Slow Tan Swallow
Creators (users who are vouched for) can take advantage of their first vouchers by manipulating the weights/balances of themselves using another account controlled by them. That is applyFees
will never take a vouchersPoolFee
for the first voucher,
function _rewardPreviousVouchers(uint256 amount, uint256 subjectProfileId) internal returns (uint256 amountDistributed) {
uint256[] storage vouchIds = vouchIdsForSubjectProfileId[subjectProfileId];
uint256 totalVouches = vouchIds.length;
uint256 totalBalance;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < totalVouches; i++) {
Vouch storage vouch = vouches[vouchIds[i]];
if (!vouch.archived) {
totalBalance += vouch.balance;
if (totalBalance == 0) {
return totalBalance;
but it will for the rest, and more importantly if you are first, you are gonna get 100% of the fee, no matter your vouch (can be the min 0.0001 eth -> 0.40 USD).
uint256 remainingRewards = amount;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < totalVouches && remainingRewards > 0; i++) {
Vouch storage vouch = vouches[vouchIds[i]];
if (!vouch.archived) {
// If only one you receive 100% of the fee, no matter your vouch balance
uint256 reward = amount.mulDiv(vouch.balance, totalBalance, Math.Rounding.Floor);
if (reward > 0) {
vouch.balance += reward;
remainingRewards -= reward;
How _rewardPreviousVouchers
distributes the fee.
Creators being able to receive 100% of the fee while holding little to no amount.
- Creator making an account
- Same creator making another profile (or using a friend's profile) to make the first vouch for himself with the min amount
- Any user vouching for any other user
- Bob (a famous guy who everyone would vouch for) makes an account and quickly vouches for himself (from another profile) the lowest amount 0.1
- Alice sees that Bob has made a profile, knowing that the first voucher does not pay
she quickly vouches for him 10 ETH
However since Bob has already vouched for himself, the fee that Alice pays (5% vouchersPoolFee
) goes strait to Bob's other account. Bob has successfully received a 0.5 ETH fee, while only vouching 0.0001 ETH, or only 0.40 USD for himself.
First voucher looses part of his funds. User who gets vouched for receives an extra donation/fee.
No response
The fee distributing design sounds cool, however there are many flaws with it, consider doing a slight redesign to fix all of the issues.