All notable changes to this project should be documented in this file
Final 5.1 release before v6 (supporting netcore and IFC4.3)
- Updated to OpenCascade 7.5.2
- Switched to v6 Essentials Dependency Injection & Logging
- Baseline support for IFC4.3 schema (not including new geometries and linear placement)
- BatchProcessor can now mesh single Breps
- Better logging on unmanaged exceptions
- Fix for #281: Stackoverflow when precision is incorrect on Wires
- Fixed management of invalid normals
- Fix for collinear points in profiles
- Added null check when trimming faces
- Fix #388 : SurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid regression
- Fix: Small scale errors would throw exception
- Fix managed objects lifetime (@daniilch)
- Fix: Handle OCC precision issue in BRepTools_WireExplorer (@FrozenKiwi)
- Fix #370: Premature garbage collection of objects holding native resources (@ChernyshevDS)
- Fix infinite loop in ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain
- Security fix: Update Newtonsoft
- Added workaround for ArchiCAD precision issues
- Unique region names for many context w/geometries
- #492 Fix logging when warning about incorrect composite profile
- fixed up IfcCShapeProfileDef error when values of girth and thickness are the same (@okaharu0795)
- Fix #447 Incorrect curve parameters when creating XbimCurve for trimmed ellipse (@ChernyshevDS)
- #512 Fix Memory Access Violation issues (v4 regresion due to use of No_Exceptions)
- Fixes major disparity between Debug and Release builds as OCC was not raising Standard_Failure exceptions in Release build: often triggering unmanagaed 'access violation' exceptions
- #512 Handle invalid AdvancedBreps better when calculating regions
Candidate release for 5.1
- AssemblyVersion changed to
- Faceted FaceSet re-implemented for better tolerances
- Threading model changed to avoid race conditions. Boolean Cut operations optimised
- Composite curve reimplemented to correctly handle polylines as edges
- Half space solid reimplemented with OCC MakeHalfSpaceSolid
- Support for IfcIndexedPolyCurve #180
- Support for IfcPolygonalFaceSet #106
- Support for 2D Polyline Curves
- Access Violation cutting xBimSolid #177
- Very large polygonal meshes causing handled to prevent Out of Memory and performance issues #176
- Fix for some circular opening cutting issues #178
- Fix for hanging with near infinite solid extrusions #160
- Fix exceptions calculating grids #95 #135
- Fix for zero grid bounding box
- Tolerance fixes in cutting - opening not being cut #166
- BooleanClippingResult not cut correctly - (5.0 regression) #158
- Fix for SurfaceBasedModels defined being as multiple models. Fix for imprecise planar wires #73
- Render IfcTriangulatedFaceSet correctly #145 / #167
- Extruded area solids with compound profiles return a solid
- Fix for inacurately defined Polyloops that are not planar
- Fix for orientation of trimmed composite curve segments that are reversed
- IfcSweptDiskSolidPolygonal fixed for closed directrix
- XbimWire trim fixed for incorrect parameterisation
- IfcSectionedSpine fixed incorrect orientation error
- Handle errors caused by Solids with two coincidental faces
- Fix for trimming of compound curve wire
- Support faulty solids with zero volume
- Closed sweep for SweptSolid fixed
- Fix pipe maker tolerance issue
- Polygonal bounded half space corrected for potential boolean hangs with large extremes
- Edge start and end points fixed to handle null vertices
- Empty profile definition handled
- Polygonally bounded half-space extrusion limited to prevent boolean hangs
- Composite curve creation handles incorrect reverse segment definition