Summary of public functions and classes exposed in ONNX Runtime.
The package is compiled for a specific device, GPU or CPU. The CPU implementation includes optimizations such as MKL (Math Kernel Libary). The following function indicates the chosen option:
.. autofunction:: onnxruntime.get_device
The package contains a few models stored in ONNX format used in the documentation. These don't need to be downloaded as they are installed with the package.
.. autofunction:: onnxruntime.datasets.get_example
ONNX Runtime reads a model saved in ONNX format. The main class InferenceSession wraps these functionalities in a single place.
.. autoclass:: onnxruntime.ModelMetadata :members:
.. autoclass:: onnxruntime.InferenceSession :members:
.. autoclass:: onnxruntime.NodeArg :members:
.. autoclass:: onnxruntime.RunOptions :members:
.. autoclass:: onnxruntime.SessionOptions :members:
In addition to the regular API which is optimized for performance and usability, ONNX Runtime also implements the ONNX backend API for verification of ONNX specification conformance. The following functions are supported:
.. autofunction:: onnxruntime.backend.is_compatible
.. autofunction:: onnxruntime.backend.prepare
.. autofunction::
.. autofunction:: onnxruntime.backend.supports_device