First things first, let's get the Serverless Framework open source CLI installed on your machine.
(no Node.js or npm installation required)
Run following code in your terminal:
curl -o- -L | bash
Note: To use newly installed binary you need to open another terminal window.
To upgrade already installed version:
serverless upgrade
Install with Chocolatey package manager:
choco install serverless
To upgrade already installed version:
choco upgrade serverless
# Install the serverless cli
npm install -g serverless
# Or, update the serverless cli from a previous version
npm update -g serverless
If you don’t already have Node 6 or higher on your machine, you’ll need to do that first.
If you already registered for a Serverless Framework Dashboard account, login to your account from the CLI.
serverless login
Once you have the Serverless Framework installed, simply run the serverless
command and follow the prompts. In no time you will have deployed your first serverless app using the Serverless Framework CLI and configured your Serverless Framework Dashboard account to automatically monitor your serverless app, generate alerts, and much more. If you already have an existing Serverless Framework Dashboard account, you'll be prompted for your organization and application as well.
# Create and deploy a new service/project
Want to try out the Serverless Framework on a different cloud provider? Click on any of the cloud provider quick start guides, to the left, to get started.