Templates are uploaded on the CI release cycle to cf-templates-cloudvision-ci
on Sysdig draios-demo
Leading to the latest entry-point, which will be used on the Sysdig Secure > Getting Started > AWS Cloudformation
When the PR is drafted, a new template will be available for testing:
- For ECS
- For AppRunner
see Makefile
$ aws cloudformation validate-template --template-body file://./templates_ecs/CloudVision.yaml
$ aws cloudformation validate-template --template-body file://./templates_apprunner/SecureForCloudAppRunner.yaml
ECS full cycle:
-- test
$ aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name test ; \
sleep 10 ; \
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file templates_ecs/CloudVision.yaml --stack-name test ; \
aws cloudformation describe-stack-events --stack-name test
AppRunner full cycle:
-- test
$ aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name test ; \
sleep 10 ; \
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file templates_apprunner/SecureForCloudAppRunner.yaml --stack-name test ; \
aws cloudformation describe-stack-events --stack-name test
Aws console > cloudformation > create new stack (template, upload template: select ./templates/Cloudvision.yaml)
- note: this will upload the template into an s3 bucket, remember to delete it afterwards
Delete stack to clean test environment. CFT limitation does not allow to automatically delete non-empty S3 bucket, so Stack deletion will fail when you request it. Delete S3 bucket manually and relaunch deletion for a full cleanup.