diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index f3b15f3f8..f256be603 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/bin/faculty_wos_search.rb b/bin/faculty_wos_search.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b0533039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/faculty_wos_search.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# using Web of Science API (new)
+$stdout.sync = true # flush output immediately
+require 'rubygems'
+# Set up gems listed in the Gemfile.
+ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path('../../Gemfile', __FILE__)
+require 'bundler/setup' if File.exist?(ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'])
+require 'rails'
+require 'csv'
+require 'faraday'
+require 'nokogiri'
+def web_of_science_conn
+ @conn ||= Faraday.new(:url => 'http://search.webofknowledge.com')
+def authenticate
+ body = ''
+ auth = web_of_science_conn.post do |req|
+ req.url '/esti/wokmws/ws/WOKMWSAuthenticate'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml'
+ req.headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic U3RhbmZvcmRVX1NXOjJAIyRTdFVuaQ'
+ req.body = body
+ end
+ auth_xml_doc = Nokogiri::XML(auth.body).remove_namespaces!
+ auth_xml_doc.xpath('//authenticateResponse//return')[0].content
+def run_search(body,sid)
+ begin
+ response = web_of_science_conn.post do |req|
+ req.url '/esti/wokmws/ws/WokSearch'
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml'
+ req.headers['Cookie'] = "SID=\"#{sid}\""
+ req.body = body
+ end
+ Nokogiri::XML(response.body).remove_namespaces!
+ rescue
+ Nokogiri::XML("")
+ end
+def name_query(name)
+ split_name=name.split(',')
+ last_name = split_name[0]
+ first_middle_name = split_name[1]
+ first_name = first_middle_name.split(' ')[0]
+ middle_name = first_middle_name.split(' ')[1]
+ name_query = "#{last_name} #{first_name} OR #{last_name} #{first_name[0]}"
+ name_query += " OR #{last_name} #{first_name[0]}#{middle_name[0]} OR #{last_name} #{first_name} #{middle_name[0]}" unless middle_name.blank?
+ name_query
+def count_countries(result_xml_doc,countries_count,author_countries_count,organizations_count,author_organizations_count)
+ begin
+ puts "........collecting pubs"
+ pubs = Nokogiri::XML(result_xml_doc.xpath("//records")[0].content).remove_namespaces!.xpath('//records/REC')
+ puts "........looking for countries"
+ countries = pubs.search('addresses//country').map {|address| address.content.titleize}
+ puts "........looking for organizations"
+ organizations = pubs.search("addresses//organization[@pref='Y']").map {|organization| organization.content}
+ puts "........enumerating countries"
+ countries.each do |country|
+ countries_count[country] += 1
+ author_countries_count[country] += 1
+ end
+ puts ".......enumerating organizations"
+ organizations.each do |organization|
+ organizations_count[organization] += 1
+ author_organizations_count[organization] += 1
+ end
+ return pubs.size
+ rescue
+ return 0
+ end
+puts "Reading #{input_file}"
+names = []
+CSV.foreach(input_file,:headers=>true) do |row|
+ names << row[0]
+puts "#{names.size} total names found"
+total_names = names.size
+puts "#{total_names} total unique names found"
+sid = authenticate
+institutions = ["Stanford University"] # could be an array of institutions
+countries_count = Hash.new(0)
+author_countries_count = Hash.new
+organizations_count = Hash.new(0)
+author_organizations_count = Hash.new
+total_pubs = 0
+max_records = 100 # this is the maximum number that can be returned in single query by WoS
+names.each_with_index do |name,index|
+ next if name.blank?
+ puts "#{index+1} of #{total_names}: searching on #{name}"
+ author_countries_count[name] = Hash.new(0)
+ author_organizations_count[name] = Hash.new(0)
+ num_retrieved = 0
+ query = name_query(name)
+ # run the first query
+ body = "WOSAU=(#{query}) AND OG=(#{institutions.join(' OR ')})1970-01-012017-05-01en1#{max_records}"
+ result_xml_doc = run_search(body,sid)
+ query_id = result_xml_doc.at_xpath('//queryId').content
+ num_records = result_xml_doc.at_xpath('//recordsFound').content.to_i
+ puts "...found #{num_records} pubs using #{query}"
+ num_pubs = count_countries(result_xml_doc,countries_count,author_countries_count[name],organizations_count,author_organizations_count[name])
+ num_retrieved += num_pubs
+ while (num_retrieved < num_records && num_pubs != 0) do # we have more to go
+ next_record = num_retrieved + 1
+ puts "..... fetching next batch starting at #{next_record}"
+ body = "#{query_id}#{next_record}100"
+ result_xml_doc = run_search(body,sid)
+ num_pubs = count_countries(result_xml_doc,countries_count,author_countries_count[name],organizations_count,author_organizations_count[name])
+ num_retrieved += num_pubs
+ end
+ puts author_countries_count[name]
+ puts author_organizations_count[name]
+ puts
+ total_pubs += num_records
+puts "Total pubs analzyed: #{total_pubs}"
+sorted_countries_count = countries_count.sort_by{ |k, v| v }.reverse.to_h
+sorted_organizations_count = organizations_count.sort_by{ |k, v| v }.reverse.to_h
+puts sorted_countries_count
+puts sorted_organizations_count
+CSV.open(output_file, "wb") do |csv|
+ csv << ["Totals",total_pubs]
+ csv << sorted_countries_count.map { |key,value| key }
+ csv << sorted_countries_count.map { |key,value| value }
+ csv << sorted_organizations_count.map { |key,value| key }
+ csv << sorted_organizations_count.map { |key,value| value }
+ names.each do |name|
+ next if name.blank?
+ csv << []
+ csv << [name]
+ sorted_author_countries_count = author_countries_count[name].sort_by{ |k, v| v }.reverse.to_h
+ sorted_author_organizations_count = author_organizations_count[name].sort_by{ |k, v| v }.reverse.to_h
+ csv << sorted_author_countries_count.map {|key,value| key }
+ csv << sorted_author_countries_count.map {|key,value| value }
+ csv << sorted_author_organizations_count.map {|key,value| key }
+ csv << sorted_author_organizations_count.map {|key,value| value }
+ end