Open R console or Rstudio and run the commands there.
read in the data
birds_metaxa <- read.table("PATH/TO/birds_metaxa.txt", sep="\t", header=TRUE, row.names=1)
birds_card <- read.table("PATH/TO//birds_CARD.csv", sep=";", header=TRUE, row.names=1)
remove bad entries from the CARD annotations
bad_card <- c("gb|AFH35853.1|ARO:3001328|Escherichia",
birds_card <- birds_card[!(rownames(birds_card) %in% bad_card),]
normalise the metaxa results with the trimmed read count
birds_metaxa_norm <- sweep(birds_metaxa, 2, c(4.5, 3.3, 2.9, 2.7, 0.1, 2.5), '/')
normalise the ARG results with 16S counts from Metaxa2
birds_card_norm <- sweep(birds_card, 2, colSums(birds_metaxa), '/')
barplot(colSums(birds_metaxa), main="Raw counts")
barplot(colSums(birds_metaxa_norm), main="Normalised counts")
Ordination plots
card_dist <- vegdist(t(birds_card_norm))
card_ord <- cmdscale(card_dist)
plot(card_ord, pch=21, cex=3, bg=c(rep("red", 3), rep("blue", 3)), main="CARD PCoA")
card_dist <- vegdist(t(birds_metaxa_norm))
card_ord <- cmdscale(card_dist)
plot(card_ord, pch=21, cex=3, bg=c(rep("red", 3), rep("blue", 3)), main="Metaxa2 PCoA")
Most abundant microbes and ARGs