

  • Type $1if (emailSender is null)\n$1\tthrow new ArgumentNullException(nameof(emailSender));$5emailSender.Send(subject: $2, body: $3, mailTo: $4);$5 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*UserRetrieveService.RemoveCachedUser\s*\()\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*,\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(\s*\);) in Find input

  • Type $1Cache, $2, $3$4 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*Texts.Validation.InvalidActivateToken)(\s*) in Find input

  • Type $1.ToString(Localizer)$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Fix AccountSignUp.AdminLTE.cshtml

  • Add @injeinject Serenity.ITextLocalizer Localizer

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.FormTitle with Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.FormTitle.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.SubmitButton with Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.SubmitButton.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.AcceptTerms with Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.AcceptTerms.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace Texts.Navigation.SiteTitle with Texts.Navigation.SiteTitle.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.FormInfo with Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.FormInfo.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.BackToLogin with Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.BackToLogin.ToString(Localizer)

Fix AccountSignUp.cshtml

  • Add @injeinject Serenity.ITextLocalizer Localizer

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.FormTitle with Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.FormTitle.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.FormInfo with Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.FormInfo.ToString(Localizer)

  • Replace Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.SubmitButton with Texts.Forms.Membership.SignUp.SubmitButton.ToString(Localizer)

Modify CategoryRepository.cs

  • Find the following method and remove
protected override void AfterSave()

    if (Request.Localizations != null)
        foreach (var pair in Request.Localizations)
            pair.Value.CategoryID = Row.CategoryID.Value;
            new LocalizationRowHandler<MyRow>().Update<Entities.CategoryLangRow>(this.UnitOfWork, pair.Value, Convert.ToInt32(pair.Key));
  • Add following method to inside the private class MySaveHandler.. code block
public MySaveHandler(IRequestContext context)
    : base(context)

Fix CategoryRow.cs

  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type (\[DisplayName\(""Category Name""\).*NameProperty)] in Find input

  • Type $1, Localizable(true)] in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (\[DisplayName\(""Description""\).*QuickSearch)] in Find input

  • Type $1, Localizable(true)] in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Fix CustomerEndpoint.cs

  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type ((.*)var\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*=\s*new\s*DynamicDataReport\s*\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*,\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)\s*,\s*typeof\(([a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)\s*\))\); in Find input

  • Type $1,\n$2\tHttpContext.RequestServices); in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*var\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*=\s*)new\s*(ReportRepository)\(Context\)(.Render\(\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\);) in Find input

  • Type $1$2$3 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Fix CustomerIndex.cshtml

  • Add @inject IContentHashCache ContentHashCache

  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type (.*@ContentHashCache.ResolvePath\(\s*)(\"".*) in Find input

  • Type $1Context.Request.PathBase, $2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Fix CustomerLookup.cs

  • Add using Serenity.Data;

Fix CustomerRepository.cs

  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type (.*SqlExceptionHelper.HandleDeleteForeignKeyException\(\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*)(\);) in Find input

  • Type $1, Localizer$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Fix CustomerRow.cs

  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type (.*\[\s*)(LookupEditor\(\s*typeof\(\s*EmployeeRow\s*\)\s*,\s*Multiple\s*=\s*true\s*\)\s*,\s*NotMapped\]) in Find input

  • Type $1DisplayName(""Representatives""), $2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Fix EmployeeListDecorator.cs

  • Add using Serenity.Abstractions;

  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type (.*public\s*class\s*EmployeeListDecorator\s*:\s*BaseCellDecorator\r\n\s*{(\r\n\s*)) in Find input

  • Type $1public EmployeeListDecorator(ITwoLevelCache cache, ISqlConnections sqlConnections)$2{$2\tCache = cache ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cache));$2\tSqlConnections = sqlConnections ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sqlConnections));$2}\n$2public ITwoLevelCache Cache { get; }$2public ISqlConnections SqlConnections { get; }\n$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Modify PeriodicBackgroundJob.cs

  • Find Initialize() method and copy and paste in the following lines above that method
    protected ILogger Log { get; }
    protected IExceptionLogger ExceptionLog { get; }

    protected DailyBackgroundJob(ILogger log, IExceptionLogger exceptionLog)
        Log = log;
        ExceptionLog = exceptionLog;
  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H (be sure that Current Document is selected)

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type (using\s*Serenity;) in Find input

  • Type $1\nusing Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;\nusing Serenity.Abstractions; in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type ((.*)(protected\s*.*InternalRun\(\);)()) in Find input

  • Type $1\n\n$2protected ILogger Log { get; }\n$2protected IExceptionLogger ExceptionLog { get; }\n\n$2protected DailyBackgroundJob(ILogger log, IExceptionLogger exceptionLog)\n$2{\n$2\tLog = log;\n$2\tExceptionLog = exceptionLog;\n$2} input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*Log).Info(\s*\([a-zA-Z0-9_:\s""]*\+\s*)this.(GetType\(\).Name\s*\+\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_\s""]*\+\s*\w*\s*),\s*this.GetType\(\)\); in Find input

  • Type $1?.LogInformation$2$3); input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*Log).Info(\s*\([a-zA-Z0-9_:\s""]*\+\s*)this.(GetType\(\).Name\s*\+\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_\s""]*.*."")(,\s*this.GetType\(\)\);) in Find input

  • Type $1?.LogInformation$2$3); input

  • Click Replace All

Fix NotesBehavior.cs

  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type (.*public\s*class\s*NotesBehavior\s*:\s*.*\r\n\s*{(\r\n\s*)) in Find input

  • Type $1public IRequestContext Context { get; }$2public ISqlConnections SqlConnections { get; }\n$2public NotesBehavior(IRequestContext context, ISqlConnections sqlConnections)$2{$2\tContext = context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));$2\tSqlConnections = sqlConnections ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sqlConnections));$2}\n$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*idField)\[\s*(handler.Row)\s*\]\s+ in Find input

  • Type $1.AsObject($2) in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(rowIdField)\[\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*\].Value in Find input

  • Type $1Convert.ToInt64($2.AsObject($3)) in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(rowIdField)\[\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*\]; in Find input

  • Type $1$2.AsObject($3); in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(idField)\[\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)\s*\].Value(.*) in Find input

  • Type $1Convert.ToInt64($2.AsObject($3))$4 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(id).Value in Find input

  • Type $1Convert.ToInt64($2) in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*Log\?.LogInformation)(\s*\([a-zA-Z0-9_:\s""]*\+\s*)(GetType\(\).Name)(\s*\+\s*""."")(\)); in Find input

  • Type $1$2$3); input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type ((.*)(.Log\()(\);)) in Find input

  • Type $2$3ExceptionLog$4 input

  • Click Replace All

Fix DashboardIndex.cshtml

  • Replace Texts.Site.Dashboard.ContentDescription with Texts.Site.Dashboard.ContentDescription.ToString(Localizer)

Fix DashboardPage.cs

  • Add using Serenity.Abstractions;

  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H (be sure that Current Document is selected)

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type ((.*)public\s*ActionResult\s*Index\()(\).*) in Find input

  • Type $1\n$2\t//<if:Northwind>\n$2\t[FromServices] ITwoLevelCache cache,\n$2\t[FromServices] ISqlConnections sqlConnections\n$2\t//</if:Northwind>\n$2\t) in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (((.*)var\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*=\s*)Cache(.GetLocalStoreOnly\s*\([a-zA-Z0-9_""]*\s*,\s*TimeSpan.FromMinutes\(5\),)) in Find input

  • Type $3if (cache is null)\n$3\tthrow new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cache));\n\n$3if (sqlConnections is null)\n$3\tthrow new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sqlConnections));\n\n$2cache$4 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)SqlConnections(.NewFor.*) in Find input

  • Type $1sqlConnections$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Fix EmailIndex.cshtml

  • Add @injeinject Serenity.ITextLocalizer Localizer

  • Replace Texts.Site.EmailClient.PageTitle with Texts.Site.EmailClient.PageTitle.ToString(Localizer)

Fix EmailPage.cs

  • Add using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;

  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H (be sure that Current Document is selected)

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type (.*public\s*ActionResult\s*Index\()(\).*) in Find input

  • Type $1[FromServices] IMemoryCache memoryCache$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)LocalCache(.*)Authorization.UserId(.*) in Find input

  • Type $1memoryCache?$2User.GetIdentifier()$3 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(var.*.GetAttachmentList.*)(\);) in Find input

  • Type $1$2,\n$1\tRequest.PathBase$3 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Fix SqlExceptionHelper.cs

  • Add using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient;

  • Add using Serenity;

  • Remove using System.Data.SqlClient;

  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H (be sure that Current Document is selected)

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type (.*HandleDeleteForeignKeyException\s*\(\s*Exception e)(\)) in Find input

  • Type $1, ITextLocalizer localizer$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*ValidationError.*DeleteForeignKeyError)(,.*) in Find input

  • Type $1.ToString(localizer)$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*HandleSavePrimaryKeyException\s*\(\s*Exception e)\s*,(\s*string\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*.*) in Find input

  • Type $1, ITextLocalizer localizer,$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*ValidationError.*SavePrimaryKeyError)(,.*) in Find input

  • Type $1.ToString(localizer)$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Fix MailingBackgroundJob.cs

  • Add using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

  • Remove private readonly IExceptionLogger logger;

  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H (be sure that Current Document is selected)

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type (.*)(public\s*MailingBackgroundJob\s*\(\s*ISqlConnections\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*,)\s*(IEmailSender\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*),\s*(IOptions<MailingServiceSettings>\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*),\s*IExceptionLogger.* in Find input

  • Type $1$2\n$1\t$3, $4,\n$1\tILogger<MailingBackgroundJob> log = null, IExceptionLogger exceptionLog = null)\n$1\t: base(log, exceptionLog) in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Remove this.logger = logger;

  • Replace ex.Log(logger) with ex.Log(ExceptionLog)

Modify DynamicDataReport.cs

  • Add using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

  • Add using Serenity.Abstractions;

  • Add using Serenity.ComponentModel;

  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H (be sure that Current Document is selected)

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type ((.*)(protected\s*Type\s*.*{\s*)get;\s*private\s*.*}) in Find input

  • Type $1\n$2protected IServiceProvider serviceProvider; input

  • Click Replace All

  • Find this method DynamicDataReport() line

public DynamicDataReport(IEnumerable data, IEnumerable<string> columnList, Type columnsType)

and add this line above method DynamicDataReport()

const string CacheGroupKey = "DynamicDataReportColumns";
  • Add a parameter as (4th parameter) IServiceProvider serviceProvider into the same method DynamicDataReport() and replace inside of that method line in the following:
public DynamicDataReport(IEnumerable data, IEnumerable<string> columnList, Type columnsType, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
    Data = data ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));
    ColumnList = columnList ?? new List<string>();
    ColumnsType = columnsType;
    this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceProvider));
  • Type (.*)(var\s*[a-zA-Z|]*\s=\s*new\s*List.*;) in Find input

  • Type $1return GetColumnListFor(ColumnsType, ColumnList, serviceProvider);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tpublic static List<ReportColumn> GetColumnListFor(Type columnsType,\n$1IEnumerable<string> columnOrder, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)\n\t\t{\n$1if (columnsType == null)\n$1\tthrow new ArgumentNullException(nameof(columnsType)); input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(if\s*\(!ColumnList.Any\(*.*\)) in Find input

  • Type $1var list = new List<ReportColumn>();\n$1if (columnOrder != null && !columnOrder.Any()) input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(IDictionary<string,\s*)(.*Items\s*=\s*null;) in Find input

  • Type $1List<$3\n$1IDictionary<string, PropertyItem> propertyItemByName = null; input

  • Click Replace All

  • Find this line IRow basedOnRow = null; and under that line find the if block

if (columnsType != null)

and customize that if block like in the following (customize your codes if variables or etc. need some changes):

if (columnsType != null)
    var cache = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ITwoLevelCache>();
    propertyItems = cache.GetLocalStoreOnly("DynamicDataReport:Columns:" + columnsType.FullName,
        TimeSpan.Zero, CacheGroupKey, () =>
            var propertyItemProvider = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IPropertyItemProvider>();
            var items = propertyItemProvider.GetPropertyItemsFor(columnsType).ToList();

            if (typeof(ICustomizedFormScript).IsAssignableFrom(columnsType))
                var instance = ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance(serviceProvider, columnsType) as ICustomizedFormScript;

            return items;

    propertyItemByName = propertyItems.ToDictionary(x => x.Name);
    propertyInfos = columnsType.GetProperties().ToDictionary(x => x.Name);

    var basedOnAttr = columnsType.GetCustomAttribute<BasedOnRowAttribute>();
    if (basedOnAttr != null &&
        basedOnAttr.RowType != null &&
        !basedOnAttr.RowType.IsInterface &&
        !basedOnAttr.RowType.IsAbstract &&
        basedOnRow = (IRow)Activator.CreateInstance(basedOnAttr.RowType);
  • Type (.*)(foreach\s*\(var\s*columnName\s*in\s*ColumnList\)) in Find input

  • Type $1if (columnOrder == null)\n$1\tcolumnOrder = propertyItems.Select(x => x.Name).ToList();\n\n$1foreach (var columnName in columnOrder) in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(PropertyItem\s*item;\r\n\s*.*.*\)) in Find input

  • Type $1if (!propertyItemByName.TryGetValue(columnName, out PropertyItem item)) in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(var\s*basedOnField\s*=\s*.*\?\s*)(\(Field\))(null\s*:) in Find input

  • Type $1$2$4 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(PropertyInfo\s*p;)\r\n\s*.*\) in Find input

  • Type $1if (propertyInfos == null || !propertyInfos.TryGetValue(columnName, out PropertyInfo p)) in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(list.Add\(.*.*\sp)(\)\);) in Find input

  • Type $1$2, serviceProvider, serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ITextLocalizer>()$3 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(private\s*ReportColumn\s*.*\)) in Find input

  • Type $1public static ReportColumn FromPropertyItem(PropertyItem item, Field field, PropertyInfo property,\n$1\tIServiceProvider provider, ITextLocalizer localizer)\n$1{\n$1\tif (item is null)\n$1\t\tthrow new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item));\n\n$1\tif (localizer is null)\n$1\t\tthrow new ArgumentNullException(nameof(localizer));\n\n$1\tvar result = new ReportColumn in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(var\s*result\s*=\s*new\s*ReportColumn)(\r\n\s*{)(\r\n\s*var.*\r\n\s*.*\r\n\s*.*.*;) in Find input

  • Type $1$2\n$1{\n$1\tName = item.Name,\n$1\tTitle = item.Title ?? item.Name\n$1};\n in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(result.Title\s*=\s*)(L)(.*.*;) in Find input

  • Type $1$2l$4 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Find this if block and

if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.DisplayFormat))
    result.Format = item.DisplayFormat;

replace like in the following lines:

if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.DisplayFormat))
    if (item.FormatterType == "Date" || item.FormatterType == "DateTime")
        result.Format = item.DisplayFormat switch
            "d" => DateHelper.CurrentDateFormat,
            "g" => DateHelper.CurrentDateTimeFormat.Replace(":ss", ""),
            "G" => DateHelper.CurrentDateTimeFormat,
            "s" => "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss",
            "u" => "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ",
            _ => item.DisplayFormat,
        result.Format = item.DisplayFormat;
  • Type (!ReferenceEquals\(null,\s*[a-zA-Z|]*\)\s*&&) in Find input

  • Type dtf is object && in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Replace else if (!ReferenceEquals(null, dtf)) with else if (dtf is object)

  • Replace if (!ReferenceEquals(null, field)) with if (field is object)

  • Replace result.DataType = !ReferenceEquals(null, field) ? field.ValueType : null; with result.DataType = field?.ValueType;

  • Type (.*)(result.Format\s=\s*)("")(.*.*;) in Find input

  • Type $1$2DateHelper.CurrentDateTimeFormat; in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(var\s*[a-zA-Z_]*\s*=\s*[a-zA-Z_]*\s*as\s*.*.\r\n\s*.*[a-zA-Z_]*.*.*[a-zA-Z_]*.*EnumType.*\)) in Find input

  • Type $1if (field is IEnumTypeField enumField && enumField.EnumType != null) in Replace input

  • Type (.*)(result.Decorator\s*=\s*new\s*EnumDecorator\([a-zA-Z_]*.EnumType)(\);) in Find input

  • Type $1$2, localizer$3 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)([a-zA-Z_]*result.Title\s*=\s*[a-zA-Z_]*.)(Title)(;) in Find input

  • Type $1$2GetTitle(localizer)$4 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Modify ExcelReportGenerator.cs

  • Remove using Serenity.Reflection;
  • Remove using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
  • Replace var worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(sheetName); with var worksheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add(sheetName);
  • Replace var row = obj as Row; with var row = obj as IRow;
  • Replace !Object.Equals(decorator.Value, value) with !Equals(decorator.Value, value)

Modify UserPreferenceRepository.cs

  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H (be sure that Current Document is selected)

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type (.*)(var\s*[a-zA-Z_]*\s*=\s*)(\(.*.*)(\;) in Find input

  • Type $1$2Convert.ToInt32(Context.User.GetIdentifier())$4 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Fix NavigationModel.cs

  • Add using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

  • Add using Serenity.Abstractions;

  • Add using Serenity.Web;

  • Add using StartSharp.Administration.Entities;

  • Remove using System.Security.Claims;

  • Remove using System.Web;

  • Remove using System.Web.Hosting;

  • Remove var requestUrl = httpContext.Request.GetDisplayUrl();

  • Add the following method

    public NavigationModel(HttpContext httpContext)
          : this(
              httpContext?.Request?.Path + httpContext?.Request?.QueryString,
              httpContext?.Request?.PathBase ?? "")
  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H (be sure that Current Document is selected)

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type (.*public\s*)partial\s*(class\s*NavigationModel\r\n\s*{\r\n(\s*)) in Find input

  • Type $1$2public IPermissionService Permissions { get; }\n$3public HttpContext HttpContext { get; }\n$3public string RequestUrl { get; }\n$3public PathString PathBase { get; }\n$3 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(public\s*NavigationModel\()(\))(\r\n\s*{)(\r\n\s*) in Find input

  • Type $1$2ITwoLevelCache cache, IPermissionService permissions,$5ITypeSource typeSource, IServiceProvider services, ClaimsPrincipal user,$5string requestUrl, PathString pathBase)$4$5if (cache is null)$5\tthrow new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cache));$5$5 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(Items\s*=\s*)Cache(.*)\(Authorization.UserId\s*\?\?\s*""-1""\)(,\s*TimeSpan.Zero,) in Find input

  • Type $1$2cache$3\n\t$1\t(user?.GetIdentifier() ?? "-1")$4 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(NavigationHelper.GetNavigationItems\s*\()\s*(x\s*=>\s*)\r\n\s*(x\s*\!=\s*.*StartsWith.*\?)\s*(VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute.*) in Find input

  • Type $1$2permissions, typeSource,\n$1\tservices, $3$4\n$1\t\t$5 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(SetActivePath\s*\(\s*\);) in Find input

  • Type $1RequestUrl = requestUrl;\n$1PathBase = pathBase;\n$1$2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)var\s*.*.HttpContext;\r\n\s*if\s*\(\s*httpContext\s*\!=\s*null\s*\) in Find input

  • Type $1if (RequestUrl != null) in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*currentUrl\s*=\s*)requestUrl.ToString\(\); in Find input

  • Type $1RequestUrl; in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(if\s*\(\s*\!)requestUrl.ToString\(\)(.EndsWith\(""/""\)\s*&&\r\n\s*)String(.Compare\()httpContext.Request.Path,\s*\r\n\s*.*.ApplicationVirtualPath(,.*OrdinalIgnoreCase\s*\)\s*==\s*0\)) in Find input

  • Type $1$2currentUrl$3string$4currentUrl.Split('?')[0], PathBase$5 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute\s*\()([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)) in Find input

  • Type $1PathBase, $2 in Replace input

  • Click Replace All

Modify ReportTree.cs

  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H (be sure that Current Document is selected)

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type (.*public\s*static\s*ReportTree.*Report\>\s*reports,\s*)(\r\n\s*) in Find input

  • Type $1ITextLocalizer localizer,$2 input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*.GetReportCategoryTitle\s*\()([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*)(\);) in Find input

  • Type $1$2, localizer$3 input

  • Click Replace All

Modify UserDataScript.cs

If you have a project created from a recent StartSharp template than make some changes in the following:

Fix FilePage.cs

  • Add using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;

  • Remove using System.Web;

  • Remove using HttpContextBase = Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext;

  • Add the following code block

    public FileController(IUploadStorage uploadStorage, ITextLocalizer localizer)
        UploadStorage = uploadStorage ??
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(uploadStorage));
        Localizer = localizer ??
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(localizer));

    protected IUploadStorage UploadStorage { get; }
    protected ITextLocalizer Localizer { get; }
  • Replace this.HttpContext with HttpContext

  • Open Replace dialog in Visual Studio Ctrl+H (be sure that Current Document is selected)

  • Make sure Match case is Checked, Match whole word is NOT checked and Use regular expressions is Checked.

  • Type UploadHelper(.CheckFileNameSecurity.*) in Find input

  • Type UploadPathHelper$1 input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)var\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*=\s*UploadHelper.DbFilePath\((.*)\);(\r\n\s*)(var\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*=\s*KnownMimeTypes.Get\().*(\);)\r\n\s*return\s*new\s*PhysicalFileResult.* in Find input

  • Type $1if (!UploadStorage.FileExists($2))$3\treturn new NotFoundResult();\n$3$4$2$5$3var stream = UploadStorage.OpenFile($2);$3return new FileStreamResult(stream, mimeType); input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute).*(\r\n\s*).*UploadHelper.ImageFileUrl(.*TemporaryFile).* in Find input

  • Type $1(HttpContext,$2UploadStorage.GetFileUrl$3)) input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*HandleUploadRequest\s*\(\s*)HttpContextBase in Find input

  • Type $1HttpContext input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*new\s*UploadProcessor)(\r\n\s*{) in Find input

  • Type $1(UploadStorage)$2 input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)(if\s*\(.*ProcessStream.*OpenReadStream.*)(Path.GetExtension\s*\(\s*.*FileName\)).* in Find input

  • Type $1$2\n$1\t$3, Localizer)) input

  • Click Replace All

  • Type (.*)var\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*=.*Path.GetFileName.*(\r\n\s*)using.*StreamWriter.*OpenWrite.*DbFilePath.*\r\n\s*.*WriteLine.*FileName.* in Find input

  • Type $1var $2 = processor.TemporaryFile;$3UploadStorage.SetOriginalName($2, file.FileName); input

  • Click Replace All

Changes About SqlConnections Static Class for Dependency Injection

For example OrderDetailReport.cs uses SqlConnection static class from .Net3.1. In .Net5 we changed SqlConnection to instance class and it's can be injected via DI. For OrderDetailReport.cs we need to add a constructor what has property of ISqlConnections then if we assign this to SqlConnection property what type of ISqlConnection, then we didn't need any change in rest of document. You need to do this on all of your files what uses SqlConnections static class.


public class OrderDetailReport : IReport, ICustomizeHtmlToPdf
    public Int32 OrderID { get; set; }
    public object GetData()
        var data = new OrderDetailReportData();
        //Gives error for SqlConnections
        using (var connection = SqlConnections.NewFor<OrderRow>()) 
            var o = OrderRow.Fields;


public class OrderDetailReport : IReport, ICustomizeHtmlToPdf
    public OrderDetailReport(ISqlConnections sqlConnections)
        SqlConnections = sqlConnections ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sqlConnections));

    protected ISqlConnections SqlConnections { get; }
    public int OrderID { get; set; }
    public object GetData()
        var data = new OrderDetailReportData();
        //Works fine
        using (var connection = SqlConnections.NewFor<OrderRow>())
            var o = OrderRow.Fields;

Changes in ReportsPage

Reports page has a few changes too. You need to add constructor with dependencies


public IReportRegistry ReportRegistry { get; }
protected ITextLocalizer Localizer { get; }

public ReportRepository(IRequestContext context, IReportRegistry reportRegistry, ITextLocalizer localizer)
        : base(context)
    ReportRegistry = reportRegistry ?? 
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(reportRegistry));
    Localizer = localizer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(localizer));

Render method needs to be static


public byte[] Render(IDataOnlyReport report) 


public static byte[] Render(IDataOnlyReport report)

ReportTree.FromList needs localizer as new parameter. Find this lines and add localizer parameter on it.


return ReportTree.FromList(reports, category);


return ReportTree.FromList(reports, Localizer, category);

Retrieve also changed. It's needs extra provider params.


public ReportRetrieveResult Retrieve(ReportRetrieveRequest request)

    if (request.ReportKey.IsEmptyOrNull())
        throw new ArgumentNullException("reportKey");

    var reportInfo = ReportRegistry.GetReport(request.ReportKey);
    if (reportInfo == null)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("reportKey");

    if (reportInfo.Permission != null)

    var response = new ReportRetrieveResult();

    response.Properties = PropertyItemHelper.GetPropertyItemsFor(reportInfo.Type);
    response.ReportKey = reportInfo.Key;
    response.Title = reportInfo.Title;
    var reportInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(reportInfo.Type);
    response.InitialSettings = reportInstance;
    response.IsDataOnlyReport = reportInstance is IDataOnlyReport;
    response.IsExternalReport = reportInstance is IExternalReport;

    return response;


public ReportRetrieveResult Retrieve(ReportRetrieveRequest request,
            IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IPropertyItemProvider propertyItemProvider)
    if (request is null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request));

    if (request.ReportKey.IsEmptyOrNull())
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request.ReportKey));

    if (propertyItemProvider is null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(propertyItemProvider));

    var reportInfo = ReportRegistry.GetReport(request.ReportKey);
    if (reportInfo == null)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(request.ReportKey));

    if (reportInfo.Permission != null)
        Permissions.ValidatePermission(reportInfo.Permission, Localizer);

    var response = new ReportRetrieveResult
        Properties = propertyItemProvider.GetPropertyItemsFor(reportInfo.Type).ToList(),
        ReportKey = reportInfo.Key,
        Title = reportInfo.Title
    var reportInstance = ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance(serviceProvider, reportInfo.Type);
    response.InitialSettings = reportInstance;
    response.IsDataOnlyReport = reportInstance is IDataOnlyReport;
    response.IsExternalReport = reportInstance is IExternalReport;

    return response;

ReportColumnConverter changes

ReportColumnConverter.ObjectTypeToList needs 2 extra parameter for work. It's ServiceProvider and Localizer. You need add this parameters where it's used in class constructor. Then pass to this method.

Example constructor

protected ITextLocalizer Localizer { get; }
protected IServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; }

public ExampleClass(ITextLocalizer localizer, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
    Localizer = localizer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(localizer));
    ServiceProvider = serviceProvider ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceProvider));




ReportColumnConverter.ObjectTypeToList(typeof(Item), ServiceProvider, Localizer);

Fixing CustomerGrossSalesReport and SalesByDetailReport like classes

Add constructor first like this.

protected ISqlConnections SqlConnections { get; }
protected ITextLocalizer Localizer { get; }
protected IServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; }

public CustomerGrossSalesReport(ISqlConnections sqlConnections, ITextLocalizer localizer, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
    SqlConnections = sqlConnections ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sqlConnections));
    Localizer = localizer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(localizer));
    ServiceProvider = serviceProvider ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serviceProvider));

Update ReportColumnConverter usages




ReportColumnConverter.ObjectTypeToList(typeof(Item), ServiceProvider, Localizer);

Then add missing using using Serenity;

EmailEndpoint.cs fixes

add extra usings

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; 
using Serenity.Abstractions;

Serenity.Authorization changed to User.Identity so you need to change it everywhere where you use Serenity.Authorization.

For Serenity.Authorization.Username you need to use User?.Identity?.Name For Serenity.Authorization.UserId you need to use User?.GetIdentifier()

LocalCache.Get<object>(...) changed to Context.Cache.Memory.Get<object>(...) you need change every old usage to new one.

Exception logging has new parameter


catch (Exception ex)


catch (Exception ex)

ParseMulti method changed to static


private IEnumerable<InternetAddress> ParseMulti(string s, bool ignore = false)


private static IEnumerable<InternetAddress> ParseMulti(string s, bool ignore = false)

AttachEmbeddedImages changed to static and new parameters added


private string AttachEmbeddedImages(BodyBuilder builder, string body)


private static string AttachEmbeddedImages(BodyBuilder builder, string body, IUploadStorage uploadStorage, PathString pathBase)

You need to change everywhere where VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute used without basePath like this example


string search = src + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/upload/");


string search = src + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(pathBase, "~/upload/");

UploadHelper changed to UploadPathHelper.

Reply and Compose method has new parameters


public EmailReplyResponse Reply(EmailReplyRequest request)


public EmailReplyResponse Reply(EmailReplyRequest request, [FromServices] IUploadStorage uploadStorage, [FromServices] IUserRetrieveService userRetriever)


public ServiceResponse Compose(EmailComposeRequest request)


public ServiceResponse Compose(EmailComposeRequest request, [FromServices] IUploadStorage uploadStorage, [FromServices] IUserRetrieveService userRetriever)

GetAttachmentList has new parameter pathBase


public static AttachmentList GetAttachmentList(MimeMessage message, string folderName, uint uniqueId, bool forReply)


public static AttachmentList GetAttachmentList(MimeMessage message, string folderName, uint uniqueId, bool forReply, PathString pathBase)

There is some more changes you can find in EmailEndpoint.cs File in StartSharp template