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119 lines (77 loc) · 3.13 KB

template: ../media/TB4Template.pptx

Turtle Bot 4 -- A Fancy Robot

  • Let's learn about robots!

This Is A Presentation Section Page

A TurtleBot 4

  • Today we will learn how to use a TurtleBot 4

This Is A Bulleted List on TB4 Resources

  • One
    • One A
    • One B
  • Two
    • foo
    • bar
    • baz

** Here are some slide notes. Note you leave an empty line between the content - in this case a bulleted list - and the notes. **

Here is a page with some code!

  • For help search Google.
  • This is highlighted code ** This is emphasis code. **
      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install -y python3-rosdep
      sudo rosdep init
      rosdep update
  • This is some text describing above

Here is another page

  • Herp
  • Derp
  • Slerp
  • Perp


How about an image and code

A TurtleBot 4

      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install -y python3-rosdep
      sudo rosdep init
      rosdep update

How about an image and text???

This slide is an image and text! This text won't appear

  • This text will appear!
  • So will this
  • So will this?

A TurtleBot 4

Let's try a different way

  • This text will appear!
  • So will this
  • So will this?

A TurtleBot 4

What about an H4 with a wall of text

Here is some subtext

What happens with an H4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ultrices posuere lorem, eu dictum massa efficitur ac. Aenean at risus luctus, vulputate ex non, condimentum tellus. Aenean egestas, odio eu ornare eleifend, nulla enim efficitur nunc, non luctus velit purus a urna. Pellentesque magna odio, viverra eu enim non, hendrerit pulvinar nibh. Aenean blandit lacus et ex bibendum, at finibus orci rhoncus. Integer venenatis eros in scelerisque porta. Nam ligula sem, ullamcorper nec efficitur in, commodo sit amet justo. Praesent ut nibh ultrices, euismod eros in, consectetur risus. Fusce a imperdiet justo. Cras magna massa, venenatis non lectus ac, mattis luctus est.

Phasellus varius rutrum ullamcorper. Maecenas iaculis rhoncus ipsum, id congue augue suscipit eu. Nullam varius neque non est congue tincidunt. Vestibulum a nulla ac felis consequat posuere. Ut vulputate malesuada placerat. Integer accumsan rhoncus magna sit amet laoreet. Nullam aliquet libero pharetra, suscipit felis at, faucibus enim. Sed metus massa, tincidunt vitae nunc quis, bibendum laoreet ante. Donec id egestas dui. Quisque blandit tellus augue, in cursus mauris malesuada eget.

How about two images?

A TurtleBot 4 A TurtleBot 4

What about tables?

a b c d e
1 2 3 3 4
a f g d s
s s s s s

This is a underlined under a table

Do we get syntax highlighting

    def sortedNumericList(string):
        return sorted(list(map(int, set(string.split()))))

    def parseRGB(str):
        if RGBmatch := RGBRegex.match(str):
            # Matches
            return (True,
            return (False, "")