diff --git a/spec/index.bs b/spec/index.bs
index 736dd30..0f74ca1 100644
--- a/spec/index.bs
+++ b/spec/index.bs
@@ -1508,108 +1508,9 @@ strings (|createdPolicyNames|), this algorithm returns `"Blocked"` if the
1. Return |result|.
-### Violation object changes ### {#csp-violation-object-hdr}
-[=violation|Violation=] object [=violation/resource=] also allows `"trusted-types-policy"`
-and `"trusted-types-sink"` as values.
### Support for dynamic code compilation ### {#csp-eval}
-This document modifies the [[CSP3#can-compile-strings|EnsureCSPDoesNotBlockStringCompilation]]
-which is reproduced in its entirety below with additions and deletions.
-Note: This is based on [dynamic-code-brand-checks](https://tc39.es/proposal-dynamic-code-brand-checks/).
Note: EcmaScript code may call `Function()` and `eval` cross realm.
- let f = new self.top.Function(source);
-In this case, the
callerRealm's Window is `self` and the |calleeRealm|'s Window is `self.top`.
-The Trusted Types portion of this algorithm uses |calleeRealm| and its CSP setting for consistency with other sinks.
- // Assigning a string to another Realm's DOM sink uses that Realm's default policy.
- self.top.body.innerHTML = 'Hello, World!';
- // Using another Realm's builtin Function constructor should analogously use that
- // Realm's default policy.
- new self.top.Function('alert(1)')()
-Given a [[ECMA-262#realm|realm]] (|calleeRealm|), a list of strings (|parameterStrings|), a string (|bodyString|), an enum (|compilationType|), a list of ECMAScript language values (|parameterArgs|), and an ECMAScript language value (|bodyArg|), this algorithm returns normally if compilation is allowed, and
-throws an "`EvalError`" if not:
-1. Let |source| be |bodyString|.
-1. If |compilationType| is `*FUNCTION*`:
- 1. Set |source| to `"function anonymous("`
- 1. For each |arg| in |parameterStrings|:
- 1. Append |arg| to |source|.
- 1. If |arg| is not the last item of |parameterStrings|, append `","` to |source|.
- 1. Append `"\n) {\n"` to |source|.
- 1. Append |bodyString| to |source|.
- 1. Append `"\n}"` to |source|.
-1. If |compilationType| is `*TIMER*`, then:
- 1. Let |sourceString| be |source|.
-1. Else:
- 1. Let |compilationSink| be `"Function"` if |compilationType| is `*FUNCTION*`, otherwise `"Eval"`.
- 1. Let |isTrusted| be `true`.
- 1. If |bodyArg| is not a {{TrustedScript}} object, set |isTrusted| to `false`.
- 1. If |isTrusted| is `true` then:
- 1. If |bodyString| is not equal to |bodyArg|'s [=TrustedScript/data=], set |isTrusted| to `false`.
- 1. If |isTrusted| is `true`, then:
- 1. For each |arg| in |parameterArgs|:
- 1. Let |index| be the index of |arg| in |parameterArgs|.
- 1. If |arg| is not a {{TrustedScript}} object, set |isTrusted| to `false`.
- 1. If |isTrusted| is `true`, then:
- 1. if |parameterStrings|[|index|] is not equal to |arg|'s [=TrustedScript/data=], set |isTrusted| to `false`.
- 1. If |isTrusted| is `true`, let |sourceToValidate| be a new instance of
- the {{TrustedScript}} interface, with its [=TrustedScript/data=]
- set to |source|. Otherwise, let |sourceToValidate| be |source|.
- 1. Let |sourceString| be the result of executing the
- [$Get Trusted Type compliant string$] algorithm, with:
- * |calleeRealm| as |global|,
- * |sourceToValidate| as |input|,
- * |compilationSink| as |sink|,
- * `'script'` as |sinkGroup|,
- * {{TrustedScript}} as |expectedType|.
- 1. If the algorithm throws an error, throw an {{EvalError}}.
- 1. If |sourceString| is not equal to |source|, throw an {{EvalError}}.
-1. Let |global| be a |calleeRealm|'s [=realm/global object=].
-1. Let |result| be "`Allowed`".
-1. For each |policy| in |global|'s CSP list:
- 1. Let |source-list| be `null`.
- 2. If |policy| contains a [=directive=] whose [=directive/name=] is "`script-src`", then
- set |source-list| to that [=directive=]'s [=directive/value=].
- Otherwise if |policy| contains a [=directive=] whose [=directive/name=] is
- "`default-src`", then set |source-list| to that directive's [=directive/value=].
- 3. If |source-list| is not `null`, and does not contain a [=source expression=] which is
- an [=ASCII case-insensitive=] match for the string "`'unsafe-eval'`" then:
- 1. Let |violation| be the result of executing [[CSP3#create-violation-for-global]] on
- |global|, |policy|, and "`script-src`".
- 2. Set |violation|'s [=violation/resource=] to "`inline`".
- 3. If |source-list| [=list/contains=] the expression
- "`'report-sample'`", then set |violation|'s [=violation/sample=] to
- the substring of |source| |sourceString| containing its first
- 40 characters.
- 4. Execute [[CSP3#report-violation]] on |violation|.
- 5. If |policy|'s [=policy/disposition=] is "`enforce`", then set |result| to
- "`Blocked`".
-1. If |result| is "`Blocked`", throw an `EvalError` exception.
+Note: See [https://github.com/w3c/webappsec-csp/pull/659](https://github.com/w3c/webappsec-csp/pull/659) which upstreams this integration.
# Security Considerations # {#security-considerations}