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Developer Quick Start

Stephen Yeargin edited this page Oct 2, 2022 · 13 revisions


  • PHP 8.1 or above
  • NodeJS 10 or above
  • Composer 1.9 or above

Optional Configuration


  1. Clone this repository to a project directory
  2. Copy .env to .env.local and update the relevant credentials for the database, SMTP server and connected APIs
  3. Run composer install to install PHP resources
  4. Run npm install to install Javascript resources
  5. Run npm run-script build to build WebPack assets (use npm run-script watch to monitor for changes)
  6. Run bin/console doctrine:database:create to create database (if necessary)
  7. Run bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate to install database schema
  8. Run bin/console app:user:add <email> to create your first admin user
  9. Run symfony server:start to launch the web server
  10. Visit http://localhost:8000 and use your credentials to log in
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