- Contracts for Developers and Designers
- Find websites with script URLs matching given regex
- Maslow’s pyramid of code review
- A standard for building APIs in JSON
- Your own local SMS gateway in Go
- Helpful code snippets from CSS-Tricks
- Call all Node.js modules directly from DOM and enable a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies.
- An awesome list of (large-scale) public datasets on the Internet
- Open source machine learning server. Create predictive features - personalization, recommendation & content discovery.
- APIs from the New York Times
- Parsing HTML at the command line
- Generate random identity objects including name, address, etc.
- Get a public key, safely, starting just with someone's social media username(s).
- Manipulate PDFs
- An offline-first, syncing filesystem for the web and Webmaker
- Generate random identity objects including name, address, etc.
- Vagrant - Create a working environment for your favorite stack in one command.
- Build a blog with Github pages!
- CodePen for native app development on Android & iOS
- A web scraping and browser automation library