Create large string easily and optimally
#include "StringBuilder.h"
StringBuilder oStrBuilder;
oStrBuilder += "Hello";
oStrBuilder += ' ';
oStrBuilder += "World";
oStrBuilder += '!';
char* pString = oStrBuilder.Export();
printf("%s", pString);
Result output:
Hello World!
#include "StringBuilder.h"
void* mymalloc(size_t size)
void myfree(void* pData)
StringBuilder oStrBuilder(mymalloc, myfree);
oStrBuilder += "Hello";
oStrBuilder += ' ';
oStrBuilder += "World";
oStrBuilder += '!';
char* pString = oStrBuilder.Export();
printf("%s", pString);
#include "StringBuilder.h"
#include "StringBuilderExtension.h"
StringBuilder oStrBuilder;
oStrBuilder += "int: ";
oStrBuilder += (int)-123456;
oStrBuilder += '\n';
oStrBuilder += "unsigned int: ";
oStrBuilder += (unsigned int)123456;
oStrBuilder += '\n';
oStrBuilder += "long: ";
oStrBuilder += (long)-1234567890123;
oStrBuilder += '\n';
oStrBuilder += "unsigned long: ";
oStrBuilder += (unsigned long)1234567890123;
oStrBuilder += '\n';
oStrBuilder += "float: ";
oStrBuilder += 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971f;
oStrBuilder += '\n';
oStrBuilder += "double: ";
oStrBuilder += 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971;
oStrBuilder += '\n';
char* pString = oStrBuilder.Export();
printf("%s", pString);
Result output:
int: -123456
unsigned int: 123456
long: -1912276171
unsigned long: 1912276171
float: 3.141593
double: 3.141593
float and double seams the same because the extension use printf with %f for both.