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File metadata and controls

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Interpreta is a GKE-powered managed notebook environment for mechanistic interpretability research. Born from the resource limitations of online notebook environments, it provides researchers complete control over dependencies and the compute resources they want for running large-scale experiments.



  • Python and jupyter notebook environment are already setup
  • Mech interp packages are setup
  • Whatever machine you want within the Google ecosystem is setup. Currently it is an n1-standard-1.


Python environment: python 3.11.6

    "torch==2.5.1" \
    "einops==0.8.0" \
    "jaxtyping==0.2.36" \
    "tqdm==4.67.1" \
    "numpy==1.26.4" \
    "transformer-lens==2.9.1" \
    "sae-lens==5.2.0" \
    "plotly==5.24.0" \
    "transformers==4.47.0" \


terraform, helm, docker

Setup instructions

FYI, I aliased kubectl with k.

  1. Assuming you've set up your terraform backend within GCP, run a terraform apply within infrastructure/environments/dev. This will spin up your cluster.

  2. Run k get nodes. You should see two nodes.

    NAME                                                  STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
    gke-interpreta-gke-interpreta-node-po-756e7c1c-l47x   Ready    <none>   20h     v1.29.7-gke.1104000
    gke-interpreta-gke-interpreta-node-po-756e7c1c-v159   Ready    <none>   9m20s   v1.29.7-gke.1104000
  3. To get the jupyter environment running: cd helm and then make install

  4. After that completes, you should be able to see the services: k get svc --namespace jhub

    You should hopefully see a few different services that are not exposed to the internet:

    NAME           TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    hub            ClusterIP   <none>        8081/TCP   99s
    proxy-api      ClusterIP   <none>        8001/TCP   99s
    proxy-public   ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP     99s
  5. To access the jupyter login page, you need to port-forward the traffic to the proxy-public service.

    make proxy

    Then you should be able to access the jupyter login page on http://localhost:8080