+ +Page not found
+ + +diff --git a/.nojekyll b/.nojekyll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/404.html b/404.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa3d3b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/404.html @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ + + +
+ + + + +Page not found
+ + +User guide
+Data types
+CUZK data source description (may be in the future also descriptino how to get data from CUZK site +types.
+ZABAGED data source description (may be in the future also descriptino how to get data from CUZK site ad categoraziton of data + LPIS data source and theirs combination)
+soil texture a Ks values from rain.fsv.cvut.cz, link to paper aout initial condition or tables directli put here
+from rain.fsv.cvut.cz - description how get data in QG and HYDRORAIN-6H
+link to "manual data"
+ZABAGED watercourses +** dry channel **
+Modelated processes
+here reference (processed manual) will be follow
+ +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vehicula tempus +nunc a vulputate. Cras mauris ligula, ultrices facilisis diam quis, condimentum +convallis magna. Duis bibendum sapien ac mi tristique volutpat. Morbi dolor mi, +commodo consectetur ligula id, laoreet porttitor sapien. Nam aliquet posuere ex +eget tincidunt. Praesent vehicula erat lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi +tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean sit +amet elit ac velit placerat blandit dictum faucibus massa. Integer sed dui +lectus. Aenean non fermentum enim, sed molestie diam. Cras mollis euismod arcu. +Ut eu elit et eros aliquet elementum. Aenean semper, augue quis tempus dapibus, +felis ligula sodales justo, sit amet vulputate turpis velit a lorem. Morbi +auctor dignissim tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi rhoncus +imperdiet purus quis scelerisque.
Distributed event-based model for surface a sheet runoff and for design of erosion control measure
+Welcome to the user guide for the SMODERP2D model. The aim of this text is +to provide basic information to users on how to run the SMODERP2D model.
+ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
+ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
+ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
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+ \___________________ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
+The SMODERP2D model is designed to calculate hydrological and erosion processes on +individual plots or small catchments. The outputs of the model are primarily +used to determine runoff conditions in a catchment and obtain parameters for +runoff and erosion control measures on agricultural land. Additionally, +the model can assist in designing more complex systems, including sediment +retention ponds, dry basins, or polders. Its use complies with current +methods, technical standards, and recommended practices.
+The SMODERP2D model is open source project developed by the Department +of Landscape Water Conservation, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech +Technical University in Prague. Source code is licenced under GNU GPL +and available from GitHub repository https://github.com/storm-fsv-cvut/smoderp2d.
+Input data are divided to two groups a) for surface runoff processes and b) stream flow
+The inputes to the model incorporates information about the area's topography, soil types and +land use spatial distribution, rainfall for surface ruonoff processes, where applicable, the geometry of +hydrographic network for stream ruonff.
+Inputes are describe in goups (see the picture). Left are for QIGS, right for ArcGIS platform. +. +Data types of inputes data are descrime in table ** link to the tabel**
+A digital elevation model (DEM) or digital terrain model (DTM) raster +represents the morphology of the modelled area. Each cell in the raster contains +information about the land elevation.
+The model numerical scheme spatial discrimination is inherited from the DEM +layer cell size. The cell size can vary depending on the size of the modelled +area. For the SMODERP2D model the stabile computation minimum cell size is recommended 2 meters, with an +optimum of 5 meters. Cell size with total area are crucial parameters for computing time.
+ +Vector (polygon) layer with polygons indicating the spatial distribution of soil +types.
+The figure shows a example of soil map layer. The attribute table of the layer +must include field with soil type identifier. These identifiers correspond to +unique soil and land use characteristics, which are stored in a separate table (see below). +Physical meanings of these parameters and their implementation in the model are +in detail described in the reference manual.
+For instance, in Czechia soil type data from agricultural land can be obtain +via https://rain.fsv.cvut.cz/pudy.
+ +Similar to soils in the previous section, the attribute table of the land use +**vector layer (polygon) ** requires supplementation with an identifier field for land use. +These identifiers correspond to +unique soil and land use characteristics, defined in a separate table (see below).
+Physical meanings of the land used parameters and their implementation in the +model are in detail described in the reference manual.
++For instance, in Czechia soil type data from agricultural land can be obtain +from combination of ZABAGED and LPIS data.
+Another compulsory input is a table containing the values of individual soil +type and land cover parameters.
+This table is referenced by combinations of soil type and land use type
+identifiers defined for each polygon in the attribute tables of the vector
+inputs. In the example below, the first column contains parameters for the
+combination of soil type CA
and land cover ZP
The table may be inserted into the model as a text file (.csv).
+The meanings of the individual parameters are described in reference manual.
+soilveg | +k | +s | +nrill | +pi | +ppl | +ret | +b | +nsheet | +y | +tau | +v | +
CAZP | +1.26e-07 | +0.000125 | +0.0035 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +1.5847 | +0.0073 | +0.488872 | +100 | +0.28 | +
The next input is a file containing rainfall data. The rainfall is entered as a text file with two columns. The left column is the time interval in minutes, the right column is the cumulative total for the time interval in millimetres. Real measured or design precipitation data can be used in model. +For instance, in Czechia design precipitation can be obtain via web map services https://rain.fsv.cvut.cz.
+Data for the watercoures are also divided to topology part and data table with unique characteristics of segments
+Vector (polyline) layer with polylines indicating the thopology of watercourses and/or temporal ditches technical conservation measure). +The figure shows a example of water courses data. The attribute table of the layer +must include field with stream type. The watercourse network must be hydrologically correct. Individual end points of the watercourse network must have a different elevation taken from the DMR and at the same time bifurcation of the watercourse cannot be allowed. +These identifiers correspond to +unique stream characteristics, which are stored in a separate table (see below). +Physical meanings of these parameters and their implementation in the model are +in detail described in the reference manual.
+For instance, in Czechia stream shape data can be obtain from ZABAGED data.
+ +This table is referenced to unique stream types defined for each polygon in the attribute tables of the watercourse network
+inputs. In the example below, the first column contains parameters ** channel_ID ** for unioque stream part named.
+The table may be inserted into the model as a text file (.csv).
+The meanings of the individual parameters are described in reference manual.
| | +
| | + 1shape0 2rectangle1 3trapezoid1 4triangle1 6obdelnik1 7lichobeznik1 8trojuhelnik1 | +
Vector (point) layer with point for detail outputs as hydrographs (describe in outpust). In this points are indicating the thopology of watercourses and/or temporal ditches technical conservation measure).
+The monitored output data are continuously stored at these points. In the case of a point located outside the watercourse, surface runoff data are recorded. If the point is inserted into a watercourse, data are recorded for the relevant watercourse section.
+ +SMODERP2D model relies on a GIS software were the input and output +data can be acquired, modified and visualized. Currently, SMODERP2D +supports three GIS solutions:
+ +See specific instructions for +QGIS, GRASS +GIS and ArcGIS +Pro for details
+In case you will run SMODERP2D without the above mentioned GIS +solutions, the recommended installation procedure is based on PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/smoderp2d/
+pip install smoderp2d
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vehicula tempus +nunc a vulputate. Cras mauris ligula, ultrices facilisis diam quis, condimentum +convallis magna. Duis bibendum sapien ac mi tristique volutpat. Morbi dolor mi, +commodo consectetur ligula id, laoreet porttitor sapien. Nam aliquet posuere ex +eget tincidunt. Praesent vehicula erat lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi +tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean sit +amet elit ac velit placerat blandit dictum faucibus massa. Integer sed dui +lectus. Aenean non fermentum enim, sed molestie diam. Cras mollis euismod arcu. +Ut eu elit et eros aliquet elementum. Aenean semper, augue quis tempus dapibus, +felis ligula sodales justo, sit amet vulputate turpis velit a lorem. Morbi +auctor dignissim tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi rhoncus +imperdiet purus quis scelerisque.
+Open the plugin from the menu Plugins
or from the
+toolbar .
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vehicula tempus +nunc a vulputate. Cras mauris ligula, ultrices facilisis diam quis, condimentum +convallis magna. Duis bibendum sapien ac mi tristique volutpat. Morbi dolor mi, +commodo consectetur ligula id, laoreet porttitor sapien. Nam aliquet posuere ex +eget tincidunt. Praesent vehicula erat lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi +tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean sit +amet elit ac velit placerat blandit dictum faucibus massa. Integer sed dui +lectus. Aenean non fermentum enim, sed molestie diam. Cras mollis euismod arcu. +Ut eu elit et eros aliquet elementum. Aenean semper, augue quis tempus dapibus, +felis ligula sodales justo, sit amet vulputate turpis velit a lorem. Morbi +auctor dignissim tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi rhoncus +imperdiet purus quis scelerisque.
+Open the plugin from the menu Plugins
or from the
+toolbar .
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vehicula tempus +nunc a vulputate. Cras mauris ligula, ultrices facilisis diam quis, condimentum +convallis magna. Duis bibendum sapien ac mi tristique volutpat. Morbi dolor mi, +commodo consectetur ligula id, laoreet porttitor sapien. Nam aliquet posuere ex +eget tincidunt. Praesent vehicula erat lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi +tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean sit +amet elit ac velit placerat blandit dictum faucibus massa. Integer sed dui +lectus. Aenean non fermentum enim, sed molestie diam. Cras mollis euismod arcu. +Ut eu elit et eros aliquet elementum. Aenean semper, augue quis tempus dapibus, +felis ligula sodales justo, sit amet vulputate turpis velit a lorem. Morbi +auctor dignissim tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi rhoncus +imperdiet purus quis scelerisque.
will be as soon as possible, preprint version on https://github.com/storm-fsv-cvut/smoderp2d-manual.
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The aim of this text is to provide basic information to users on how to run the SMODERP2D model. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ \\ \\ / / / \\ \\ / \\ / / / @ @ @ @ @ @ \\ _\\/ /_/ \\ \\/ \\/ /_____/ @ @ @ @ \\__/ \\ / _\\___/ @ @ @ \\____ \\/ / @ @ @ \\_____/______/ @ @ @ \\ @ @ @ \\___________________ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ The SMODERP2D model is designed to calculate hydrological and erosion processes on individual plots or small catchments. The outputs of the model are primarily used to determine runoff conditions in a catchment and obtain parameters for runoff and erosion control measures on agricultural land. Additionally, the model can assist in designing more complex systems, including sediment retention ponds, dry basins, or polders. Its use complies with current methods, technical standards, and recommended practices. The SMODERP2D model is open source project developed by the Department of Landscape Water Conservation, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. Source code is licenced under GNU GPL and available from GitHub repository https://github.com/storm-fsv-cvut/smoderp2d . About model \uf0c1 Users \uf0c1 Model definition and simulated processes \uf0c1","title":"SMODERP2D"},{"location":"index.html#smoderp2d","text":"Distributed event-based model for surface a sheet runoff and for design of erosion control measure Welcome to the user guide for the SMODERP2D model. The aim of this text is to provide basic information to users on how to run the SMODERP2D model. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ \\ \\ / / / \\ \\ / \\ / / / @ @ @ @ @ @ \\ _\\/ /_/ \\ \\/ \\/ /_____/ @ @ @ @ \\__/ \\ / _\\___/ @ @ @ \\____ \\/ / @ @ @ \\_____/______/ @ @ @ \\ @ @ @ \\___________________ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ The SMODERP2D model is designed to calculate hydrological and erosion processes on individual plots or small catchments. The outputs of the model are primarily used to determine runoff conditions in a catchment and obtain parameters for runoff and erosion control measures on agricultural land. Additionally, the model can assist in designing more complex systems, including sediment retention ponds, dry basins, or polders. Its use complies with current methods, technical standards, and recommended practices. The SMODERP2D model is open source project developed by the Department of Landscape Water Conservation, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. Source code is licenced under GNU GPL and available from GitHub repository https://github.com/storm-fsv-cvut/smoderp2d .","title":"SMODERP2D"},{"location":"index.html#about-model","text":"","title":"About model"},{"location":"index.html#users","text":"","title":"Users"},{"location":"index.html#model-definition-and-simulated-processes","text":"","title":"Model definition and simulated processes"},{"location":"PK_structure.html","text":"User guide Introduction \uf0c1 Abut model \uf0c1 Users \uf0c1 Model definition and simulated processes \uf0c1 Requirements \uf0c1 Data types Model limits and recommendation \uf0c1 Providers ad sw implementation \uf0c1 Hardware requirements \uf0c1 Inpute data \uf0c1 surface flow \uf0c1 topologie \uf0c1 data types \uf0c1 resolution \uf0c1 Data source for Czechia region \uf0c1 CUZK data source description (may be in the future also descriptino how to get data from CUZK site types. land use \uf0c1 data types \uf0c1 Data source for Czechia region \uf0c1 ZABAGED data source description (may be in the future also descriptino how to get data from CUZK site ad categoraziton of data + LPIS data source and theirs combination) soil data \uf0c1 data types \uf0c1 Data source for Czechia region \uf0c1 soil texture a Ks values from rain.fsv.cvut.cz, link to paper aout initial condition or tables directli put here precipitation \uf0c1 data types and format \uf0c1 Data source for Czechia region \uf0c1 from rain.fsv.cvut.cz - description how get data in QG and HYDRORAIN-6H table data \uf0c1 data types \uf0c1 link to \"manual data\" channel flow \uf0c1 watercourses and canals \uf0c1 table data \uf0c1 Data source for Czechia region \uf0c1 ZABAGED watercourses ** dry channel ** Model computation setup \uf0c1 Modelated processes Outputs \uf0c1 Basic outputs \uf0c1 Raster data \uf0c1 Vector and point data \uf0c1 Hydrograph data \uf0c1 Advanced outputs \uf0c1 Control \uf0c1 Temp \uf0c1 Hydrograph data \uf0c1 Reference manual \uf0c1 here reference (processed manual) will be follow","title":"PK structure"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#introduction","text":"","title":"Introduction"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#abut-model","text":"","title":"Abut model"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#users","text":"","title":"Users"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#model-definition-and-simulated-processes","text":"","title":"Model definition and simulated processes"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#requirements","text":"Data types","title":"Requirements"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#model-limits-and-recommendation","text":"","title":"Model limits and recommendation"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#providers-ad-sw-implementation","text":"","title":"Providers ad sw implementation"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#hardware-requirements","text":"","title":"Hardware requirements"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#inpute-data","text":"","title":"Inpute data"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#surface-flow","text":"","title":"surface flow"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#topologie","text":"","title":"topologie"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#data-types","text":"","title":"data types"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#resolution","text":"","title":"resolution"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#data-source-for-czechia-region","text":"CUZK data source description (may be in the future also descriptino how to get data from CUZK site types.","title":"Data source for Czechia region"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#land-use","text":"","title":"land use"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#data-types_1","text":"","title":"data types"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#data-source-for-czechia-region_1","text":"ZABAGED data source description (may be in the future also descriptino how to get data from CUZK site ad categoraziton of data + LPIS data source and theirs combination)","title":"Data source for Czechia region"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#soil-data","text":"","title":"soil data"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#data-types_2","text":"","title":"data types"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#data-source-for-czechia-region_2","text":"soil texture a Ks values from rain.fsv.cvut.cz, link to paper aout initial condition or tables directli put here","title":"Data source for Czechia region"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#precipitation","text":"","title":"precipitation"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#data-types-and-format","text":"","title":"data types and format"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#data-source-for-czechia-region_3","text":"from rain.fsv.cvut.cz - description how get data in QG and HYDRORAIN-6H","title":"Data source for Czechia region"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#table-data","text":"","title":"table data"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#data-types_3","text":"link to \"manual data\"","title":"data types"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#channel-flow","text":"","title":"channel flow"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#watercourses-and-canals","text":"","title":"watercourses and canals"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#table-data_1","text":"","title":"table data"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#data-source-for-czechia-region_4","text":"ZABAGED watercourses ** dry channel **","title":"Data source for Czechia region"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#model-computation-setup","text":"Modelated processes","title":"Model computation setup"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#outputs","text":"","title":"Outputs"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#basic-outputs","text":"","title":"Basic outputs"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#raster-data","text":"","title":"Raster data"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#vector-and-point-data","text":"","title":"Vector and point data"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#hydrograph-data","text":"","title":"Hydrograph data"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#advanced-outputs","text":"","title":"Advanced outputs"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#control","text":"","title":"Control"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#temp","text":"","title":"Temp"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#hydrograph-data_1","text":"","title":"Hydrograph data"},{"location":"PK_structure.html#reference-manual","text":"here reference (processed manual) will be follow","title":"Reference manual"},{"location":"arcgis.html","text":"ArcGIS Pro Toolbox \uf0c1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vehicula tempus nunc a vulputate. Cras mauris ligula, ultrices facilisis diam quis, condimentum convallis magna. Duis bibendum sapien ac mi tristique volutpat. Morbi dolor mi, commodo consectetur ligula id, laoreet porttitor sapien. Nam aliquet posuere ex eget tincidunt. Praesent vehicula erat lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean sit amet elit ac velit placerat blandit dictum faucibus massa. Integer sed dui lectus. Aenean non fermentum enim, sed molestie diam. Cras mollis euismod arcu. Ut eu elit et eros aliquet elementum. Aenean semper, augue quis tempus dapibus, felis ligula sodales justo, sit amet vulputate turpis velit a lorem. Morbi auctor dignissim tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi rhoncus imperdiet purus quis scelerisque. Installation instructions \uf0c1 Download ArcGIS Pro: https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/get-started/download-arcgis-pro.htm Download latest SMODERP2D version: https://github.com/storm-fsv-cvut/smoderp2d/releases Open ArcGIS Toolbox located in bin\\arcgis\\SMODERP2D.pyt","title":"ArcGIS Pro Toolbox"},{"location":"arcgis.html#arcgis-pro-toolbox","text":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vehicula tempus nunc a vulputate. Cras mauris ligula, ultrices facilisis diam quis, condimentum convallis magna. Duis bibendum sapien ac mi tristique volutpat. Morbi dolor mi, commodo consectetur ligula id, laoreet porttitor sapien. Nam aliquet posuere ex eget tincidunt. Praesent vehicula erat lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean sit amet elit ac velit placerat blandit dictum faucibus massa. Integer sed dui lectus. Aenean non fermentum enim, sed molestie diam. Cras mollis euismod arcu. Ut eu elit et eros aliquet elementum. Aenean semper, augue quis tempus dapibus, felis ligula sodales justo, sit amet vulputate turpis velit a lorem. Morbi auctor dignissim tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi rhoncus imperdiet purus quis scelerisque.","title":"ArcGIS Pro Toolbox"},{"location":"arcgis.html#installation-instructions","text":"Download ArcGIS Pro: https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/get-started/download-arcgis-pro.htm Download latest SMODERP2D version: https://github.com/storm-fsv-cvut/smoderp2d/releases Open ArcGIS Toolbox located in bin\\arcgis\\SMODERP2D.pyt","title":"Installation instructions"},{"location":"grass.html","text":"GRASS GIS Addon \uf0c1 Installation instructions \uf0c1 Install GRASS GIS: https://grass.osgeo.org/download/ Download latest SMODERP2D version: https://github.com/storm-fsv-cvut/smoderp2d/releases Open GRASS Addon located in bin/grass/r.smoderp2d/r.smoderp2d.py","title":"GRASS GIS Addon"},{"location":"grass.html#grass-gis-addon","text":"","title":"GRASS GIS Addon"},{"location":"grass.html#installation-instructions","text":"Install GRASS GIS: https://grass.osgeo.org/download/ Download latest SMODERP2D version: https://github.com/storm-fsv-cvut/smoderp2d/releases Open GRASS Addon located in bin/grass/r.smoderp2d/r.smoderp2d.py","title":"Installation instructions"},{"location":"input_data.html","text":"Input data \uf0c1 Input data are divided to two groups a) for surface runoff processes and b) stream flow Input data - surface flow \uf0c1 The inputes to the model incorporates information about the area's topography, soil types and land use spatial distribution, rainfall for surface ruonoff processes, where applicable, the geometry of hydrographic network for stream ruonff. Inputes are describe in goups (see the picture). Left are for QIGS, right for ArcGIS platform. . Data types of inputes data are descrime in table ** link to the tabel** Digital elevation model (Compulsory) \uf0c1 A digital elevation model (DEM) or digital terrain model (DTM) raster represents the morphology of the modelled area. Each cell in the raster contains information about the land elevation. The model numerical scheme spatial discrimination is inherited from the DEM layer cell size. The cell size can vary depending on the size of the modelled area. For the SMODERP2D model the stabile computation minimum cell size is recommended 2 meters, with an optimum of 5 meters. Cell size with total area are crucial parameters for computing time. Soil characteristics map (Compulsory) \uf0c1 Vector (polygon) layer with polygons indicating the spatial distribution of soil types. The figure shows a example of soil map layer. The attribute table of the layer must include field with soil type identifier. These identifiers correspond to unique soil and land use characteristics, which are stored in a separate table (see below). Physical meanings of these parameters and their implementation in the model are in detail described in the reference manual. For instance, in Czechia soil type data from agricultural land can be obtain via https://rain.fsv.cvut.cz/pudy . Land use / Land cover (Compulsory) \uf0c1 Similar to soils in the previous section, the attribute table of the land use **vector layer (polygon) ** requires supplementation with an identifier field for land use. These identifiers correspond to unique soil and land use characteristics, defined in a separate table (see below). Physical meanings of the land used parameters and their implementation in the model are in detail described in the reference manual. For instance, in Czechia soil type data from agricultural land can be obtain from combination of ZABAGED and LPIS data. Soil and landuse parameters table (Compulsory) \uf0c1 Another compulsory input is a table containing the values of individual soil type and land cover parameters. This table is referenced by combinations of soil type and land use type identifiers defined for each polygon in the attribute tables of the vector inputs. In the example below, the first column contains parameters for the combination of soil type CA and land cover ZP . The table may be inserted into the model as a text file (.csv). The meanings of the individual parameters are described in reference manual. soilveg k s nrill pi ppl ret b nsheet y tau v CAZP 1.26e-07 0.000125 0.0035 0 0 0 1.5847 0.0073 0.488872 100 0.28 Ranfall data \uf0c1 The next input is a file containing rainfall data. The rainfall is entered as a text file with two columns. The left column is the time interval in minutes, the right column is the cumulative total for the time interval in millimetres. Real measured or design precipitation data can be used in model. For instance, in Czechia design precipitation can be obtain via web map services https://rain.fsv.cvut.cz . Input data - stream flow \uf0c1 Data for the watercoures are also divided to topology part and data table with unique characteristics of segments Water course network (Optional) \uf0c1 Vector (polyline) layer with polylines indicating the thopology of watercourses and/or temporal ditches technical conservation measure). The figure shows a example of water courses data. The attribute table of the layer must include field with stream type. The watercourse network must be hydrologically correct. Individual end points of the watercourse network must have a different elevation taken from the DMR and at the same time bifurcation of the watercourse cannot be allowed. These identifiers correspond to unique stream characteristics, which are stored in a separate table (see below). Physical meanings of these parameters and their implementation in the model are in detail described in the reference manual. For instance, in Czechia stream shape data can be obtain from ZABAGED data. Water course table (Optional) \uf0c1 This table is referenced to unique stream types defined for each polygon in the attribute tables of the watercourse network inputs. In the example below, the first column contains parameters ** channel_ID ** for unioque stream part named. The table may be inserted into the model as a text file (.csv). The meanings of the individual parameters are described in reference manual. |\u0001\u0013\b |\u0001\u0013\b 1shape0 2rectangle1 3trapezoid1 4triangle1 6obdelnik1 7lichobeznik1 8trojuhelnik1\u001a Input data - other inputes and model settings \uf0c1 Points of interest (Optional) \uf0c1 Vector (point) layer with point for detail outputs as hydrographs (describe in outpust). In this points are indicating the thopology of watercourses and/or temporal ditches technical conservation measure). The monitored output data are continuously stored at these points. In the case of a point located outside the watercourse, surface runoff data are recorded. If the point is inserted into a watercourse, data are recorded for the relevant watercourse section.","title":"Input data"},{"location":"input_data.html#input-data","text":"Input data are divided to two groups a) for surface runoff processes and b) stream flow","title":"Input data"},{"location":"input_data.html#input-data-surface-flow","text":"The inputes to the model incorporates information about the area's topography, soil types and land use spatial distribution, rainfall for surface ruonoff processes, where applicable, the geometry of hydrographic network for stream ruonff. Inputes are describe in goups (see the picture). Left are for QIGS, right for ArcGIS platform. . Data types of inputes data are descrime in table ** link to the tabel**","title":"Input data - surface flow"},{"location":"input_data.html#digital-elevation-model-compulsory","text":"A digital elevation model (DEM) or digital terrain model (DTM) raster represents the morphology of the modelled area. Each cell in the raster contains information about the land elevation. The model numerical scheme spatial discrimination is inherited from the DEM layer cell size. The cell size can vary depending on the size of the modelled area. For the SMODERP2D model the stabile computation minimum cell size is recommended 2 meters, with an optimum of 5 meters. Cell size with total area are crucial parameters for computing time.","title":"Digital elevation model (Compulsory)"},{"location":"input_data.html#soil-characteristics-map-compulsory","text":"Vector (polygon) layer with polygons indicating the spatial distribution of soil types. The figure shows a example of soil map layer. The attribute table of the layer must include field with soil type identifier. These identifiers correspond to unique soil and land use characteristics, which are stored in a separate table (see below). Physical meanings of these parameters and their implementation in the model are in detail described in the reference manual. For instance, in Czechia soil type data from agricultural land can be obtain via https://rain.fsv.cvut.cz/pudy .","title":"Soil characteristics map (Compulsory)"},{"location":"input_data.html#land-use-land-cover-compulsory","text":"Similar to soils in the previous section, the attribute table of the land use **vector layer (polygon) ** requires supplementation with an identifier field for land use. These identifiers correspond to unique soil and land use characteristics, defined in a separate table (see below). Physical meanings of the land used parameters and their implementation in the model are in detail described in the reference manual. For instance, in Czechia soil type data from agricultural land can be obtain from combination of ZABAGED and LPIS data.","title":"Land use / Land cover (Compulsory)"},{"location":"input_data.html#soil-and-landuse-parameters-table-compulsory","text":"Another compulsory input is a table containing the values of individual soil type and land cover parameters. This table is referenced by combinations of soil type and land use type identifiers defined for each polygon in the attribute tables of the vector inputs. In the example below, the first column contains parameters for the combination of soil type CA and land cover ZP . The table may be inserted into the model as a text file (.csv). The meanings of the individual parameters are described in reference manual. soilveg k s nrill pi ppl ret b nsheet y tau v CAZP 1.26e-07 0.000125 0.0035 0 0 0 1.5847 0.0073 0.488872 100 0.28","title":"Soil and landuse parameters table (Compulsory)"},{"location":"input_data.html#ranfall-data","text":"The next input is a file containing rainfall data. The rainfall is entered as a text file with two columns. The left column is the time interval in minutes, the right column is the cumulative total for the time interval in millimetres. Real measured or design precipitation data can be used in model. For instance, in Czechia design precipitation can be obtain via web map services https://rain.fsv.cvut.cz .","title":"Ranfall data"},{"location":"input_data.html#input-data-stream-flow","text":"Data for the watercoures are also divided to topology part and data table with unique characteristics of segments","title":"Input data - stream flow"},{"location":"input_data.html#water-course-network-optional","text":"Vector (polyline) layer with polylines indicating the thopology of watercourses and/or temporal ditches technical conservation measure). The figure shows a example of water courses data. The attribute table of the layer must include field with stream type. The watercourse network must be hydrologically correct. Individual end points of the watercourse network must have a different elevation taken from the DMR and at the same time bifurcation of the watercourse cannot be allowed. These identifiers correspond to unique stream characteristics, which are stored in a separate table (see below). Physical meanings of these parameters and their implementation in the model are in detail described in the reference manual. For instance, in Czechia stream shape data can be obtain from ZABAGED data.","title":"Water course network (Optional)"},{"location":"input_data.html#water-course-table-optional","text":"This table is referenced to unique stream types defined for each polygon in the attribute tables of the watercourse network inputs. In the example below, the first column contains parameters ** channel_ID ** for unioque stream part named. The table may be inserted into the model as a text file (.csv). The meanings of the individual parameters are described in reference manual. |\u0001\u0013\b |\u0001\u0013\b 1shape0 2rectangle1 3trapezoid1 4triangle1 6obdelnik1 7lichobeznik1 8trojuhelnik1\u001a","title":"Water course table (Optional)"},{"location":"input_data.html#input-data-other-inputes-and-model-settings","text":"","title":"Input data - other inputes and model settings"},{"location":"input_data.html#points-of-interest-optional","text":"Vector (point) layer with point for detail outputs as hydrographs (describe in outpust). In this points are indicating the thopology of watercourses and/or temporal ditches technical conservation measure). The monitored output data are continuously stored at these points. In the case of a point located outside the watercourse, surface runoff data are recorded. If the point is inserted into a watercourse, data are recorded for the relevant watercourse section.","title":"Points of interest (Optional)"},{"location":"model_setup.html","text":"Model settings \uf0c1 Maximum time step \uf0c1 initial time step \u0394t is the value in seconds. The input parameter is the maximum time step. The time step \u0394t is adjusted during the calculation according to the numerical stability condition to maintain numerical stability. The length of the time step depends on the surface runoff velocity and the spatial step size (DMT cell size). The maximum time step depends on the desired detail of the output data, especially during a precipitation episode when flow velocities are already lower and when the stabiliti criterion would allow too large a time step. The implementation of the numerical stability are described in reference manual. Total runnig time \uf0c1 Output directory \uf0c1 D8/MFDA \uf0c1","title":"Model settings"},{"location":"model_setup.html#model-settings","text":"","title":"Model settings"},{"location":"model_setup.html#maximum-time-step","text":"initial time step \u0394t is the value in seconds. The input parameter is the maximum time step. The time step \u0394t is adjusted during the calculation according to the numerical stability condition to maintain numerical stability. The length of the time step depends on the surface runoff velocity and the spatial step size (DMT cell size). The maximum time step depends on the desired detail of the output data, especially during a precipitation episode when flow velocities are already lower and when the stabiliti criterion would allow too large a time step. The implementation of the numerical stability are described in reference manual.","title":"Maximum time step"},{"location":"model_setup.html#total-runnig-time","text":"","title":"Total runnig time"},{"location":"model_setup.html#output-directory","text":"","title":"Output directory"},{"location":"model_setup.html#d8mfda","text":"","title":"D8/MFDA"},{"location":"nic.html","text":"Nic \uf0c1 Nic \uf0c1 uplny_nic","title":"Nic"},{"location":"nic.html#nic","text":"","title":"Nic"},{"location":"nic.html#nic_1","text":"uplny_nic","title":"Nic"},{"location":"output.html","text":"Outputs \uf0c1 Basic outputs \uf0c1 Raster data \uf0c1 Vector and point data \uf0c1 Hydrograph data \uf0c1 Advanced outputs \uf0c1 Control \uf0c1 Temp \uf0c1 Hydrograph data \uf0c1","title":"Outputs"},{"location":"output.html#outputs","text":"","title":"Outputs"},{"location":"output.html#basic-outputs","text":"","title":"Basic outputs"},{"location":"output.html#raster-data","text":"","title":"Raster data"},{"location":"output.html#vector-and-point-data","text":"","title":"Vector and point data"},{"location":"output.html#hydrograph-data","text":"","title":"Hydrograph data"},{"location":"output.html#advanced-outputs","text":"","title":"Advanced outputs"},{"location":"output.html#control","text":"","title":"Control"},{"location":"output.html#temp","text":"","title":"Temp"},{"location":"output.html#hydrograph-data_1","text":"","title":"Hydrograph data"},{"location":"providers.html","text":"GIS providers and install \uf0c1 SMODERP2D model relies on a GIS software were the input and output data can be acquired, modified and visualized. Currently, SMODERP2D supports three GIS solutions: QGIS GRASS GIS ArcGIS Installation instructions \uf0c1 See specific instructions for QGIS , GRASS GIS and ArcGIS Pro for details In case you will run SMODERP2D without the above mentioned GIS solutions, the recommended installation procedure is based on PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/smoderp2d/ pip install smoderp2d","title":"GIS providers and install"},{"location":"providers.html#gis-providers-and-install","text":"SMODERP2D model relies on a GIS software were the input and output data can be acquired, modified and visualized. Currently, SMODERP2D supports three GIS solutions: QGIS GRASS GIS ArcGIS","title":"GIS providers and install"},{"location":"providers.html#installation-instructions","text":"See specific instructions for QGIS , GRASS GIS and ArcGIS Pro for details In case you will run SMODERP2D without the above mentioned GIS solutions, the recommended installation procedure is based on PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/smoderp2d/ pip install smoderp2d","title":"Installation instructions"},{"location":"qgis.html","text":"QGIS Plugin \uf0c1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vehicula tempus nunc a vulputate. Cras mauris ligula, ultrices facilisis diam quis, condimentum convallis magna. Duis bibendum sapien ac mi tristique volutpat. Morbi dolor mi, commodo consectetur ligula id, laoreet porttitor sapien. Nam aliquet posuere ex eget tincidunt. Praesent vehicula erat lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean sit amet elit ac velit placerat blandit dictum faucibus massa. Integer sed dui lectus. Aenean non fermentum enim, sed molestie diam. Cras mollis euismod arcu. Ut eu elit et eros aliquet elementum. Aenean semper, augue quis tempus dapibus, felis ligula sodales justo, sit amet vulputate turpis velit a lorem. Morbi auctor dignissim tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi rhoncus imperdiet purus quis scelerisque. Installation instructions \uf0c1 Install QGIS: https://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download.html Install SMODERP2D plugin from QGIS plugin repository Open the plugin from the menu Plugins \u27a4 SMODERP2D or from the toolbar .","title":"QGIS Plugin"},{"location":"qgis.html#qgis-plugin","text":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vehicula tempus nunc a vulputate. Cras mauris ligula, ultrices facilisis diam quis, condimentum convallis magna. Duis bibendum sapien ac mi tristique volutpat. Morbi dolor mi, commodo consectetur ligula id, laoreet porttitor sapien. Nam aliquet posuere ex eget tincidunt. Praesent vehicula erat lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean sit amet elit ac velit placerat blandit dictum faucibus massa. Integer sed dui lectus. Aenean non fermentum enim, sed molestie diam. Cras mollis euismod arcu. Ut eu elit et eros aliquet elementum. Aenean semper, augue quis tempus dapibus, felis ligula sodales justo, sit amet vulputate turpis velit a lorem. Morbi auctor dignissim tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi rhoncus imperdiet purus quis scelerisque.","title":"QGIS Plugin"},{"location":"qgis.html#installation-instructions","text":"Install QGIS: https://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download.html Install SMODERP2D plugin from QGIS plugin repository Open the plugin from the menu Plugins \u27a4 SMODERP2D or from the toolbar .","title":"Installation instructions"},{"location":"recom.html","text":"Providers \uf0c1 QGIS Plugin \uf0c1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vehicula tempus nunc a vulputate. Cras mauris ligula, ultrices facilisis diam quis, condimentum convallis magna. Duis bibendum sapien ac mi tristique volutpat. Morbi dolor mi, commodo consectetur ligula id, laoreet porttitor sapien. Nam aliquet posuere ex eget tincidunt. Praesent vehicula erat lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean sit amet elit ac velit placerat blandit dictum faucibus massa. Integer sed dui lectus. Aenean non fermentum enim, sed molestie diam. Cras mollis euismod arcu. Ut eu elit et eros aliquet elementum. Aenean semper, augue quis tempus dapibus, felis ligula sodales justo, sit amet vulputate turpis velit a lorem. Morbi auctor dignissim tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi rhoncus imperdiet purus quis scelerisque. Installation instructions \uf0c1 Install QGIS: https://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download.html Install SMODERP2D plugin from QGIS plugin repository Open the plugin from the menu Plugins \u27a4 SMODERP2D or from the toolbar . GRASS GIS Addon \uf0c1 Installation instructions \uf0c1 Install GRASS GIS: https://grass.osgeo.org/download/ Download latest SMODERP2D version: https://github.com/storm-fsv-cvut/smoderp2d/releases Open GRASS Addon located in bin/grass/r.smoderp2d/r.smoderp2d.py ArcGIS Pro Toolbox \uf0c1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vehicula tempus nunc a vulputate. Cras mauris ligula, ultrices facilisis diam quis, condimentum convallis magna. Duis bibendum sapien ac mi tristique volutpat. Morbi dolor mi, commodo consectetur ligula id, laoreet porttitor sapien. Nam aliquet posuere ex eget tincidunt. Praesent vehicula erat lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean sit amet elit ac velit placerat blandit dictum faucibus massa. Integer sed dui lectus. Aenean non fermentum enim, sed molestie diam. Cras mollis euismod arcu. Ut eu elit et eros aliquet elementum. Aenean semper, augue quis tempus dapibus, felis ligula sodales justo, sit amet vulputate turpis velit a lorem. Morbi auctor dignissim tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi rhoncus imperdiet purus quis scelerisque. Installation instructions \uf0c1 Download ArcGIS Pro: https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/get-started/download-arcgis-pro.htm Download latest SMODERP2D version: https://github.com/storm-fsv-cvut/smoderp2d/releases Open ArcGIS Toolbox located in bin\\arcgis\\SMODERP2D.pyt","title":"Providers"},{"location":"recom.html#providers","text":"","title":"Providers"},{"location":"recom.html#qgis-plugin","text":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vehicula tempus nunc a vulputate. Cras mauris ligula, ultrices facilisis diam quis, condimentum convallis magna. Duis bibendum sapien ac mi tristique volutpat. Morbi dolor mi, commodo consectetur ligula id, laoreet porttitor sapien. Nam aliquet posuere ex eget tincidunt. Praesent vehicula erat lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean sit amet elit ac velit placerat blandit dictum faucibus massa. Integer sed dui lectus. Aenean non fermentum enim, sed molestie diam. Cras mollis euismod arcu. Ut eu elit et eros aliquet elementum. Aenean semper, augue quis tempus dapibus, felis ligula sodales justo, sit amet vulputate turpis velit a lorem. Morbi auctor dignissim tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi rhoncus imperdiet purus quis scelerisque.","title":"QGIS Plugin"},{"location":"recom.html#installation-instructions","text":"Install QGIS: https://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download.html Install SMODERP2D plugin from QGIS plugin repository Open the plugin from the menu Plugins \u27a4 SMODERP2D or from the toolbar .","title":"Installation instructions"},{"location":"recom.html#grass-gis-addon","text":"","title":"GRASS GIS Addon"},{"location":"recom.html#installation-instructions_1","text":"Install GRASS GIS: https://grass.osgeo.org/download/ Download latest SMODERP2D version: https://github.com/storm-fsv-cvut/smoderp2d/releases Open GRASS Addon located in bin/grass/r.smoderp2d/r.smoderp2d.py","title":"Installation instructions"},{"location":"recom.html#arcgis-pro-toolbox","text":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vehicula tempus nunc a vulputate. Cras mauris ligula, ultrices facilisis diam quis, condimentum convallis magna. Duis bibendum sapien ac mi tristique volutpat. Morbi dolor mi, commodo consectetur ligula id, laoreet porttitor sapien. Nam aliquet posuere ex eget tincidunt. Praesent vehicula erat lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean sit amet elit ac velit placerat blandit dictum faucibus massa. Integer sed dui lectus. Aenean non fermentum enim, sed molestie diam. Cras mollis euismod arcu. Ut eu elit et eros aliquet elementum. Aenean semper, augue quis tempus dapibus, felis ligula sodales justo, sit amet vulputate turpis velit a lorem. Morbi auctor dignissim tincidunt. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi rhoncus imperdiet purus quis scelerisque.","title":"ArcGIS Pro Toolbox"},{"location":"recom.html#installation-instructions_2","text":"Download ArcGIS Pro: https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/get-started/download-arcgis-pro.htm Download latest SMODERP2D version: https://github.com/storm-fsv-cvut/smoderp2d/releases Open ArcGIS Toolbox located in bin\\arcgis\\SMODERP2D.pyt","title":"Installation instructions"},{"location":"reference_manual.html","text":"Reference manual \uf0c1 will be as soon as possible, preprint version on https://github.com/storm-fsv-cvut/smoderp2d-manual .","title":"Reference manual"},{"location":"reference_manual.html#reference-manual","text":"will be as soon as possible, preprint version on https://github.com/storm-fsv-cvut/smoderp2d-manual .","title":"Reference manual"},{"location":"requirements.html","text":"Requirements \uf0c1 Data types Model limits and recommendation \uf0c1 Hardware requirements \uf0c1","title":"Requirements"},{"location":"requirements.html#requirements","text":"Data types","title":"Requirements"},{"location":"requirements.html#model-limits-and-recommendation","text":"","title":"Model limits and recommendation"},{"location":"requirements.html#hardware-requirements","text":"","title":"Hardware requirements"}]} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/search/worker.js b/search/worker.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8628dbc --- /dev/null +++ b/search/worker.js @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +var base_path = 'function' === typeof importScripts ? '.' : '/search/'; +var allowSearch = false; +var index; +var documents = {}; +var lang = ['en']; +var data; + +function getScript(script, callback) { + console.log('Loading script: ' + script); + $.getScript(base_path + script).done(function () { + callback(); + }).fail(function (jqxhr, settings, exception) { + console.log('Error: ' + exception); + }); +} + +function getScriptsInOrder(scripts, callback) { + if (scripts.length === 0) { + callback(); + return; + } + getScript(scripts[0], function() { + getScriptsInOrder(scripts.slice(1), callback); + }); +} + +function loadScripts(urls, callback) { + if( 'function' === typeof importScripts ) { + importScripts.apply(null, urls); + callback(); + } else { + getScriptsInOrder(urls, callback); + } +} + +function onJSONLoaded () { + data = JSON.parse(this.responseText); + var scriptsToLoad = ['lunr.js']; + if (data.config && data.config.lang && data.config.lang.length) { + lang = data.config.lang; + } + if (lang.length > 1 || lang[0] !== "en") { + scriptsToLoad.push('lunr.stemmer.support.js'); + if (lang.length > 1) { + scriptsToLoad.push('lunr.multi.js'); + } + if (lang.includes("ja") || lang.includes("jp")) { + scriptsToLoad.push('tinyseg.js'); + } + for (var i=0; i < lang.length; i++) { + if (lang[i] != 'en') { + scriptsToLoad.push(['lunr', lang[i], 'js'].join('.')); + } + } + } + loadScripts(scriptsToLoad, onScriptsLoaded); +} + +function onScriptsLoaded () { + console.log('All search scripts loaded, building Lunr index...'); + if (data.config && data.config.separator && data.config.separator.length) { + lunr.tokenizer.separator = new RegExp(data.config.separator); + } + + if (data.index) { + index = lunr.Index.load(data.index); + data.docs.forEach(function (doc) { + documents[doc.location] = doc; + }); + console.log('Lunr pre-built index loaded, search ready'); + } else { + index = lunr(function () { + if (lang.length === 1 && lang[0] !== "en" && lunr[lang[0]]) { + this.use(lunr[lang[0]]); + } else if (lang.length > 1) { + this.use(lunr.multiLanguage.apply(null, lang)); // spread operator not supported in all browsers: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Spread_operator#Browser_compatibility + } + this.field('title'); + this.field('text'); + this.ref('location'); + + for (var i=0; i < data.docs.length; i++) { + var doc = data.docs[i]; + this.add(doc); + documents[doc.location] = doc; + } + }); + console.log('Lunr index built, search ready'); + } + allowSearch = true; + postMessage({config: data.config}); + postMessage({allowSearch: allowSearch}); +} + +function init () { + var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); + oReq.addEventListener("load", onJSONLoaded); + var index_path = base_path + '/search_index.json'; + if( 'function' === typeof importScripts ){ + index_path = 'search_index.json'; + } + oReq.open("GET", index_path); + oReq.send(); +} + +function search (query) { + if (!allowSearch) { + console.error('Assets for search still loading'); + return; + } + + var resultDocuments = []; + var results = index.search(query); + for (var i=0; i < results.length; i++){ + var result = results[i]; + doc = documents[result.ref]; + doc.summary = doc.text.substring(0, 200); + resultDocuments.push(doc); + } + return resultDocuments; +} + +if( 'function' === typeof importScripts ) { + onmessage = function (e) { + if (e.data.init) { + init(); + } else if (e.data.query) { + postMessage({ results: search(e.data.query) }); + } else { + console.error("Worker - Unrecognized message: " + e); + } + }; +} diff --git a/sitemap.xml b/sitemap.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3e156a --- /dev/null +++ b/sitemap.xml @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ + +