Releases: telefonicaid/iotagent-ul
Releases · telefonicaid/iotagent-ul
Changes in this release:
- Polling mode for HTTP commands (#24)
- Duplicated TimeInstant when an active attribute is mapped to TimeInstant attributes (#150)
- Add multientity, bidirectionality and expression plugins (#161)
- Poll commands not removed after device request (#160)
- Logrotate configure correctly all possible log files (#164)
- FIX Command error response message not sent to context Broker (#176)
- FIX Transformed data should include Metadata field (#179)
- ADD alarms for the Mosquitto server #187Add alarms for the Mosquitto server #187
Changes in this release:
- FIX Accept initial bar for Ultraligth measures (#98).
- FIX Allow unprovisioned devices for HTTP UL (#100).
- FIX Allow for request without a Content-type header (#102);
- ADD Optional timestamp for measure groups (#105).
- Allow unprovisioned devices for MQTT UL #108
- FIX Protocol attribute not added to the autoprovisioned devices
- Use the attributes defined in the Configuration as default alias values (#114)
- Add HTTP UL testing commands to the command line interpreter (#126)
- FIX Commands won't write the Error results in the Context Broker.
- FIX HTTP Error connecting to CB not decoded
- Create the Operations Manual #33
- Improve global documentation.
- FIX Logger modules not being singleton cause logging inconsistencies (#140)