A Django middleware package that helps inspect and trace SQL query executions in your terminal. - Used to easily debug a bunch of intertwined SQL queries in your terminal.
I started developing this tool in response to a challenge I encountered while working on a pre-existing Django application. Upon joining the project, I discovered the project had numerous bugs in its SQL queries, and its logic was convoluted, which made debugging quite a difficult task. I had to map out all the SQL relationships by hand to be able to move on with the application development irrespective of its intertwined SQL logic. During that period, I longed for a solution that would systematically trace and examine every executed SQL query within the application in an orderly manner for the purpose of debugging. That's why I embarked on building this tool.
- Trace SQL queries
- Inspect and check traces of repeated SQL queries
- Install Python3 for linux/mac/windows
Pip & Venv
- Setup pip and venv here
Pip install
in your application directorypip install dg-sqltrace
Navigate to your
file and at the top add this line:from dg-sqltrace import middleware
Next move down in your settings.py file to your
array and addmiddleware
to one of the array elements like this:... , ... , middleware
Re-run your server
Check your terminal and you should be good to go to inspect all executed SQL queries in your application.
Fork repository
Clone the forked repository in prefered directory
git clone <project-url>
Enter project directory
cd dg-sqltrace
Create a virtual enviroment
python3 -m venv env
Activate virtual environment
source env/bin/activate
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 manage.py runserver
Visit localhost:8000/
This step automatically populate an SQLite database, query and inspect 1 query by default in your terminal.
if you will like to make a contribution or suggest anything to the project, will be happy to hear from you in issues or PRs section :)