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Releases: unitaryfund/pennylane-qrack

Update for breaking changes

29 Apr 12:09
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This fixes breaking changes detected by the unit tests.

Adjoint support

14 Feb 11:48
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This release adds support for qml.adjoint(), as opposed to the inv() extension, to form adjoint or inverse operations.

Basic maintenance release

15 Sep 14:32
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This is a basic maintenance release, to merge upstream work and dependencies.

New gates

24 Apr 18:49
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This expands the natively supported gate set to include the following new gates:

  • MultiControlledX
  • CRX
  • CRY
  • CRot
  • SX
  • U1
  • U2
  • U3
  • ControlledPhaseShift

Pass qml.device() kwargs to PyQrack QrackSimulator

23 Apr 23:27
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(Dan is sorry for his habitual rapid-fire releases in even the same day, but...) The initial release of pennylane-qrack works even better if kwargs from qml.device() are simply passed directly into the QrackSimulator constructor. This allows users to utilize any PyQrack QrackSimulator constructor options in device initialization.

Adapt PennyLane-Qulacs to Qrack

23 Apr 21:23
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Based upon the PennyLane-Qulacs plugin, under Apache License 2.0, this is the initial release of an equivalent plugin for PyQrack.

Many thanks to the developers of PennyLane-Qulacs!


22 Dec 19:21
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PYQRACK_HOST_POINTER_DEFAULT_ON=1, or set to any "truthy" value, now changes the default of QrackSimulator constructor option isHostPointer from False to True. This (True) default often benefits "integrated graphics" accelerators that use general memory, rather than dedicated memory, which can therefore benefit from "zero-copy" mode.

Full Changelog:

sha1sum results:
8f3f92b78128f9d374a3232dd6c83ced4708060f pennylane_qrack-0.12.0-py3-none-macosx_13_0_x86_64.whl
d05e5fdd611f6608f14bcc44473bc7bf7e985f8b pennylane_qrack-0.12.0-py3-none-macosx_14_0_arm64.whl
f40eaa008137b32f218326d66dbed288cbd743c8 pennylane_qrack-0.12.0-py3-none-macosx_15_0_arm64.whl
53ca4e025010aebc0683b4ca942dae4d61daef54 pennylane_qrack-0.12.0-py3-none-manylinux_2_31_x86_64.whl
c517f7145d310dea1bbfdf726b69c3a1f7f171fc pennylane_qrack-0.12.0-py3-none-manylinux_2_35_x86_64.whl
5ba1375482287fc4ac812695018635726d307ed4 pennylane_qrack-0.12.0-py3-none-manylinux_2_39_x86_64.whl
35d53b0ccf51e5e580a5bd6828a2216cf46f3551 pennylane_qrack-0.12.0-py3-none-win_amd64.whl
fe21738ef14798e70d2fd97b6c169cd1b2200246 pennylane_qrack-0.12.0.tar.gz

Handle more observables

25 Nov 12:15
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This release adds support for Hadamard and Hermitian observables to

sha1sum results:
f683a09ebf0e5301171d4859566e1542daa333ed pennylane_qrack-0.11.0-py3-none-macosx_13_0_x86_64.whl
dbe643000562403c6a9c77538e1c345123e4ad8d pennylane_qrack-0.11.0-py3-none-macosx_14_0_arm64.whl
fe0e50add7469f28df943b862f9b31427911a9ed pennylane_qrack-0.11.0-py3-none-macosx_15_0_arm64.whl
b4ead13f624dd7ad3eb88950e6d60233bdefb30f pennylane_qrack-0.11.0-py3-none-manylinux_2_31_x86_64.whl
95be1683d6f131b4027c7622ba2d8db0fd1414ec pennylane_qrack-0.11.0-py3-none-manylinux_2_35_x86_64.whl
c62c83ea91b5f3a2ff0236f523d28dedc006e576 pennylane_qrack-0.11.0-py3-none-manylinux_2_39_x86_64.whl
8b3d42a08334c1631a1a5aad3d8aeec240e5d2eb pennylane_qrack-0.11.0-py3-none-win_amd64.whl
2696ad68d2a24f382b3d56725def00c02bc82519 pennylane_qrack-0.11.0.tar.gz