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Lab 6 - Clean

Now we will learn how to clean the cluster from our installation of the Deploy.

Run following to clean the cluster from the installed resources:

xl kube clean

⚠️Note that in case if you are sharing cluster with others, do not delete the CR that is shared between all installations. So you need to answer always to Should CRD be reused, if No we will delete the CRD, and all related CRs will be deleted with it: with Yes.

With following example we are deleting installed resources along with PVC and CRD (example on minikube):

$ xl kube clean
? Following kubectl context will be used during execution: `minikube`? Yes
? Select the Kubernetes setup where the Devops Platform will be installed, updated or cleaned: PlainK8s [Plain multi-node K8s cluster]
? Do you want to use an custom Kubernetes namespace (current default is 'digitalai'): Yes
? Enter the name of the Kubernetes namespace where the DevOps Platform will be installed, updated or cleaned: ns-yourname
? Product server you want to perform clean for: dai-deploy [ Deploy]
? Enter the name of custom resource definition you want to reuse or replace:
? Should CRD be reused, if No we will delete the CRD, and all related CRs will be deleted with it: No
? Enter the name of custom resource: dai-xld-ns-yourname
? Should we preserve persisted volume claims? If not all volume data will be lost: No
	 -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
	| LABEL                          | VALUE                                              |
	 -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
	| CleanBefore                    | false                                              |
	| CrName                         | dai-xld-ns-yourname                                |
	| CrdName                        |                    |
	| CreateNamespace                | true                                               |
	| ExternalOidcConf               | external: false                                    |
	| GenerationDateTime             | 20240108-232336                                    |
	| IngressType                    | nginx                                              |
	| IngressTypeGeneric             | nginx                                              |
	| IngressTypeOpenshift           | route                                              |
	| IsCrdReused                    | false                                              |
	| IsCustomImageRegistry          | false                                              |
	| IsRemoteRunnerTruststoreEnab.. | false                                              |
	| K8sSetup                       | PlainK8s                                           |
	| Namespace                      | ns-yourname                                        |
	| OidcConfigType                 | existing                                           |
	| OsType                         | darwin                                             |
	| PreservePvc                    | false                                              |
	| ProcessType                    | clean                                              |
	| RemoteRunnerGeneration         | false                                              |
	| RemoteRunnerInstall            | false                                              |
	| RemoteRunnerInstallConfirm     | false                                              |
	| RemoteRunnerReleaseName        | remote-runner                                      |
	| RemoteRunnerUseDefaultLocation | true                                               |
	| ServerType                     | dai-deploy                                         |
	| ShortServerName                | xld                                                |
	| UseCustomNamespace             | true                                               |
	 -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
? Do you want to proceed to the deployment with these values? Yes
For current process files will be generated in the: digitalai/dai-deploy/ns-yourname/20240108-232336/kubernetes
Generated answers file successfully: digitalai/generated_answers_dai-deploy_ns-yourname_clean-20240108-232336.yaml 
Cleaning the resources on the cluster!
CR dai-xld-ns-yourname is available, deleting
? Do you want to delete the resource Yes
Deleted from namespace ns-yourname
Deleting statefulsets
? Do you want to delete the resource sts/dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-master: Yes
Deleted sts/dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-master from namespace ns-yourname
? Do you want to delete the resource sts/dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-worker: Yes
Deleted sts/dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-worker from namespace ns-yourname
? Do you want to delete the resource sts/dai-xld-ns-yourname-postgresql: Yes
Deleted sts/dai-xld-ns-yourname-postgresql from namespace ns-yourname (already deleted)
? Do you want to delete the resource sts/dai-xld-ns-yourname-rabbitmq: Yes
Deleted sts/dai-xld-ns-yourname-rabbitmq from namespace ns-yourname (already deleted)
Deleting deployments
? Do you want to delete the resource deployment/xld-operator-controller-manager: Yes
Deleted deployment/xld-operator-controller-manager from namespace ns-yourname
Deleting jobs
Deleting services
? Do you want to delete the resource svc/xld-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service: Yes
Deleted svc/xld-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service from namespace ns-yourname
Deleting secrets
? Do you want to delete the resource secret/dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-license: Yes
Deleted secret/dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-license from namespace ns-yourname
Deleting configmaps
? Do you want to delete the resource configmap/xld-operator-controller-manager: Yes
Deleted configmap/xld-operator-controller-manager from namespace ns-yourname
? Do you want to delete the resource ingressclass/nginx-dai-xld-ns-yourname: Yes
Deleted ingressclass/nginx-dai-xld-ns-yourname from namespace ns-yourname
Deleting roles
? Do you want to delete the resource role/xld-operator-leader-election: Yes
Deleted role/xld-operator-leader-election from namespace ns-yourname
? Do you want to delete the resource role/xld-operator-manager: Yes
Deleted role/xld-operator-manager from namespace ns-yourname
? Do you want to delete the resource role/xld-operator-proxy: Yes
Deleted role/xld-operator-proxy from namespace ns-yourname
? Do you want to delete the resource clusterrole/dai-xld-ns-yourname-nginx-ingress-controller: Yes
Deleted clusterrole/dai-xld-ns-yourname-nginx-ingress-controller from namespace ns-yourname
? Do you want to delete the resource clusterrole/ns-yourname-xld-operator-manager: Yes
Deleted clusterrole/ns-yourname-xld-operator-manager from namespace ns-yourname
? Do you want to delete the resource rolebinding/xld-operator-leader-election: Yes
Deleted rolebinding/xld-operator-leader-election from namespace ns-yourname
? Do you want to delete the resource rolebinding/xld-operator-manager: Yes
Deleted rolebinding/xld-operator-manager from namespace ns-yourname
? Do you want to delete the resource rolebinding/xld-operator-proxy: Yes
Deleted rolebinding/xld-operator-proxy from namespace ns-yourname
? Do you want to delete the resource clusterrolebinding/dai-xld-ns-yourname-nginx-ingress-controller: Yes
Deleted clusterrolebinding/dai-xld-ns-yourname-nginx-ingress-controller from namespace ns-yourname
? Do you want to delete the resource clusterrolebinding/ns-yourname-xld-operator-manager: Yes
Deleted clusterrolebinding/ns-yourname-xld-operator-manager from namespace ns-yourname
Deleting PVCs
? Do you want to delete the resource pvc/data-dai-xld-ns-yourname-postgresql-0: Yes
Deleted pvc/data-dai-xld-ns-yourname-postgresql-0 from namespace ns-yourname
? Do you want to delete the resource pvc/data-dai-xld-ns-yourname-rabbitmq-0: Yes
Deleted pvc/data-dai-xld-ns-yourname-rabbitmq-0 from namespace ns-yourname
? Do you want to delete the resource pvc/data-dir-dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-master-0: Yes
Deleted pvc/data-dir-dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-master-0 from namespace ns-yourname
? Do you want to delete the resource pvc/data-dir-dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-worker-0: Yes
Deleted pvc/data-dir-dai-xld-ns-yourname-digitalai-deploy-worker-0 from namespace ns-yourname
CRD is available, deleting
? Do you want to delete the resource crd/ Yes
Deleted crd/ from namespace ns-yourname
? Do you want to delete the resource crd/ Yes
Deleted crd/ from namespace ns-yourname (already deleted)
Clean finished successfully!

The clean process is cleaning everything from the cluster. For each resource it is asking for confirmation before delete.

For the other questions and answers details check XL Kube Command Reference
