usemf是一个jssdk(不是react hook), 用于在非webpack5环境引入module-federation
- 可以引入webpack 4 和 5 打出的 module federation的模块, 并且可以覆盖shared
- @module-federation/webpack-4
- 如果需要在非webpack5环境使用自己或第三方提供的module federation库, 则可以使用usemf
可不传shared, mf模块会自动使用备用模块
import usemf from "usemf"
const app2 = usemf.import({
url: "http://localhost:3002/remoteEntry.js",
name: "app2",
- import({url, name, shared: {shareScope, pkg}, customGetContainer})
- getShareScopes()
- getContainer({url, name, customGetContainer})
- getShare(name, {requiredVersion,shareScope,singleton,strictVersion}, shareScopes)
import React from "react";
import usemf from "usemf"
const shared = {
shareScope: "default", // Default value is not required
// You can provide shared React to make app2 not use the standby react module to achieve react singleton
react: {
version: "17.0.2",
async get () {
// const res = await window.System.import("[email protected]/umd/react.development.js")
return function () {
return React
"react-dom": {
version: "17.0.2",
async get () {
return function () {
return {
test: "react-dom"
const app2 = usemf.import({
url: "http://localhost:3002/remoteEntry.js",
name: "app2",
shared: {
shareScope: "scope2",
react: shared.react
const app3 = usemf.import({
url: "http://localhost:3003/remoteEntry.js",
name: "app3",
const App2 = React.lazy(() => app2)
const App2_2 = React.lazy(() => app3)