- .Net SDK 5.0
- Any IDE (Rider, VSCode, VisualStudio are recommended)
- MiniCover
dotnet tool install --global minicover
- To run test
dotnet test
or "watch it" with:dotnet watch test --project FizzBuzzTest
- To generate coverage report
You are to implement FizzBuzz using TDD methodology. If you are unfamiliar with FizzBuzz, here is an explanation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fizz_buzz
The rules are:
- You have to write the test first using the Red-Green-Refactor process
- You are not allowed to write ANY production code until you have a failing test (Red state)
- You are only allowed to write the absolute minimum amount of production code to repair the test (Green state)
- If applicable you are allowed to rearrange the production code, but not allowed to change the logic. (Refactor state)
- Repeat the Red state
- A test is only allowed to test ONE functionality
- Use the least amount of asserts needed to verify the functionality
- If different test cases only differ on data, consider using a parameterized test
- Unit tests don't contain any infrastructure, they only test logic/flow
- Integration tests don't contain exhaustive logic tests. They only test happy flow or relevant alternative flows.
- Integration tests don't use mocks (unless totally unavoidable)