diff --git a/src/layouts/home/Home.js b/src/layouts/home/Home.js index 96800d5..8998926 100644 --- a/src/layouts/home/Home.js +++ b/src/layouts/home/Home.js @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ class Home extends Component {
Your Truffle Box is installed and ready.
This particular box comes with autentication via a smart contract built-in.
+This particular box comes with authentication via a smart contract built-in.
In the upper-right corner, you'll see a login button. Click it to login with with the Authentication smart contract. If there is no user information for the given address, you'll be redirected to sign up. There are two authenticated routes: "/dashboard", which displays the user's name once authenticated; and "/profile", which allows a user to update their name.
This example redirects home ("/") when trying to access an authenticated route without first authenticating. You can change this path in the failureRedriectUrl property of the UserIsAuthenticated wrapper on line 9 of util/wrappers.js.
+This example redirects home ("/") when trying to access an authenticated route without first authenticating. You can change this path in the failureRedirectUrl property of the UserIsAuthenticated wrapper on line 9 of util/wrappers.js.
Once authenticated, any component can access the user's data by assigning the authData object to a component's props.{"// In component's render function."}
{"const { authData } = this.props"}
{"// Use in component."}
{"Hello { this.props.authData.name }!"}