A JavaScript library for real time notifications for Ethereum transaction state changes.
npm install bnc-notify
import Notify from 'bnc-notify'
import Web3 from 'web3'
const web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum)
const options = {
dappId: 'Your dappId here',
networkId: 1
// initialize notify
const notify = Notify(options)
// get users' account address
const accounts = await window.ethereum.enable()
// send a transaction
from: accounts[0],
to: '0x792ec62e6840bFcCEa00c669521F678CE1236705',
value: '100000'
// listen for transaction hash
.on('transactionHash', hash => {
// pass the hash to notify.hash function for transaction updates and notifications
const { emitter } = notify.hash(hash)
// use emitter to listen to transaction events
emitter.on('txSent', console.log)
emitter.on('txPool', console.log)
emitter.on('txConfirmed', console.log)
emitter.on('txSpeedUp', console.log)
emitter.on('txCancel', console.log)
emitter.on('txFailed', console.log)
emitter.on('all', console.log)
For detailed documentation head to docs.blocknative.com