CFE> ATHE Available commands:ATSE show the seed of password generator ATEN set BootExtension Debug Flag ATCR Clear console screen ATSH dump manufacturer related data in ROM ATUR xmodem upload router firmware to flash ROM FWSELECT Select partition to read/write image or show FW version ATIR Set ImageDefault to ROM-D partition ATER Erase ROM-D partition ATBL Print boot line and board parameter info ATDU Dump memory or registers. ATBR Reset to default Romfile ATGO boot router ATSR system reboot ATMB Use for multiboot. ATHE print help
For more information about a command, enter 'help command-name' *** command status = 0 CFE> ATSH
FW Version : Bootbase Version : Vendor Name : Product Model : DSL-2492GNAU-B3BC Serial Number : WPA-PSK : First MAC Address : Last MAC Address : MAC Address Quantity : Default Country Code : Boot Module Debug Flag : RootFS Checksum : ImageDefaultChecksum : Main Feature Bits : Other Feature Bits : 4d 53 60 0a 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00
*** command status = 0 CFE> ATSE DSL-2492GNAU-B3BC
000D4548B61F OK *** command status = 0 CFE> ATEN 1 5021EC20
OK *** command status = 0 CFE>