Download one or all scenes from a fibaroHC2 system. It can be choosen whether the file(s) should be located in directory of choice or locally.
It is a powerful tool intended to create a round-trip workflow. Plays together with hc2UploadScene
and hc2SceneInteract
[NOTE: We assume that you have configured access to your Fibaro HC2 system as described in CONFIGURATION]
hc2DownloadScene --dir tmp --scene-id 55
downloads the script with the Fibaro HC2 sceneId 55
and saves it in directory tmp
The file name is constructed from the scene name as defined in HC2 and suffixed with .lua
If stored in a directory, sub directories will be created in the form ./zoneName/roomName/
If the directories do not exist they will be created.
hc2DownloadScene -h
Usage: hc2DownloadScene [options]
--log-level, -l Log level, one of panic, fatal, error, warn or warning, info, debug, trace
(default info)
--cfg-file, -c The config file to use (default /Users/the/.hc2-tools/config.json)
--init, -i Create a default config file as defined by cfg-file, if set. If not set
~/.hc2-tools/config.json will be created.
--test, -t Just print information about the contacted HC2 system
--version, -v display version
--help, -h display help
HC2 options:
--user, -u Username for HC2 authentication
--password, -p Password for HC2 authentication
--url URL of the Fibaro HC2 system, in the form http://...
Scene options:
--create-header If set create the FIBARO_GIT_HEADER if none present (default true)
--scene-id, -s The sceneId that shall be used. If none given, all scenes will be downloaded.
(default -1)
--dir, -d Where to search for the included libraries (default ./download)
hc2DownloadScene 1.0.0
Read more:
hc2DownloadScene -u admin -p theAdminPassword --url -i -t
tests the connection to your Fibaro HC2 system and creates a config-file in ~/.hc2-tool/*
so that you do not have to reenter the information in subsequent to the hc2-tools calls.
hc2DownloadScene --dir tmp --scene-id 55
downloads the script with the Fibaro HC2 sceneId 55
and saves it in directory tmp
If a scene with scenedID 55
does not exists program will return with exit code 1
hc2DownloadScene -dir tmp
downloads all scripts from the Fibaro HC2 and saves it in directory tmp
The file has the following structure
Please note that you do not have to use the admin user, but any user who has access to desired scenes. ...