- Start with commented out Tokenizer, Parser, Code Generator
- Show
def method()
- Create empty Tokenizer class
- Create a debug line
tokens = Tokenizer.new(File.read('source')).tokenize
- Watch it fail
- Create initialize method to store @code away
- Create tokenize method
def tokenize
tokens = []
tokens << grab_one_token until @code.empty?
- Create TOKEN_TYPES explain why order is important and regex
[:def, /\bdef\b/],
[:end, /\bend\b/],
[:identifier, /\b[a-zA-Z]+\b/],
[:integer, /\b[0-9]+\b/],
[:oparen, /\(/],
[:cparen, /\)/],
- Create grab_one_token
def grab_one_token
@code = @code.strip
TOKEN_TYPES.each do |type, re|
if @code =~ /\A(#{re})/
@code = @code[$1.length..-1]
return Token.new(type, $1)
raise RuntimeError.new("Couldn't find token for #{@code.inspect}")
- explain the \A super hat (that basically) we don't want start of line, we want start of string
- We construct a Token so we need
Token = Struct.new(:type, :value)
- Run through the tokenizer code, showing the output
- Write
tree = Parser.new(tokens).parse
as debug code - Before writing
method, reiterate that we care about making sense of the tokens now - Point out in our example source files will only ever have one def function
- Write out the main things we care about (name, arguments, body)
def parse consume(:def) name = consume(:identifier).value argument_names = parse_arguments body = parse_body consume(:end) DefNode.new(name, argument_names, body) end
6. Write consume method
def consume(expected_token) token = @tokens.shift if token.type == expected_token token else raise RuntimeError.new("expected token type #{expected_token.inspect} but got #{token.type.inspect}") end end
7. Parse some argument_names
def parse_arguments argument_names = [] consume(:open_paren) if peek(:identifier) argument_names << consume(:identifier).value while peek(:comma) consume(:comma) argument_names << consume(:identifier).value end end consume(:close_paren) argument_names end
8. Create the peek method.
def peek(expected_token, index=0) @tokens[index].type == expected_token end
9. Go back and add comma as into regex
10. Parse method_body
def parse_body if peek(:integer) parse_integer elsif peek(:identifier) && peek(:open_paren, 1) parse_call else parse_variable end end
11. Note that the struct we get out `DefNode = Struct.new(:name, :argument_names, :body)` contains all our tokens, we don't want that, use `.value` and `IntegerNode` to fix.
12. Now lets make our method body do something interesting
13. Create a call node `CallNode = Struct.new(:name, :argument_expressions)`, set it in `parse_call`. Name will be the call name, argument_expressions will be result of `parse_argument_expressions`
def parse_call name = consume(:identifier).value argument_expressions = parse_argument_expressions CallNode.new(name, argument_expressions) end
14. Create a `parse_argument_expressions` method to parse the arguments.
def parse_argument_expressions argument_expressions = [] consume(:open_paren) if !peek(:close_paren) argument_expressions << parse_body while peek(:comma) consume(:comma) argument_expressions << parse_body end end
consume(:close_paren) argument_expressions end
15. We need to be able to handle variables being passed in, lets edit our `parse_body` to suit
def parse_body if peek(:integer) parse_integer elsif peek(:identifier) && peek(:open_paren, 1) parse_call else parse_variable end end
16. This needs
def parse_variable VariableNode.new(consume(:identifier).value) end
## Code Generator
0. Lets set our source to
def method(x,y,z) test(x, 1, x()) end
1. Time to generate our code `puts Generator.new.generate(tree)`
class Generator def generate(node) case node when 1 1 else raise RuntimeError.new("Unexpected Node Type #{node.class}") end end end
2. Now lets handle the DefNode
when DefNode "function %s(%s) { return %s}" % [ node.name, node.argument_names.join(','), generate(node.body) ]
3. Now we need a CallNode
when CallNode "%s(%s)" % [ node.name, node.argument_expressions.map do |arg_exp| generate(arg_exp) end.join(",") ]
4. Finally we need Variable and Integer Nodes
when VariableNode node.value when IntegerNode node.value