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Demo for github-actions-snyk-prevent-job-from-circleci

Sample gradle project with CircleCI pipeline saving the test output for snyk to pick up in github action. Example PR

How to use the action?


The action checks on the Circle CI test suite, polling and waiting for the specified CircleCI workflow to complete successfully. See below the way to configure the Snyk Orb to achieve this behavior.

Action Inputs

  • ghToken
    description: 'Github token'
    required: true
    default: ''

  • snykToken
    description: 'snyk token'
    required: true
    default: ''

  • circleCIToken description: 'CircleCI token (create one in API permissions)'
    required: true
    default: ''

  • workflowName
    description: 'CircleCI Workflow Name running snyk test (where we expect the file saved as artifact)'
    required: true
    default: 'workflow'

  • snykTestOutputFilename
    description: 'Artifact Filename containing the Snyk test --json output'
    required: true
    default: 'snykTestResults'

  • timeout
    description: 'Timeout till we stop waiting for CircleCI job to complete'
    required: false
    default: '60000'

Simplest CircleCI Job for Gradle

To run on PRs only

Tweaked from CircleCI default template
Uses Snyk Orb.
Build only template-core subproject here for the sake of example.
Pay special special attention to working_directory name that must match the repo name since that'll be the name of the monitored project.

Important parts:

  1. working_directory to match the repo name (so it matches the name of monitored project. if using remote-repo-url, should be tweaked to match accordingly).
  2. Snyk Orb
  • fail-on-issues: false
  • monitor-on-build: false for PRs, true for default branch
  • Token obviously
  • additional-arguments:
    • --sub-project=template-core (or whatever gradle details)
    • --json-file-output=snykTestResults (name must match input)
  1. Save artifact name like --json-file-ouput using the same name
version: 2.1
    snyk: snyk/[email protected]
      # specify the version you desire here
      - image: circleci/openjdk:8-jdk

    # Below must match the repo name
    working_directory: ~/gradle-sample

    # Don't actually know if I need that haha
      # Customize the JVM maximum heap limit
      JVM_OPTS: -Xmx3200m
      TERM: dumb

      - checkout

      # Download and cache dependencies
      - restore_cache:
            - v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "build.gradle" }}
            # fallback to using the latest cache if no exact match is found
            - v1-dependencies-

      - run: ./gradlew clean build

      - snyk/scan:
          fail-on-issues: false
          monitor-on-build: false
          token-variable: SNYK_TOKEN
          additional-arguments: --sub-project=template-core --json-file-output=snykTestResults
      # same can be run without the orb, pulling the snyk cli and running command like this one
      #- run: snyk test --sub-project=template-core --print-deps --json > snykTestResults || true
      - store_artifacts:
          path: snykTestResults
          destination: snykTestResults

      - save_cache:
            - ~/.gradle
          key: v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "build.gradle" }}

Github Action workflow

Using ghToken, snykToken, and circleCIToken as secret in repo.

name: Snyk-TS-PR-Check

    types: [opened,reopened,synchronized]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Snyk PR Check
    - name: Snyk prevent
      id: snyk-prevent
      uses: snyk-tech-services/github-actions-snyk-prevent-job-from-circleci@master
        ghToken: ${{ secrets.ghToken }}
        snykToken: ${{ secrets.snykToken }}
        circleCIToken: ${{ secrets.circleCIToken }}
        workflowName: workflow
        snykTestOutputFilename: snykTestResults