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Orchestrate API for Ruby

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Ruby client interface for the REST API.

rDoc Documentation

Getting Started

The Orchestrate Gem provides two interfaces currently, the method client and the object client. The method client is a solid but basic interface that provides a single entry point to an Orchestrate Application. The object client uses the method client under the hood, and maps Orchestrate's domain objects (Collections, KeyValues, etc) to Ruby classes, and is still very much in progress. This guide will show you how to use both.

Object client use

Setup the Application and a Collection

app =
users = app[:users]

Changing Data centers

By default, the host data center is AWS US East ( To use another data center, such as AWS EU West, then you must initialize the client with the host URL

host = ""
app =, host)

Store some KeyValues, List them

users[:joe] = { "name" => "Joe" }           # PUTs joe, returns the input, as per Ruby convention on #[]=
users.set(:jack, { "name" => "Jack" })      # PUTs jack, returns a KeyValue
users.create(:jill, { "name" => "Jill" })   # PUT-If-Absent jill, returns a KeyValue
users << { "name" => "Unknown" }            # POSTs the body, returns a KeyValue {|user| [user.key, user.ref]}     # enumerates over ALL items in collection

Manipulate KeyValues

jill = users[:jill]
jill[:name]                                 # "Jill"
jill[:location] = "On the Hill"
jill.value                                  # { "name" => "Jill", "location" => "On the Hill" }                                   # PUT-If-Match, updates ref

Manipulate KeyValues with PATCH

jill.merge({location: "Under the Hill"})        # Updates jill by merging given partial value into existing value

# Patch Operations
jill.add('favorite_sibling', 'Jack').update     # adds new field/value pair to jill
jill.remove('favorite_sibling').update          # removes given field/value pair from jill
jill.replace('on_the_hill', false).update       # replaces given field with given value
jill.move('name', 'first_name').update          # moves given field's value to new field
jill.copy('first_name', 'full_name').update     # copies given field's value to another field
jill.increment('age', 1).update                 # increments given field (must have numeric value) by provided amount
jill.decrement('years_to_live', 1).update       # decrements given field (must have numeric value) by provided amount
jill.test('full_name', 'Jill').update           # tests equality of existing field/value pair with given field/value

# Patch Operations can be chained together to perform multiple updates to a KeyValue item
jill.add('favorite_food', 'Pizza').remove('years_to_live').update()

Searching, Sorting for KeyValues"name:Jill").find                      # returns users with name "Jill""name:Jill").order(:created_at).find   # returns users with name "Jill" in ascending order

The order method accepts multiple arguments, allowing you to sort search results based multiple parameters. When providing multiple field names to sort by each even-numbered argument must be either :asc or :desc."location: Portland").order(:name, :asc, :rank, :desc).find

By default, odd-numbered arguments will be sorted in ascending order."location: Portland").order(:name).find  # returns users in ascending order by name"location: Portland").order(:name, :asc, :rank, :desc, :created_at).find   # :created_at argument defaults to :asc

Geo Queries

# Create a Collection object
cafes = app[:cafes]

# Find cafes near a given geographic point
cafes.near(:location, 12.56, 19.443, 4, 'mi').find   # returns cafes in a 4 mile radius of given latitude, longitude

# Sort nearby cafes by distance
cafes.near(:location, 12.56, 19.443, 4, 'mi').order(:distance).find  # returns nearby cafes in ascending order (closest to farthest)

# Find cafes in a given area using a bounding box, {north:12.5, east:57, south:12, west:56}).find   # returns all cafes within specified bounding box

Aggregate Functions

# Statistical Aggregate"*").aggregate  # Start the search query and aggregate param builder
  .stats("price")               # statistics on the price field for products matching the query
  .find                         # return SearchResults object to execute our query
  .each_aggregate               # return enumerator for iterating over each aggregate result

# Range Aggregate"*").aggregate  # Start the search query and aggregate param builder
  .range("num_sold")            # set field for range function
  .below(99)                    # count items with num_sold value below 99
  .between(1, 10)               # count items with num_sold value between 1 & 10
  .above(5)                     # count items with num_sold value above 5
  .find                         # return SearchResults object to execute our query
  .each_aggregate               # return enumerator for iterating over each aggregate result

# Distance Aggregate
cafes.near(:location, 12, 19, 4, 'mi').aggregate  # Start the near search query and aggregate param builder
  .distance("location")         # set field for distance function
  .below(3)                     # count cafes within 3 miles of given geographic point
  .between(3, 4)                # count cafes between 3 and 4 miles of given geographic point
  .above(1)                     # count cafes beyond 1 mile of given geographic point
  .find                         # return SearchResults object to execute our query
  .each_aggregate               # return enumerator for iterating over each aggregate result

# Time-Series Aggregate
# Accepted intervals are: year, quarter, month, week, day, and hour"*").aggregate  # Start the near search query and aggregate param builder
  .time_series("posted", "day") # get count of comments posted by day
  .time_zone("+1100")           # set a specific time zone
  .find                         # return SearchResults object to execute our query
  .each_aggregate               # return enumerator for iterating over each aggregate result

# Multiple Aggregate Functions"*").aggregate  # Start the search query and aggregate param builder
  .stats("price")               # statistics on the price field for products matching the query
  .range("num_sold")            # set field for range function
  .below(99)                    # count items with num_sold value below 99
  .find                         # return SearchResults object to execute our query
  .each_aggregate               # return enumerator for iterating over each aggregate result


steve = users['Steve']

# create new events['wall_post'] << { text: "Hello!" }['activities'] << { text: "first post" }

# search for events'first post').kinds('event').find

# search for 'wall_post' events'Hello').kinds('event').types('wall_post').find

Method Client use

Create a Client

# method client
client =

# EU data center
host = ""
client =, host)

Query Collections, Keys and Values

# method client
client.put(:users, :jane, {"name"=>"Jane"}) # PUTs jane, returns API::ItemResponse
jack = client.get(:users, :jack)            # GETs jack, returns API::ItemResponse
client.delete(:users, :jack, jack.ref)      # DELETE-If-Match, returns API::Response
client.list(:users)                         # LIST users, returns API::CollectionResposne

Manipulate KeyValues with PATCH

# Give a set of operations to manipulate a given key
# Operations are executed in sequential order
ops = [
  { "op" => "add", "path" => "nimble", "value" => true }, # adds new field/value pair
  { "op" => "remove", "path" => "nimble" }, # removes given field/value pair
  { "op" => "replace", "path" => "quick", "value" => true }, # replaces given field with given value
  { "op" => "move", "from" => "name", "path" => "first_name" }, # moves given field's value to new field
  { "op" => "copy", "from" => "city", "path" => "home_town" }, # copies given field's value to another field
  { "op" => "inc", "path" => "age", "value" => 1 }, # increment a numeric value at a given path
  { "op" => "inc", "path" => "age", "value" => -1 }, # pass a negative number to decrement a numeric value
  { "op" => "test", "path" => "first_name", "value" => "Jack" }, # tests equality of existing field/value pair with given field/value

client.patch(:users, :jack, ops)

# Merge partial values into existing key
client.patch_merge(:users, :jack, { favorite_food: "Donuts" })

Search Collections, "location:Portland") # search 'users' collection for items with a location of 'Portland'

Sorting Collections, "location:Portland", { sort: "" }) # returns items sorted by a field name in descending order, "location:Portland", { sort: "" }) # returns items sorted by a field name in ascending order, "location:Portland", { sort: "," }) # returns items sorted primarily by last name, but whenever two users have an identical last name, the results will be sorted by first name as well.

Geo Queries

# Find cafes near a given geographic point

coords = {
  lat: 12.56,
  lon: 19.443,
  dist: '4mi' # Define size of search radius for NEAR query
query = "value.location:NEAR:{lat:#{} lon:#{coords.lon} dist:#{coords.dist}}", query)    # returns cafes in a 4 mile radius of given latitude, longitude

# Using the previous coords & query,
# sort results by distance, query, {
  sort: 'value.location:distance:asc'

# Find cafes in a given area using a bounding box
query = "value:IN:{ north:12.5 east:57 south:12 west:56 }", query)

Aggregate Functions

# Statistical Aggregate
query = "*"

options = {
  aggregate: "value.price:stats"    # get statistics for price across all items in the collection

response =, query, options)

response.aggregates     # return aggregate results

# Range Aggregate
query = "*"

options = {
  # count items with num_sold below 99, in between 1 & 10, and above 5
  aggregate: "value.num_sold:range:*~99:1~10:5~*"

response =, query, options)

response.aggregates     # return aggregate results

# Distance Aggregate
coords = {
  lat: 12.56,
  lon: 19.443,
  dist: '4mi' # Define size of search radius for NEAR query

options = {
  # count cafes near give geographic point within 3 miles, between 3 and 4 miles, and beyond 1 mile
  aggregate: "value.location:distance:*~3:3~4:1~*"

# Distance Aggregates require a near clause in the search query
query = "value.location:NEAR:{lat:#{} lon:#{coords.lon} dist:#{coords.dist}}"

response =, query, options)

response.aggregates     # return aggregate results

# Time-Series Aggregate
# Accepted intervals are: year, quarter, month, week, day, and hour

options = {
  # get count of comments posted by day
  aggregate: "value.posted:time_series:day"

query = "*"

response =, query, options)

response.aggregates     # return aggregate results

# Time-Series Aggregate with Time Zone

options = {
  # get count of comments posted by day
  aggregate: "value.posted:time_series:day:+1100"

query = "*"

response =, query, options)

response.aggregates     # return aggregate results

# Multiple Aggregate Functions
options = {
  # multiple aggregate params are separated by commas
  aggregate: "value.price:stats,value.num_sold:stats,value.num_sold:range:*~99:1~10:5~*"

query = "*"

response =, query, options)

response.aggregates     # return aggregate results

Examples and Documentation

There are more examples and documentation in Orchestrate's API Documentation and the rdoc.

Swapping out the HTTP back end

This gem uses Faraday for its HTTP needs -- and Faraday allows you to change the underlying HTTP client used. The Orchestrate client defaults to net-http-persistent for speed on repeat requests without having to resort to a compiled library. You can easily swap in Typhoeus which uses libcurl to enable fast, parallel requests, or EventMachine HTTP to use a non-blocking, callback-based interface. Examples are below.

You may use Faraday's test adapter to stub out calls to the Orchestrate API in your tests. See tests/test_helper.rb and the tests in tests/orchestrate/api/*_test.rb for examples.

Parallel HTTP requests

If you're using a Faraday back end that enables parallelization, such as Typhoeus, EM-HTTP-Request, or EM-Synchrony you can use Orchestrate::Client#in_parallel to fire off multiple requests at once. If your Faraday back end does not support this, the method will still work as expected, but Faraday will output a warning to STDERR and the requests will be performed in series.

Note that these parallel modes are not thread-safe. If you are using the client in a threaded environment, you should use #dup on your Orchestrate::Client or Orchestrate::Application to create per-thread instances.

method client

client = {|f| f.adapter :typhoeus }

responses = client.in_parallel do |r|
  r[:list] = client.list(:my_collection)
  r[:user] = client.get(:users, current_user_id)
  r[:user_events] = client.list_events(:users, current_user_id, :notices)
# will return when all requests have completed

responses[:user] = #<Orchestrate::API::ItemResponse:0x00...>

object client

app = {|f| f.adapter :typhoeus }

app.in_parallel do
  @items = app[:my_collection].each
  @user = app[:users][current_user_id]

Note that values are not available inside of the in_parallel block. The r[:list] or @items objects are placeholders for their future values and will be available after the in_parallel block returns. Since take and other enumerable methods normally attempt to access the value when called, you must convert the app[:my_collection] to an Enumerator with #each and access them outside the parallel block.

You can, inside the parallel block, construct further iteration over your collection with Enumerable#lazy like so:

app.in_parallel do
  @items = app[:my_collection].each.lazy.take(5)

Attempting to access the values inside the parallel block will raise an Orchestrate::ResultsNotReady exception.

Lazy enumerators are not available by default in Ruby 1.9. Lazy enumerator results are not pre-fetched from orchestrate unless they are taken inside an #in_parallel block, otherwise results are fetched when needed.

Using with Typhoeus

Typhoeus is backed by libcurl and enables parallelization.

require 'orchestrate'
require 'typhoeus/adapters/faraday'

client = do |conn|
  conn.adapter :typhoeus

Using with EM-HTTP-Request

EM-HTTP-Request is an HTTP client for Event Machine. It enables callback support and parallelization.

require 'em-http-request'

client = do |conn|
  conn.adapter :em_http

Using with EM-Synchrony

EM-Synchrony is a collection of utility classes for EventMachine to help untangle evented code. It enables parallelization.

require 'em-synchrony'

client = do |conn|
  conn.adapter = f.adapter :em_synchrony

Release Notes

April 30, 2015: release 0.11.3

  • Implement Orchestrate::Search::TopValuesBuilder to construct top values aggregates.

March 27, 2015: release 0.11.2

  • Implement Orchestrate::Search::QueryBuilder#kinds to search events as well as KV items.
  • Implement Orchestrate::Search::QueryBuilder#types to search specific types of events.

February 17, 2015: release 0.11.1

  • Implement Search::TimeSeriesBuilder#time_zone to designate time zone when calculating time series bucket boundaries.

January 7, 2015: release 0.11.0

  • BACKWARDS-INCOMPATIBLE Orchestrate::Collection searches require #find method at the end of the method call/chain. Example:'foo').find.
  • Implement Orchestrate::Search module, refactor functionality of prior Orchestrate::Collection::SearchResults.
  • Implement results enumeration & request firing functionality in prior Orchestrate::Collection::SearchResults to Orchestrate::Search::Results
  • Implement Search::QueryBuilder to construct Collection search queries.
  • Implement Search::AggregateBuilder to construct aggregate params on Collection search queries.
  • Implement Search::StatsBuilder, Search::RangeBuilder, Search::DistanceBuilder, & Search::TimeSeriesBuilder to construct aggregate function clauses for aggregate params.
  • Implement Search::AggregateResult objects to repesent aggregate results returned from Collection search.

December 11, 2014: release 0.10.0

  • BACKWARDS-INCOMPATIBLE Prior KeyValue#update & KeyValue#update! renamed to KeyValue#set & KeyValue#set!. KeyValue#update now used after PATCH operations to fire the request.
  • Implement Collection#near & Collection#in, allowing Collection to perform geo queries.
  • Implement Client#patch, Client#patch_merge, allowing Client to perform partial updates through PATCH requests.
  • Implement KeyValue::OperationSet, allowing a set of PATCH operations to be built by KeyValue through KeyValue#add, KeyValue#remove, KeyValue#replace, KeyValue#move, KeyValue#copy, KeyValue#increment, KeyValue#decrement, & KeyValue#test. The KeyValue::OperationSet is fired by ending the chain with KeyValue#update.
  • Implement KeyValue#merge, allowing KeyValue to merge partial values into existing keys through PATCH requests.

November 19, 2014: release 0.9.2

  • Implement SearchResults#order, allowing Collection object results to be sorted.
  • Implement Data Center choice on Orchestrate::Client and Orchestrate::Application.

October 8, 2014: release 0.9.1

  • Improvements to documentation.

September 1, 2014: release 0.9.0

  • Implement KeyValue#events, EventList and Events to access events associated with a KeyValue.
  • Removed KeyValue#loaded attr reader, it pointed to an instance variable no longer in use. Use #loaded? instead.

August 6, 2014: release 0.8.1

  • Implement KeyValue#refs, RefList and Ref to access a KeyValue's Refs.
  • Refactor Client api accessors on Object client to internal #perform methods.

July 24, 2014: release 0.8.0

  • BACKWARDS-INCOMPATIBLE Fix #69, Client will url-escape path segments. If you have keys with slashes or spaces or other characters escaped by URI.escape the client will now behave as expected, however if you've used these keys with this client before you may not be able to get to those old keys.
  • Fix #78, KeyValues are given an empty hash value by default, instead of nil.
  • Change default value for KeyValue#ref to be false. On save, this will send an If-None-Match header instead of omitting the condition.
  • Revisited #in_parallel methods, improved documentation, tests for Enumerables on Object client, made sure behavior conforms.
  • Implement KeyValue#update and #update! to update the value and save in one go.
  • Implement Collection#stub to instantiate a KeyValue without loading it, for access to Relations, Refs, Events, etc.
  • Implement Collection#build to provide a factory for unsaved KV items in a collection.
  • Implement KeyValue#relation for Graph / Relation queries on object client.
  • Implement Collection#search for Lucene queries on Collections via the object client.

July 1, 2014: release 0.7.0

  • Fix #66 to make parallel mode work properly
  • Switch the default Faraday adapter to the net-http-persistent gem, which in casual testing yields much better performance for sustained use.
  • Introduced the object client, Orchestrate::Application, Orchestrate::Collection & Orchestrate::KeyValue

June 24, 2014: release 0.6.3

  • Fix #55 to handle ping responses when unauthorized

June 24, 2014: release 0.6.2

  • Fix #48 to remove trailing -gzip from Etag header for ref value.
  • Custom #to_s and #inspect methods for Client, Response classes.
  • Implement If-Match header for Client#purge
  • Implement Client#post for auto-generated keys endpoint

June 17, 2014: release 0.6.1

  • Fix #43 for If-None-Match on Client#put
  • Fix #46 for Client#ping
  • License changed to ASLv2

June 16, 2014: release 0.6.0

  • BACKWARDS-INCOMPATIBLE Reworked Client constructor to take API key and optional Faraday configuration block. See 9045ffc for details.
  • Migrated documentation to YARD
  • Provide basic response wrappers specific to generic request types.
  • Raise Exceptions on error response from Orchestrate API.
  • Remove custom logger in favor of the option to use Faraday middleware.
  • Accept Time/Date objects for Timestamp arguments to Event-related methods.

May 29, 2014: release 0.5.1

  • Fix problem with legacy code preventing gem from loading in some environments

May 21, 2014: release 0.5.0

Initial Port from @jimcar

  • Uses Faraday HTTP Library as backend, with examples of alternate adapters
  • Cleanup client method signatures