Releases: wp-media/wp-rocket
Releases · wp-media/wp-rocket
- Fix: Prevent fatal error on PHP < 5.3. From 2.9 and higher, WP Rocket will require PHP 5.3 or higher to run, please consider upgrading your PHP version if you want to keep benefiting from the new improvements of the plugin !
- Enhancement: Save CloudFlare IPs in a transient and zone ID in the options to reduce number of API calls
- Fix: Prevent PHP warning when setting the cloudflare optimal settings to on in some conditions
- Improvement: Auto-exclude from external JS minification
- Fix PHP Warning: Creating default object from empty value in ../inc/vendors/CloudFlare/Api.php on line 239
- Fix PHP Warning: curl_setopt_array(): CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when an open_basedir
- Fix PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$result in /wp-rocket/inc/functions/cloudflare.php on line 25
- Fix PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$success in ../inc/common/cloudflare.php on line 21
- Fix: Resolve a fatal error Uncaught Exception for CloudFlare users for which the CloudFlare credentials (email, API Key, domain) are not correct, causing the API to not be able to connect
- Fix: Resolve a fatal error for CloudFlare users with a PHP version lower than 5.4
- Fix: Resolve a PHP notice if CloudFlare domain field is empty
- Enhancement: Update CloudFlare API to version 4
- Enhancement: Set Cloudflare's browser cache TTL to 1 month when using the auto settings option in WP Rocket
The CloudFlare feature now require PHP 5.4 or higher to be enabled.
- Enhancement: Automatic compatibility with Aelia Tax by Country and Aelia Prices by Country
- Enhancement: Automatic compatibility with Visual Composer grid
- Enhancement: Automatic disable of lazyload on BuddyPress profile & group creation/edition pages
- New filter: rocket_varnish_purge_request_host. Filters the host value passed in the request headers of a Varnish purge request
- Fix: Remove trailing slash for the CDN domain value(s)
- Fix: Delete gzipped cache file for date URLs when a purge is done
- Fix: Return the correct URL when qTranslate-X is active
- Fix: Prevent deletion attempt of index.html/.mobile-active when a purge is done on an NGINX server
- Fix: Follow the correct white label format for export/import settings
- Fix: Remove mention to WP Mobile Detector (plugin no longer exists) and add mention to Easy Social Share Buttons
- Fix: Prevent PHP warning if opcache functions exist but access is restricted by opcache.restrict_api directive
Fix: Prevent a PHP warning for Enfold theme users with WP Rocket version 2.8.12/2.8.13
- Regression fix: correctly clear the cache again when updating a post
- Fix: Prevent an issue with lazy loading on the in-app browser of Facebook app on Android
- Fix: Prevent an issue with some dates URL to be purged when the permalink structure doesn't have a trailing slash
- Fix: Don't display WP Rocket in the CloudFlare header when white label is active