There are many ways you can contribute to our efforts. We are happy to accept pull requests and issues, and hope to have a fruitful discussion. We ask all participants to adhere to the Contributor Covenant. Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting our Product Manager Arnon Kehat.
Try it out. Build something with it (it doesn't matter how small) and let us know what you think. Where are the pain points? What should be easier to do? What did you find most useful? What concepts felt too complex, or too much of an edge-case?
It's a cliché that open-source projects have terrible documentation. We don't want to be one of those! So please tell us about our docs: are they too verbose? Or too terse? What needed more explanation or more examples? Were they organized sensibly?
What should Stylable be able to do, but currently doesn't?
We have a public Slack channel where you can ask for help, or anything else. Alternatively, you can open a Github issue. For more lengthy feedback, please email our Product Manager Arnon Kehat. Or, if you're in Tel Aviv, come on over and visit!