Spring PetClinic is a sample Spring Boot web application that can be used with MySQL.
If not already installed, install the ServiceBinding CRD and controller.
Apply the PetClinic workload, MySQL service and connect them with a ServiceBinding:
kubectl apply -f ./samples/spring-petclinic
Wait for the workload (and database) to start and become healthy:
kubectl wait deployment spring-petclinic --for condition=available --timeout=2m
Inspect the PetClinic workload as bound:
kubectl describe deployment spring-petclinic
If the ServiceBinding is working, a new environment variable (SERVICE_BINDING_ROOT), volume and volume mount (binding-49a23274b0590d5057aae1ae621be723716c4dd5) is added to the deployment. The describe output will contain:
/bindings/spring-petclinic-db from binding-4b2c350fb984fc36b6cf39515a2efced0fcb5053 (ro)
Type: Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
SecretName: spring-petclinic-db
SecretOptionalName: <nil>
The workload uses Spring Cloud Bindings, which discovers the bound MySQL service by type and reconfigures Spring Boot to consume the service. Spring Cloud Bindings is automatically added to Spring applications built by Paketo buildpacks.
We can see the effect of Spring Cloud Bindings by view the workload logs:
kubectl logs -l app=spring-petclinic -c workload --tail 1000
The logs should contain:
Spring Cloud Bindings Boot Auto-Configuration Enabled
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:: Built with Spring Boot :: 2.3.1.RELEASE
2020-07-31 14:48:25.037 INFO 1 --- [ main] o.s.s.petclinic.PetClinicApplication : Starting PetClinicApplication v2.3.1.BUILD-SNAPSHOT on petclinic-5f5f8ff6db-srn7g with PID 1 (/workspace/BOOT-INF/classes started by cnb in /workspace)
2020-07-31 14:48:25.057 INFO 1 --- [ main] o.s.s.petclinic.PetClinicApplication : The following profiles are active: mysql
2020-07-31 14:48:25.191 INFO 1 --- [ main] .BindingSpecificEnvironmentPostProcessor : Creating binding-specific PropertySource from Kubernetes Service Bindings
To connect to the workload, forward a local port into the cluster:
kubectl port-forward service/spring-petclinic 8080:80
Then open http://localhost:8080
in a browser.