This corner of the CASA0014 repository contains 2 projects:
- Chrono Lumina - a MQTT controlled NeoPixel ring using an ESP32 board
- LED finder - a device for publishing messages via MQTT to Chrono Lumina
These repositories contain examples of the work in progress in developing these devices.
Information on how to access the lumina lights is described in the file
The folders are:
- Live version of CELab Chrono Lumina - /d1miniesp32/d1mini_esp32_S3_zero_neopixel
- Live version of LED finder - /LEDfinder/LEDfinder-esp32c3
- Development versions of LED finder and background info
- An early version using ESP8266
- Docs contains useful docs for the ESP32 from waveshare
- html contains a sample page for controlling chrono lumina via a webpage
- python contains example Python scripts for controlling the lights by a work experience student Calli
A photographic history is available on Flickr