diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Croatian.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Croatian.properties index 58376a09f995c..2d28c304bda72 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Croatian.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Croatian.properties @@ -3186,7 +3186,6 @@ May the gods bless you, great Nebuchadnezzar, ruler of ancient Babylon! Built 50 Great Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon's glory still lives through you and your people. Will you create a spark to enlighten the world again? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Veliki Nabukodonozore, slava Babilona još uvijek živi kroz tebe i tvoj narod. Hoćeš li stvoriti iskru da ponovno prosvijetliš svijet? Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti? Babylon = Babilon Akkad = Akad - # Requires translation! Dur-Kurigalzu = Dur-Kurigalzu Nippur = Nipur Borsippa = Borsipa @@ -3195,15 +3194,10 @@ Opis = Opis Mari = Mari # Requires translation! Shushan = - # Requires translation! Eshnunna = Ešnuna - # Requires translation! Ellasar = Elasar - # Requires translation! Erech = Erek - # Requires translation! Kutha = Kuta - # Requires translation! Sirpurla = Sirpurla # Requires translation! Neribtum = @@ -3212,7 +3206,6 @@ Ashur = Ninveh = Niniva Nimrud = Nimrud Arbela = Arbil - # Requires translation! Nuzi = Nuzi Arrapkha = Arafa # Requires translation! @@ -3269,16 +3262,13 @@ Argos = Arg Knossos = Knos Mycenae = Mikena Pharsalos = Farsala - # Requires translation! Ephesus = Efez - # Requires translation! Halicarnassus = Halikarnas Rhodes = Rodos Eretria = Eretrija Pergamon = Pergam Miletos = Milet Megara = Megara - # Requires translation! Phocaea = Fokeja Sicyon = Sicyon Tiryns = Tirint @@ -3287,7 +3277,6 @@ Mytilene = Mitilene Chios = Hios Paros = Par Elis = Elida - # Requires translation! Syracuse = Sirakuza Herakleia = Heraclea Gortyn = Gortynia @@ -3382,7 +3371,6 @@ Memphis = Memfis Heliopolis = Heliopolis Elephantine = Elefantina Alexandria = Aleksandrija - # Requires translation! Pi-Ramesses = Ramses Giza = Giza Byblos = Biblos @@ -3391,21 +3379,16 @@ Akhetaten = Eknaton Hieraconpolis = Abydos = Abid Asyut = Asjut - # Requires translation! Avaris = Avaris Lisht = Al List Buto = Buto Edfu = Edfu - # Requires translation! Pithom = Pitom - # Requires translation! Busiris = Busirid Kahun = Al Lahun # Requires translation! Athribis = - # Requires translation! Mendes = Mendes - # Requires translation! Elashmunein = El-Ashmunein Tanis = Tanis Bubastis = Bubastis @@ -3416,26 +3399,20 @@ Sebennytus = Akhmin = Akhmim Karnak = Karnak Luxor = Luksor - # Requires translation! El Kab = El Kab Armant = Armant - # Requires translation! Balat = Balat Ellahun = Al Lahun - # Requires translation! Hawara = Havara Dashur = Dahšur Damanhur = Damanhur Abusir = Abusir Herakleopolis = Herakleopolis - # Requires translation! Akoris = Hakor Benihasan = Beni Hassan Badari = Al Badari Hermopolis = Hermopolis - # Requires translation! Amrah = El-Amra - # Requires translation! Koptos = Koptos Ombos = Ombos Naqada = Nakada @@ -3657,7 +3634,6 @@ Welcome foreigner, I am Harun Al-Rashid, Caliph of the Arabs. Come and tell me a Come forth, let's do business. = Dođi, idemo poslovati. Peace be upon you. = Neka je mir tebi. Trade Caravans = Trgovačke Karavane - # Requires translation! Blessings of the Great God be upon you, O great caliph Harun al-Rashid, leader of the mighty Arabian people! The Muslim Empire, the Caliphate, born from chaos after the death of the prophet Muhammad in 632 AD, intended to apply the rule of God to all Earth. And by the will of God, the caliphate reached its full power, ruling Spain, North Africa, the Middle East, Anatolia, the Balkans and Persia, to even surpass the Great Roman Empire. The arts and sciences were a holy gift of Arabia during the Middle Ages, as the infidel lands of Europe delved deep into ignorance and chaos. Lasting for six hundred years, the Caliphate finally fell before the Mongols, the plague of the civilized world. = Blagoslovi Velikog Boga neka su nad tobom, O veliki kalife Harune al-Rašide, vođo moćnog Arapskog naroda! Muslimansko carstvo, Kalifat, rođeno iz kaosa nakon smrti proroka Muhameda 632. godine po. Kr., namjeravalo je primijeniti Božju vladavinu na cijelu Zemlju. I voljom Božjom, kalifat je dostigao svoju punu moć, zavladavši Španjolskom, Sjevernom Afrikom, Bliskim Istokom, Anatolijom, Balkanom i Perzijom, da bi čak i nadmašio Veliko Rimsko Carstvo. Umjetnosti i znanosti bile su sveti dar Arabije tijekom Srednjeg Vijeka, dok su nevjerničke zemlje Europe tonule duboko u neznanje i kaos. Trajući šest stotina godina, Kalifat je konačno pao pred Mongolima, kugom civiliziranog svijeta. Great Caliph Harun al Rashid, all Arabian people long for greatness! Arabia must be once again the land of arts and knowledge, which under the radiant law of God, will fear no enemy! Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Veliki Kalife Harun al Rashid, svi Arapski ljudi žude za veličinom! Arabija mora ponovo biti zemlja umjetnosti i znanja, koja se pod blistavim Božjim zakonom neće bojati neprijatelja! Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti? Mecca = Meka @@ -4033,35 +4009,21 @@ Does this trade work for you, my friend? = Dali ti je u redu ova trgovina, prija The Great Warpath = Veliki Ratni Put Greetings, noble Hiawatha, leader of the mighty Iroquois nations! Your people lived near the great and holy lake Ontario since the ancient ages, on a land that will be later known as New York city. Long ago, the five peoples of Seneca, Onondaga, Mohawks, Cayugas and Oneida became one nation, the Haudenosaunee, the Iroquois. Although not having a written language, the wise Iroquois created the Great Law of Peace, which can be considered the first established constitution. For decades, your people fought powerful enemies, such as the Huron, and then the French and English colonists. With less warriors and inferior weaponry, the Iroquois still survived and walk on the path of peace and harmony, until their way of living faded away under the crush of the newborn United States nation. = Pozdrav, plemeniti Hiawatha, vođo moćnih Irokeških naroda! Tvoj narod živio je u blizini velikog i svetog jezera Ontario od davnih vremena, na zemlji koja će kasnije biti poznata kao grad New York. Prije mnogo vremena, pet naroda Seneca, Onondaga, Mohawks, Cayugas i Oneida postali su jedna nacija, Haudenosaunee, Irokezi. Iako nisu imali pisani jezik, mudri Irokezi stvorili su Veliki Zakon Mira, koji se može smatrati prvim uspostavljenim ustavom. Desetljećima se tvoj narod borio protiv moćnih neprijatelja, poput Hurona, a potom i Francuskih i Engleskih kolonizatora. S manje ratnika i slabijim oružjem, Irokezi su ipak preživjeli i hodali stazom mira i sklada, sve dok njihov način života nije izblijedio pod pritiskom novorođene nacije Sjedinjenih Država. Great Sachem Hiawatha, do you hear the complaints of your people? Can you light the path leading to the ancient Iroquois union? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Veliki Sachem Hiawatha, čuješ li pritužbe svojih ljudi? Možeš li osvijetliti put koji vodi do drevne unije Irokeza? Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti? - # Requires translation! Onondaga = Onondaga # Requires translation! Osininka = - # Requires translation! Grand River = Grand River - # Requires translation! Akwesasme = Akwesasne - # Requires translation! Buffalo Creek = Buffalo Creek - # Requires translation! Brantford = Brantford - # Requires translation! Montreal = Montréal - # Requires translation! Genesse River = Genesee River - # Requires translation! Canandaigua Lake = Canandaigua Lake - # Requires translation! Lake Simcoe = Simcoe - # Requires translation! Salamanca = Salamanca - # Requires translation! Gowanda = Gowanda - # Requires translation! Cuba = Cuba - # Requires translation! Akron = Akron - # Requires translation! Kanesatake = Kanesatake # Requires translation! Ganienkeh = @@ -4069,29 +4031,20 @@ Ganienkeh = Cayuga Castle = # Requires translation! Chondote = - # Requires translation! Canajoharie = Canajoharie - # Requires translation! Nedrow = Nedrow - # Requires translation! Oneida Lake = Oneida Lake # Requires translation! Kanonwalohale = - # Requires translation! Green Bay = Green Bay - # Requires translation! Southwold = Southwold - # Requires translation! Mohawk Valley = Mohawk Valley - # Requires translation! Schoharie = Schoharie - # Requires translation! Bay of Quinte = Bay of Quinte # Requires translation! Kanawale = # Requires translation! Kanatsiokareke = - # Requires translation! Tyendinaga = Tyendinaga # Requires translation! Hahta = @@ -4114,9 +4067,7 @@ Susa = Suza Ecbatana = Ekbatana Tarsus = Tarsus Gordium = Gordion - # Requires translation! Bactra = Baktra - # Requires translation! Sardis = Sard Ergili = Ergili # Requires translation! @@ -4486,75 +4437,42 @@ Welcome, friend. = Dobro došao, prijatelju. Sacrificial Captives = Žrtveni Zarobljenici O divine Montezuma, your people welcome you! May your magnificence inspire all living things! The mighty Aztecs were nomads until the 12th century, when they choose to settle in the mesa central, which would later be called Mexico. Wars were frequent with other tribes to control the rich land surrounding the sacred lakes of Texcoco, Xaltocan and Zampango. In some 200 years, double-sided alliances and martial prowess made of the Aztecs the dominant power in the Central American basin, forming a mighty empire stretching from sea to sea. Alas, the empire fell under the assault of foreign devils - the Spaniards and many curses they brought with them! Wars between tribes and weaponry of doom used by the invaders made the great Aztec civilization crumble in only a few decades. = O božanski Montezuma, tvoj narod te pozdravlja! Neka tvoja veličanstvenost nadahne sva živa bića! Moćni Asteci bili su nomadi do 12. stoljeća, kada su se odlučili nastaniti u središnjoj mezi, koja će se kasnije nazvati Meksikom. Česti su bili ratovi s drugim plemenima za kontrolu bogate zemlje koja okružuje sveta jezera Texcoco, Xaltocan i Zampango. U nekih 200 godina, dvostrani savezi i ratna snaga učinili su Asteke dominantnom silom u Srednjoameričkom bazenu, formirajući moćno carstvo koje se proteže od mora do mora. Jao, carstvo je palo pod napadom stranih đavola - Španjolaca i mnogih prokletstava koja su sa sobom donijeli! Ratovi između plemena i oružje propasti koje su koristili osvajači učinili su da se velika Astečka civilizacija raspadne u samo nekoliko desetljeća. O mighty King Montezuma, do you hear the call of your people seeking for revenge? Will you lead them to victory under the light of the Five Suns? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = O moćni Kralju Montezuma, čuješ li poziv svog naroda koji traži osvetu? Hoćeš li ih povesti do pobjede pod svjetlom Pet Sunaca? Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti? - # Requires translation! Tenochtitlan = Tenochtitlán - # Requires translation! Teotihuacan = Teotihuacán - # Requires translation! Tlatelolco = Tlatelolco - # Requires translation! Texcoco = Texcoco - # Requires translation! Tlaxcala = Tlaxcala - # Requires translation! Calixtlahuaca = Kalistlavaka - # Requires translation! Xochicalco = Xochicalco - # Requires translation! Tlacopan = Tlacopan - # Requires translation! Atzcapotzalco = Azcapotzalco - # Requires translation! Tzintzuntzan = Tzintzuntzan - # Requires translation! Malinalco = Malinalco - # Requires translation! Tamuin = Tamuín - # Requires translation! Teayo = Teayo - # Requires translation! Cempoala = Cempoala - # Requires translation! Chalco = Chalco - # Requires translation! Tlalmanalco = Tlalmanalco - # Requires translation! Ixtapaluca = Ixtapaluca - # Requires translation! Huexotla = Huexotla - # Requires translation! Tepexpan = Tepexpan - # Requires translation! Tepetlaoxtoc = El Tepetloxto - # Requires translation! Chiconautla = Chiconautla - # Requires translation! Zitlaltepec = Zitlaltépec - # Requires translation! Coyotepec = Coyotepec - # Requires translation! Tequixquiac = Tequixquiac - # Requires translation! Jilotzingo = Jilotzingo - # Requires translation! Tlapanaloya = Tlapanaloya - # Requires translation! Tultitan = Tultitán - # Requires translation! Ecatepec = Ecatepec - # Requires translation! Coatepec = Ecatepec # Requires translation! Chalchiuites = # Requires translation! Chiauhita = - # Requires translation! Chapultepec = Chapultepec - # Requires translation! Itzapalapa = Iztapalapa - # Requires translation! Ayotzinco = Ayotzinapa - # Requires translation! Iztapam = Iztapamoto Aztecs = Asteci @@ -4569,75 +4487,46 @@ What do you want now? = Što sad želiš? Great Andean Road = Velika Andska Cesta King Pachacuti Sapa Inca, maker of the world and ruler of Tawantinsuyu and the Inca people, your loyal subjects greet you! In the beginning, the small state of Cusco already showed the Incans were promised for greatness. They won many wars against powerful enemies, relentlessly crushing any army that dared oppose them, and forged a mighty empire stretching from Ecuador to Chile, the greatest ever seen in pre-Columbian America. Not just undaunted soldiers, Inca people were accomplished builders and artists, their magnificient and unequalled culture still fascinating the world today. = Kralj Pachacuti Sapa Inka, tvorac svijeta i vladar Tawantinsuyua i naroda Inka, pozdravljaju te tvoji vjerni podanici! U početku je mala država Cusco već pokazala da su Inke obećane za veličinu. Pobijedili su u mnogim ratovima protiv moćnih neprijatelja, nemilosrdno slamajući svaku vojsku koja im se usudila suprotstaviti, i stvorili su moćno carstvo koje se protezalo od Ekvadora do Čilea, najveće ikada viđeno u pretkolumbovskoj Americi. Ne samo neustrašivi vojnici, ljudi Inka bili su vrsni graditelji i umjetnici, njihova veličanstvena i nenadmašna kultura i danas fascinira svijet. O Emperor Pachacuti, honor your name of 'Earth Shaker'! Will you once again summon the power of the earth to unite all Incan people under the protection of Sapa Inca, the Son of the Sun? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = O Care Pachacuti, poštuj svoje ime 'Zemljotresac'! Hoćeš li još jednom prizvati snagu zemlje da ujediniš sve ljude Inka pod zaštitom Sapa Inca, Sina Sunca? Hoće li tvoje novo carstvo sjati kroz stoljeća povijesti? - # Requires translation! Cuzco = Cusco - # Requires translation! Tiwanaku = Tiahuanaco - # Requires translation! Machu = Machu - # Requires translation! Ollantaytambo = Ollantaytambo - # Requires translation! Corihuayrachina = Quriwayrachina - # Requires translation! Huamanga = Ayacucho - # Requires translation! Rumicucho = Rumicucho - # Requires translation! Vilcabamba = Vilcabamba # Requires translation! Vitcos = - # Requires translation! Andahuaylas = Andahuaylas - # Requires translation! Ica = Ica - # Requires translation! Arequipa = Arequipa - # Requires translation! Nasca = Nazca - # Requires translation! Atico = Atico - # Requires translation! Juli = Juli # Requires translation! Chuito = # Requires translation! Chuquiapo = - # Requires translation! Huanuco Pampa = Huánuco Pampa # Requires translation! Tamboccocha = - # Requires translation! Huaras = Huaraz - # Requires translation! Riobamba = Riobamba # Requires translation! Caxamalca = # Requires translation! Sausa = - # Requires translation! Tambo Colorado = Tambo Colorado - # Requires translation! Huaca = Huacachina - # Requires translation! Tumbes = Tumbes - # Requires translation! Chan Chan = Chan Chan - # Requires translation! Sipan = Sipán - # Requires translation! Pachacamac = Pachacamac - # Requires translation! Llactapata = Llaqtapata - # Requires translation! Pisac = Písac - # Requires translation! Kuelap = Kuelap - # Requires translation! Pajaten = Pajaten - # Requires translation! Chucuito = Chucuito - # Requires translation! Choquequirao = Choquequirao Inca = Inka @@ -5623,7 +5512,6 @@ Bowman = Strijelac Lukom Slinger = Praćkač - # Requires translation! Skirmisher = Čarkar Work Boats = Radni Čamci @@ -5676,14 +5564,12 @@ Keshik = Keshik Crossbowman = Samostreličar - # Requires translation! Chu-Ko-Nu = Chu-Ko-Nu Longbowman = Dugi Strijelac Lukom Trebuchet = Trebuše - # Requires translation! Hwach'a = Hwacha Longswordsman = Dugi Mačevalac @@ -6093,9 +5979,7 @@ Cletus = Cletus Kassandra = Kasandra Andres = Andres Desdemona = Desdemona - # Requires translation! Anthea = Antea - # Requires translation! Aeneas = Eneja Leander = Leander Christianity = Kršćanstvo @@ -6902,85 +6786,52 @@ Camazotz = Coyopa = # Requires translation! Gukumatz = - # Requires translation! Hunahpu = Hunahpu - # Requires translation! Huracan = Huracán # Requires translation! Ixchel = # Requires translation! Ixtab = - # Requires translation! Kukulkán = Kukulkan # Requires translation! Xbalanque = - # Requires translation! Zipacna = Zipacna - # Requires translation! Palenque = Palenque - # Requires translation! Tikal = Tikal - # Requires translation! Uxmal = Uxmal - # Requires translation! Tulum = Tulum # Requires translation! Copan = - # Requires translation! Coba = Coba - # Requires translation! El Mirador = El Mirador - # Requires translation! Calakmul = Calakmul - # Requires translation! Edzna = Edzna - # Requires translation! Lamanai = Lamanai - # Requires translation! Izapa = Izapa - # Requires translation! Uaxactun = Uaxactun - # Requires translation! Comalcalco = Comalcalco - # Requires translation! Piedras Negras = Piedras Negras - # Requires translation! Cancuen = Kahun - # Requires translation! Yaxha = Yaxhá - # Requires translation! Quirigua = Quirigua - # Requires translation! Q'umarkaj = Gumarkaaj - # Requires translation! Nakbe = Nakbe - # Requires translation! Cerros = Cerros - # Requires translation! Xunantunich = Xunantunich - # Requires translation! Takalik Abaj = Takalik Abaj # Requires translation! Cival = # Requires translation! San Bartolo = - # Requires translation! Altar de Sacrificios = Altar de sacrificios - # Requires translation! Seibal = Seibal - # Requires translation! Caracol = Caracol - # Requires translation! Naranjo = Naranjos - # Requires translation! Dos Pilas = Dos Pilas - # Requires translation! Mayapan = Mayapán # Requires translation! Ixinche = - # Requires translation! Zaculeu = Zaculeu - # Requires translation! Kabah = Kabah The Maya = Maje @@ -7584,3 +7435,4 @@ Forest and Jungle Visibility\nIn Unciv, forests and jungles are visible 1 tile o Founding Cities\nThe Settler is a unit that can found a new city. You can build a Settler unit in a city with at least 2 population, and then move them to a good location to found a new city. This will usually be your main way of acquiring more cities. = Osnivanje gradova\nNaseljenik je jedinica koja može osnovati novi grad. Možete izgraditi jedinicu Naseljenika u gradu s najmanje 2 stanovnika, a zatim ih premjestiti na dobru lokaciju kako biste osnovali novi grad. To će obično biti vaš glavni način stjecanja više gradova. Food conversion to Production\nDuring the construction of a Settler, the city will not grow. Instead, the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and from there on every 4th, excess Food (Growth) is converted into Production, with the rest of the excess Food being lost. = Pretvorba hrane u proizvodnju\nTijekom izgradnje Naseljenika, grad neće rasti. Umjesto toga, 1., 2., 4., a odatle svaki 4., višak Hrane (Rast) pretvara se u Proizvodnju, a ostatak viška Hrane se gubi. + diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Dutch.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Dutch.properties index 04e4064a1684a..def92d2392df5 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Dutch.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Dutch.properties @@ -111,9 +111,7 @@ Requires worked [resource] near city = Vereist bewerkte [resource] aanwezig in d Requires at least one of the following resources worked near the city: = Vereist dat minstens één van de volgende grondstoffen bewerkt wordt in de buurt van de stad: Wonder is being built elsewhere = Wonder wordt ergens anders gebouwd National Wonder is being built elsewhere = Nationaal Wonder wordt ergens anders gebouwd - # Requires translation! Requires a [buildingName] in all [cityFilter] cities = Vereist een [buildingName] in alle [cityFilter] steden - # Requires translation! Requires a [buildingName] in at least [amount] of [cityFilter] cities = Vereist een [buildingName] in tenminste [amount] van [cityFilter] steden [buildingName] required: = [buildingName] vereist: Requires a [buildingName] in this city = Vereist een [buildingName] in deze stad @@ -179,27 +177,17 @@ We will remember this. = We zullen dit onthouden. [civName] has declared war on [targetCivName]! = [civName] heeft de oorlog verklaard aan [targetCivName]! # Join War - # Requires translation! [civName] has joined [allyCivName] in the war against us! = [civName] heeft zich aangesloten bij [allyCivName] in de oorlog tegen ons! - # Requires translation! We have joined [allyCivName] in the war against [enemyCivName]! = Wij hebben ons aangesloten bij [allyCivName] in de oorlog tegen [enemyCivName]! - # Requires translation! [civName] has joined [allyCivName] in the war against [enemyCivName]! = [civName] heeft zich aangesloten bij [allyCivName] in de oorlog tegen [enemyCivName]! - # Requires translation! [civName] has joined us in the war against [enemyCivName]! = [civName] heeft zich aangesloten bij ons in de oorlog tegen [enemyCivName]! # Team War - # Requires translation! You and [allyCivName] have declared war against [enemyCivName]! = Jij en [allyCivName] hebben de oorlog verklaard aan [enemyCivName]! - # Requires translation! [civName] and [allyCivName] have declared war against us! = [civName] en [allyCivName] hebben ons de oorlog verklaard! - # Requires translation! [civName] and [allyCivName] have declared war against [enemyCivName]! = [civName] en [allyCivName] hebben de oorlog verklaard aan [enemyCivName]! - # Requires translation! [civName] cancelled their Defensive Pact with [otherCivName]! = [civName] heeft hun defensieve verbond met [otherCivName] verbroken! - # Requires translation! [civName] cancelled their Defensive Pact with us! = [civName] heeft hun defensieve verbond met ons verbroken! - # Requires translation! We have cancelled our Defensive Pact with [civName]! = We hebben ons defensieve verbond met [civName] verbroken! [civName] and [targetCivName] have signed a Peace Treaty! = [civName] en [targetCivName] hebben een Vredesverdrag getekend! @@ -209,14 +197,11 @@ Do you want to break your promise to [leaderName]? = Wil je je belofte aan [lead Break promise = Verbreek je belofte We promised not to settle near them ([count] turns remaining) = We hebben beloofd ons niet bij hun in de buurt te vestigen ([count] beurten over) They promised not to settle near us ([count] turns remaining) = Ze hebben beloofd zich niet bij ons in de buurt te vestigen ([count] beurten over) - # Requires translation! We promised not to spread religion to them ([count] turns remaining) = We hebben beloofd onze religie niet naar hen te verspreiden ([count] beurten over) - # Requires translation! They promised not to spread religion to us ([count] turns remaining) = Ze hebben beloofd hun religie niet naar ons te verspreiden ([count] beurten over) [civName] is upset that you demanded tribute from [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! = [civName] is boos dat je een schatting hebt geëist van [cityState], die ze bescherming beloofd hebben! [civName] is upset that you attacked [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! = [civName] is boos dat je een aanval hebt gepleegd op [cityState], die ze bescherming beloofd hebben! - # Requires translation! [civName] is upset that you attacked [cityState], whom they are allied with! = [civName] is boos dat je een aanval hebt gepleegd op [cityState], die hun bondgenoten zijn! [civName] is outraged that you destroyed [cityState], whom they had pledged to protect! = [civName] is woedend over de vernietiging van [cityState], die ze beloofd hadden te beschermen! [civName] has destroyed [cityState], whom you had pledged to protect! = [civName] heeft [cityState], die je beloofd had te beschermen, vernietigd! @@ -243,27 +228,21 @@ Current leader(s): [leaders], you: [yourScore] = Demands = Eisen # Will be deprecated in a few versions Please don't settle new cities near us. = Bouw alsjeblieft geen nieuwe steden bij ons in de buurt. - # Requires translation! Don't settle new cities near us. = Bouw geen steden bij ons in de buurt. Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = Uitstekend, we gaan wel op zoek naar nieuwe landen om ons te vestigen. We shall do as we please. = We doen wat we zelf willen. We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. = Het viel ons op dat u een nieuwe stad nabij onze grens heeft, ondanks uw belofte. Dit zal "gevolgen" hebben. # Will be deprecated in a few versions - # Requires translation! Please don't spread your religion to us. = Verspreid alsjeblieft jullie religie niet naar ons. - # Requires translation! Don't spread religion in our cities. = Verspreid jullie religie niet naar ons. - # Requires translation! Very well, we shall spread our faith elsewhere. = Okay dan, we zullen ons geloof ergens anders verspreiden. - # Requires translation! We noticed you have continued spreading your faith, despite your promise. This will have...consequences. = Het viel ons op dat jullie nog steeds jullie geloof aan het verspreiden zijn, ondanks jullie belofte. Dit zal "gevolgen" hebben. I've been informed that my armies have taken tribute from [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nI assure you, this was quite unintentional, and I hope that this does not serve to drive us apart. = Ik ben geinformeerd over het eisen door mijn eenheden van erebetalingen van [civName], een stadstaat onder jullie bescherming.\nIk verzeker je dat dit geheel per ongeluk was, en hoop dat dit geen reden is voor onmin tussen ons. We asked [civName] for a tribute recently and they gave in.\nYou promised to protect them from such things, but we both know you cannot back that up. = Wij hebben betalingen geëist van [civName] en zij hebben toegestemd.\nJe hebt hen beloofd hen hier tegen te beschermen, maar we weten beide dat dit een loze belofte is. It's come to my attention that I may have attacked [civName].\nWhile it was not my goal to be at odds with your empire, this was deemed a necessary course of action. = Ik heb gehoord dat ik een aanval zou hebben gedaan op [civName], die onder je bescherming staat.\nHet was niet de bedoeling om op gespannen voet te staan met je rijk, maar deze actie was noodzaak. I thought you might like to know that I've launched an invasion of one of your little pet states.\nThe lands of [civName] will make a fine addition to my own. = Ik vermoed dat je wel zou willen weten dat we één van je troetelstaten zijn binnengevallen.\nHet grondgebied van [civName] zal een mooie toevoeging zijn aan mijn rijk. - # Requires translation! THIS MEANS WAR! = DIT BETEKENT OORLOG! Return [unitName] to [civName]? = [unitName] aan [civName] teruggeven? @@ -287,11 +266,8 @@ Pledge to protect = Zeg je bescherming toe Declare Protection of [cityStateName]? = Verklaar je bescherming van [cityStateName]? Build [improvementName] on [resourceName] (200 Gold) = Bouw [improvementName] op [resourceName] (200 Goud) Gift Improvement = Schenk een Verbetering - # Requires translation! [civName] is able to provide [unitName] once [techName] [isOrAre] researched. = [civName] kan [unitName] voorzien als [techName] [isOrAre] onderzocht. - # Requires translation! is = is - # Requires translation! are = zijn Diplomatic Marriage ([amount] Gold) = Diplomatiek huwelijk ([amount] goud) @@ -306,7 +282,6 @@ City-States grow wary of your aggression. The resting point for Influence has de [cityState] is being attacked by [civName]! Kill [amount] of the attacker's military units and they will be immensely grateful. = [cityState] wordt aangevallen door [civName]! Dood [amount] van de militaire eenheden van de aanvaller en ze zullen ontzettend dankbaar zijn. [cityState] is deeply grateful for your assistance in the war against [civName]! = [cityState] is diep dankbaar voor je hulp in de oorlog met [civName]! [cityState] no longer needs your assistance against [civName]. = [cityState] heeft je hulp tegen [civName] niet meer nodig. - # Requires translation! [cityState] cancelled the quests they had given you because you demanded tribute from them. = [cityState] hebben de opdrachten die ze gegeven hadden geannuleerd omdat u een eerbetoon eiste van hen. War against [civName] = Oorlog tegen [civName] We need you to help us defend against [civName]. Killing [amount] of their military units would slow their offensive. = We hebben je hulp nodig om ons tegen [civName] te beschermen. Het doden van [amount] van hun militaire eenheden zou hun offensief afremmen. @@ -634,7 +609,6 @@ That map is invalid! = Die kaart is ongeldig! ("[code]" does not conform to TerrainCodesWML) = ("[code]" volgt TerrainCodesWML niet) # Requires translation! Use for new game "Select players" button: = - # Requires translation! Enter a description for the users of this map = Maak een beschrijving voor gebruikers van deze kaart ## Map/Tool names @@ -663,7 +637,6 @@ Spawn river from/to = Genereer rivier van/naar Bottom left river = Linksonder rivier Bottom right river = Rechtsonder rivier Bottom river = Beneden rivier - # Requires translation! Player = Speler # Multiplayer @@ -736,14 +709,10 @@ You can only resign if it's your turn = Je kan enkel opgeven als het jouw beurt [civName] resigned and is now controlled by AI = [civName] gaf op en wordt nu gecontroleerd door de computer ## Force resign button - # Requires translation! Force current player to resign = Dwing huidige speler om op te geven - # Requires translation! Are you sure you want to force the current player to resign? = Weet je zeker dat je de huidige speler wil dwingen om af te treden? - # Requires translation! Skip turn of current player = Sla de beurt van huidige speler over - # Requires translation! Are you sure you want to skip the turn of the current player? = Weet je zeker dat je de beurt van de huidige speler wil overslaan? Last refresh: [duration] ago = Laatste keer herladen: [duration] geleden @@ -785,7 +754,6 @@ Could not load game from clipboard! = Kon spel niet van klembord laden! Could not load game from custom location! = Het spel kon niet geladen worden vanaf de aangegeven locatie The file data seems to be corrupted. = De data in het bestand lijkt corrupt te zijn. The save was created with an incompatible version of Unciv: [version]. Please update Unciv to this version or later and try again. = Het opgeslagen spel is opgeslagen door een niet compatabele versie van unciv: versie [version]. Gelieve unciv te updaten naar deze versie of later. - # Requires translation! You do not have sufficient permissions to access the file. = Je hebt niet genoeg permissie om dit bestand the openen. Load [saveFileName] = [saveFileName] laden Are you sure you want to delete this save? = Weet je zeker dat je dit opgeslagen spel wilt verwijderen? @@ -805,9 +773,7 @@ Missing mods: [mods] = Ontbrekende mods: [mods] Load from custom location = Laden vanaf een aangepaste locatie Save to custom location = Opslaan op aangepaste locatie Could not save game to custom location! = Het spel kon niet opgeslagen worden op de aangegeven locatie! - # Requires translation! '[saveFileName]' copied to clipboard! = '[saveFileName]' is gekopieerd naar klembord! - # Requires translation! Could not save game to clipboard! = Kon het spel niet kopiëren naar klembord! Download missing mods = Download de ontbrekende mods Missing mods are downloaded successfully. = De ontbrekende mods zijn gedownload. @@ -824,7 +790,6 @@ About = Over Version = Versie See online Readme = Zie de online readme Visit repository = Bezoek repository - # Requires translation! Visit the wiki = Bezoek de wiki ## Display tab @@ -898,7 +863,6 @@ Gameplay = Spel Check for idle units = Check voor inactieve eenheden Auto Unit Cycle = Automatisch tussen eenheden wisselen Move units with a single tap = Beweeg eenheden met één tik - # Requires translation! Move units with a long tap = Beweeg eenheden met een lange tik Auto-assign city production = Bepaal stadsproductie automatisch Auto-build roads = Bouw wegen automatisch @@ -984,7 +948,6 @@ HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! = UITERST EXPERIMENTEEL - JE BENT GE You need to restart the game for this change to take effect. = Je moet het spel opnieuw opstarten voordat deze verandering in effect gaan. # AutomationTab - # Requires translation! Automation = Automatie # AutoPlay @@ -1027,7 +990,6 @@ An unknown civilization has completed [construction]! = Een onbekende beschaving The city of [cityname] has started constructing [construction]! = De stad [cityname] is begonnen met de bouw van [construction]! [civilization] has started constructing [construction]! = [civilization] is begonnen met de bouw van [construction]! An unknown civilization has started constructing [construction]! = Een onbekende beschaving is begonnen met de bouw van [construction]! - # Requires translation! [cityName] has started working on [construction] = [cityName] is begonnen met de bouw van [construction] [cityName] has expanded its borders! = [cityName] heeft zijn grenzen uitgebreid! Your Golden Age has ended. = Je Gouden Tijdperk is ten einde. @@ -1039,7 +1001,6 @@ An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has attacked [cityName] ([amount2] HP) = Een vijan An enemy [unit] has attacked our [ourUnit] = Een vijandige [unit] heeft onze [ourUnit] aangevallen An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has attacked our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = Een vijandige [unit] ([amount] HP) heeft onze [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) aangevallen Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit] = Vijandelijke stad [cityName] heeft onze [ourUnit] aangevallen - # Requires translation! Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = Vijandelijke stad [cityName] heeft onze [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) aangevallen An enemy [unit] has captured [cityName] = Een vijandige [unit] heeft [cityName] ingenomen An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has captured [cityName] ([amount2] HP) = Een vijandige [unit] ([amount] HP) heeft [cityName] ([amount2] HP) ingenomen @@ -1109,7 +1070,6 @@ You and [name] are no longer allies! = Jij en [name] zijn niet langer bondgenote [civName] has denounced us! = [civName] heeft ons aangeklaagd! [cityName] has been connected to your capital! = [cityName] werd verbonden met je hoofdstad! [cityName] has been disconnected from your capital! = [cityName] is niet langer verbonden met je hoofdstad! - # Requires translation! Connect road completed = Verbinding weg voltooid [civName] has accepted your trade request = [civName] heeft je handelsverzoek aanvaard [civName] has made a counteroffer to your trade request = [civName] heeft een tegenbod gedaan tegen jouw handelsverzoek @@ -1122,9 +1082,7 @@ One of our trades with [nation] has ended = Een van onze handelsverdragen met [n One of our trades with [nation] has been cut short = Een van onze handelsverdragen met [nation] werd vervroegd beëindigd [nation] agreed to stop settling cities near us! = [nation] ging akkoord om niet langer steden te stichten nabij ons! [nation] refused to stop settling cities near us! = [nation] weigert om te stoppen met het stichten van steden nabij ons! - # Requires translation! [nation] agreed to stop spreading religion to us! = [nation] ging akkoord om niet langer hun religie naar ons te verspreiden! - # Requires translation! [nation] refused to stop spreading religion to us! = [nation] weigert om te stoppen met hun religie naar ons te verspreiden! We have allied with [nation]. = We zijn geallieerd met [nation]. We have lost alliance with [nation]. = We hebben alliantie met [nation] verloren. @@ -1200,7 +1158,6 @@ due to our [unitName] defeating a [otherUnitName] = doordat onze [unitName] een due to our [unitName] being defeated by a [otherUnitName] = doordat onze [unitName] is verslagen door een [otherUnitName] due to our [unitName] losing [amount] HP = doordat onze [unitName] [amount] HP is verloren due to our [unitName] being promoted = doordat onze [unitName] is gepromoveerd - # Requires translation! due to expending our [unitName] = door het uitbreiden van [unitName] from the ruins = van de ruines @@ -1222,7 +1179,6 @@ turn = beurt Next unit = Volgende eenheid Fog of War = Fog of War Pick a policy = Kies een beleid - # Requires translation! Move Spies = Verplaats spionnen Movement = Mobiliteit Strength = Kracht @@ -1241,17 +1197,13 @@ Construct road = Weg bouwen Fortify = Versterken Fortify until healed = Versterken tot geheeld Fortification = Versterking - # Requires translation! Guard = Bewaker - # Requires translation! Guarding = Bewaken Sleep = Slaap Sleep until healed = Slaap tot geheeld Moving = Bewegen Set up = Opstellen - # Requires translation! Escort formation = Escort formatie - # Requires translation! Stop Escort formation = Stop Escort formatie Paradrop = Parachutelanding Air Sweep = Luchtaanval @@ -1340,7 +1292,6 @@ Buy for [amount] gold = Voor [amount] gold kopen Buy = Kopen Currently you have [amount] [stat]. = Momenteel heb je [amount] [stat]. Would you like to purchase [constructionName] for [buildingGoldCost] [stat]? = Will je [constructionName] kopen voor [buildingGoldCost] [stat]? - # Requires translation! You are buying a religious unit in a city that doesn't follow the religion you founded ([yourReligion]). This means that the unit is tied to that foreign religion ([majorityReligion]) and will be less useful. = je bent een religieuze eenheid aan het kopen in een stad die niet in jouw religie ([yourReligion]). Dit betekent dat de eenheid verbonden is met de uitheemse religie ([majorityReligion]) en dus minder effectief is. Are you really sure you want to purchase this unit? = Weet je zeker dat je deze eenheid wilt kopen? Purchase = Kopen @@ -1557,7 +1508,6 @@ Somewhere around [city] = Rondom [city] Far away = Ver weg Status = Status Current turn = Huidige beurt - # Requires translation! You = Jij Turn [turnNumber] = Beurt [turnNumber] Location = Locatie @@ -1669,7 +1619,6 @@ My friend, shall we declare our friendship to the world? = Mijn vriend, zullen w Sign Declaration of Friendship ([30] turns) = Teken vriendschapsverklaring ([30] beurten) We are not interested. = We zijn niet geïnteresseerd. We have signed a Declaration of Friendship with [otherCiv]! = We hebben een vriendschapsverklaring ondertekend met [otherCiv]! - # Requires translation! [civName] and [otherCivName] have signed a Defensive Pact! = [civName] en [otherCivName] hebben een defensieve verbond ondertekent! [otherCiv] has denied our Declaration of Friendship! = [otherCiv] heeft onze vriendschapsverklaring afgewezen! @@ -1681,7 +1630,6 @@ Unique to [civName], replaces [unitName] = Uniek voor [civName], vervangt [unitN Unique to [civName] = Uniek voor [civName] Tutorials = Handleidingen Cost = Kost - # Requires translation! Turns to build = Beurten tot helemaal gebouwd May contain [listOfResources] = Kan [listOfResources] bevatten May contain: = Kan bevatten: @@ -1702,7 +1650,6 @@ Improvements that provide this resource = Verbeteringen die deze grondstof produ Buildings that require this resource worked near the city = Gebouwen die deze grondstof nodig hebben welke bewerkt wordt bij de stad Units that consume this resource = Eenheden die deze grondstof gebruiken Can be built on = Kan gebouwd worden op - # Requires translation! Cannot be built on = Kan niet gebouwd worden op or [terrainType] = of [terrainType] Can be constructed by = Kan gebouwd worden door @@ -1885,55 +1832,38 @@ Move = Verplaats After an unknown civilization entered the [eraName], we have recruited [spyName] as a spy! = Nadat een onbekende beschaving in de [eraName] is aangekomen, hebben we [spyName] gerecruteerd als spion! We have recruited [spyName] as a spy! = We hebben [spyName] gerecruteerd als spion! - # Requires translation! Your spy [spyName] has leveled up! = Jouw spion [spyName] is een niveau opgehoogd! - # Requires translation! Your spy [spyName] has leveled up [amount] times! = Jouw spion [spyName] is [amount] niveaus opgehoogd! Your spy [spyName] cannot steal any more techs from [civName] as we've already researched all the technology they know! = Jouw spion [spyName] kan niet meer technologieën stelen van [civName]. We hebben alle technologieën die zij kennen reeds ontdekt! # Stealing Technology defending civ An unidentified spy stole the Technology [techName] from [cityName]! = Een onbekende spion heeft de Technologie [techName] van [cityName] gestolen! A spy from [civName] stole the Technology [techName] from [cityName]! = Een spion van [civName] heeft de Technologie [techName] van [cityName] gestolen! - # Requires translation! A spy from [civName] was found and killed trying to steal Technology in [cityName]! = Een spion van [civName] is gevonden en gedood tijdens het stelen van Technolochie in [cityName]! - # Requires translation! A spy from [civName] was found and killed by [spyName] trying to steal Technology in [cityName]! = Een spion van [civName] is gevonden en vermoord door [spyName] tijdens het stelen van Technolochie in [cityName]! # Stealing Technology offending civ Your spy [spyName] stole the Technology [techName] from [cityName]! = Jouw spion [spyName] heeft de Technologie [techName] van [cityName] gestolen! - # Requires translation! Your spy [spyName] was killed trying to steal Technology in [cityName]! = Jouw spion [spyName] is gedood tijdens het stelen van Technologie in [cityName]! # Rigging elections - # Requires translation! Your spy successfully rigged the election in [cityName]! = Jouw spion heeft de verkiezingen succesvol gemanipuleerd in [cityName]! - # Requires translation! Your spy lost the election in [cityStateName] to [civName]! = Jouw spion verloor de verkiezingen in [cityStateName] tegen [civName]! - # Requires translation! The election in [cityStateName] were rigged by [civName]! = De verkiezingen in [cityStateName] was gemanipuleerd door [civName]! - # Requires translation! Your spy lost the election in [cityName]! = Jouw spion verloor de verkiezingen in [cityName]! # City-Ctate Coups - # Requires translation! Stage Coup = Zet een staatsgreep in scène - # Requires translation! Your spy [spyName] successfully staged a coup in [cityName]! = Jouw spion [spyName] zette succesvol een staatsgreep in scène in [cityName]! -# Requires translation! A spy from [civName] successfully staged a coup in our former ally [cityStateName]! = Een spion van [civName] heeft succesvol een staatsgreep in scène gezet in onze voormalige bondgenoot [cityStateName]! - # Requires translation! A spy from [civName] successfully staged a coup in [cityStateName]! = Een spion van [civName] heeft succesvol een staatsgreep in scène gezet in [cityStateName]! - # Requires translation! A spy from [civName] failed to stage a coup in our ally [cityStateName] and was killed! = Een spion van [civName] heeft gefaald om een staatsgreep in scène te zetten in onze bondgenoot [cityStateName] en is vermoord! - # Requires translation! Our spy [spyName] failed to stage a coup in [cityStateName] and was killed! = Onze spion [spyName] heeft gefaald om een staatsgreep in scène te zetten in [cityStateName] en is vermoord! - # Requires translation! Do you want to stage a coup in [civName] with a [percent]% chance of success? = Wil je een staatsgreep in scène zetten in [civName] met een [percent]% kans op succes? # Spy fleeing city After the city of [cityName] was destroyed, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Jouw spion [spyName] heeft zich teruggetrokken naar onze schuilplaats na de verwoesting van [cityName]. After the city of [cityName] was conquered, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Jouw spion [spyName] heeft zich teruggetrokken naar onze schuilplaats na de verovering van [cityName]. - # Requires translation! After the city of [cityName] was taken over, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Nadat de stad van [cityName] overgenomen is, is jouw spion [spyName] gevlucht naar onze spionschuilplaats. Due to the chaos ensuing in [cityName], your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. = Jouw spion [spyName] heeft zich teruggetrokken naar onze schuilplaats omwille van de chaos in [cityName]. @@ -2015,7 +1945,6 @@ Mods of mods = Mods van mods Mod info and options = Mod info en opties Next page = Volgende pagina Open Github page = Open github pagina - # Requires translation! Link copied to clipboard = Link gekopieerd naar klembord Permanent audiovisual mod = Permanente audiovisuele mod Installed = Geinstalleerd @@ -2042,9 +1971,7 @@ Stars ↓ = Sterren ↓ Status ↓ = Status ↓ Scenarios = Scenario's - # Requires translation! Error loading scenario: = Probleem met laden van scenario - # Requires translation! Choose scenario = Kies scenario # Uniques that are relevant to more than one type of game object @@ -2065,9 +1992,7 @@ Gain a free [building] [cityFilter] = Verkrijg een gratis [building] [cityFilter # Countables - # Requires translation! Remaining [civFilter] Civilizations = Overgebleven [civFilter] Civilisatie - # Requires translation! Owned [tileFilter] Tiles = Tegels [tileFilter] in bezit # Unused Resources @@ -2188,7 +2113,6 @@ Sell [buildingFilter] buildings [cityFilter] = Verkoop [buildingFilter] gebouwen Each city founded increases culture cost of policies [relativeAmount]% less than normal = Elke gestichte stad verhoogt de cultuurkosten van beleid [relativeAmount]% minder dan normaal [relativeAmount]% Culture cost of adopting new Policies = [relativeAmount]% Cultuurkosten om nieuw beleid te adopteren [stats] for every known Natural Wonder = [stats] voor elk gekend Natuurlijk Wonder - # Requires translation! [stats] for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced to [stats2] if first to discover it) = [stats] voor het ontdekken van een Natuurlijk Wonder (bonus verhoogd naar [stats2] als je het als eerste ontdekt) [relativeAmount]% Great Person generation [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% Groot Persoon generatie [cityFilter] [relativeAmount]% Gold from Great Merchant trade missions = [relativeAmount]% Goud van Grote Handelaar handelsmissies @@ -2232,11 +2156,8 @@ May choose [amount] additional belief(s) of any type when [foundingOrEnhancing] Religion naturally spreads to cities [amount] tiles away = Religie verspreidt zich vanzelf naar steden op [amount] tegels afstand May not generate great prophet equivalents naturally = Kan de equivalenten van een grote profeet niet spontaan genereren [relativeAmount]% Faith cost of generating Great Prophet equivalents = [relativeAmount]% Geloofskosten voor het genereren van Groot Profeet equivalenten - # Requires translation! [relativeAmount]% spy effectiveness [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% spion effectiviteit [cityFilter] - # Requires translation! [relativeAmount]% enemy spy effectiveness [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% vijandige spion effectiviteit [cityFilter] - # Requires translation! New spies start with [amount] level(s) = Nieuwe spionnen starten met [amount] level(s) Starting tech = Starttechnologie Starts with [tech] = Begin het spel met [tech] @@ -2265,18 +2186,14 @@ Requires at least [amount] population = Vereist minstens [amount] bevolking Triggers a global alert upon build start = Veroorzaakt een globaal alarmsignaal bij het starten Triggers a global alert upon completion = Veroorzaakt een globaal alarmsignaal bij voltooiing Cost increases by [amount] per owned city = Kosten nemen toe met [amount] per stad in bezit - # Requires translation! Cost increases by [amount] when built = Kosten groeien met [amount] when built - # Requires translation! [amount]% production cost = [amount]% productie kosten - # Requires translation! Can only be built = Kan alleen gebouwd worden Must have an owned [tileFilter] within [amount] tiles = Moet [tileFilter] bezitten binnen [amount] tegels Enables nuclear weapon = Maakt nucleair wapen mogelijk Must not be on [tileFilter] = Mag niet op [tileFilter] zijn Must not be next to [tileFilter] = Mag niet naast [tileFilter] zijn Indicates the capital city = Duidt de hoofdstad aan - # Requires translation! Moves to new capital when capital changes = Verplaatst naar nieuwe hoofdstad wanneer de hoofdstad verandert. Provides 1 extra copy of each improved luxury resource near this City = Levert 1 extra exemplaar van elke verbeterd luxegoed bij deze stad Destroyed when the city is captured = Wordt vernietigd als de stad ingenomen wordt @@ -2332,10 +2249,8 @@ Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = Afstandsaanvallen mogen over ob Nuclear weapon of Strength [amount] = Nucleair wapen met [amount] Kracht No defensive terrain bonus = Geen defensieve terreinbonussen No defensive terrain penalty = Geen negatieve defensieve terreinbonus - # Requires translation! No damage penalty for wounded units = Geen schadestraf voor gewonde eenheden Uncapturable = Onvangbaar - # Requires translation! Withdraws before melee combat = Trek terug voor een mêlee gevecht Unable to capture cities = Niet in staat steden te veroveren Unable to pillage tiles = Niet in staat tegels te plunderen @@ -2401,21 +2316,15 @@ Great Person - [comment] = Groot Persoon - [comment] Is part of Great Person group [comment] = Is deel van een Grote Persoon groep [comment] by consuming this unit = door deze eenheid op te gebruiken for [amount] movement = voor [amount] beweging - # Requires translation! for all movement = voor alle beweging - # Requires translation! requires [amount] movement = heeft [amount] beweging nodig - # Requires translation! costs [stats] stats = Kost [stats] stats - # Requires translation! costs [amount] [stockpiledResource] = kost [amount] [stockpiledResource] - # Requires translation! removing the [promotion] promotion/status = de [promotion] promotie/status aan het verwijderen once = eenmaal [amount] times = [amount] keer [amount] additional time(s) = [amount] extra ke(e)r(en) after which this unit is consumed = waarna deze eenheid opgebruikt zal worden - # Requires translation! Grants [stats] to the first civilization to discover it = Geeft [stats] aan de eerste civilizatie die het ontdekt Units ending their turn on this terrain take [amount] damage = Eenheden die hun beurt eindigen op dit terrein krijgen [amount] schade Grants [promotion] ([comment]) to adjacent [mapUnitFilter] units for the rest of the game = Geeft [promotion] ([comment]) aan aangrenzende [mapUnitFilter] eenheden voor de rest van het spel @@ -2451,35 +2360,21 @@ Great Improvement = Grote Verbetering Provides a random bonus when entered = Geeft een willekeurige bonus bij het betreden Unpillagable = Kan niet worden geplunderd Irremovable = Niet verwijderbaar - # Requires translation! Will not be replaced by automated units = Wordt niet vervangen door geautomatiseerde eenheden - # Requires translation! Improves [resourceFilter] resource in this tile = Verbetert [resourceFilter] hulpbron in deze tegel - # Requires translation! Will not build [baseUnitFilter/buildingFilter] = Zal [baseUnitFilter/buildingFilter] niet bouwen. every [positiveAmount] turns = elke [positiveAmount] beurten - # Requires translation! before turn number [amount] = voor beurt nummer [amount] - # Requires translation! after turn number [amount] = na beurt nummer [amount] - # Requires translation! on [speed] game speed = op [speed] spel snelheid - # Requires translation! on [difficulty] difficulty = op [difficulty] moeilijkheid - # Requires translation! when [victoryType] Victory is enabled = wanneer [victoryType] Overwinning is ingeschakeld - # Requires translation! when [victoryType] Victory is disabled = wanneer [victoryType] Overwinning is uitgeschakeld - # Requires translation! when religion is enabled = Wanneer religie ingeschakeld is - # Requires translation! when religion is disabled = Wanneer religie uitgeschakeld is - # Requires translation! when espionage is enabled = Wanneer spionage ingeschakeld is - # Requires translation! when espionage is disabled = Wanneer spionage uitgeschakeld is with [amount]% chance = met [amount]% kans - # Requires translation! for [civFilter] Civilizations = voor [civFilter] Civilizatie when at war = Tijdens een oorlog when not at war = Tijdens vrede @@ -2487,7 +2382,6 @@ during a Golden Age = tijdens een Gouden Tijdperk during We Love The King Day = tijdens Wij Houden Van De Koning Dag while the empire is happy = terwijl het rijk gelukkig is when between [amount] and [amount2] Happiness = wanneer tussen [amount] en [amount2] Geluk - # Requires translation! when above [amount] Happiness = wanneer boven [amount] Geluk when below [amount] Happiness = wanneer onder [amount] Geluk during the [era] = tijdens het [era] @@ -2497,7 +2391,6 @@ if starting in the [era] = indien men start in het [era] if no other Civilization has researched this = als geen andere Beschavingen dit reeds ontdekt hebben after discovering [tech] = na ontdekking van [tech] before discovering [tech] = voor het ontdekken van [tech] - # Requires translation! while researching [tech] = terwijl [tech] onderzoeken if no other Civilization has adopted this = Als geen andere Beschaving dit aangenomen heeft after adopting [policy/belief] = Na het aannemen van [policy/belief] @@ -2508,40 +2401,28 @@ before founding a religion = voor het stichten van een religie after founding a religion = na het stichten van een religie before enhancing a religion = voor het verbeteren van een religie after enhancing a religion = na het verbeteren van een religie - # Requires translation! after generating a Great Prophet = na het genereren van een Grote Profeet if [buildingFilter] is constructed = als [buildingFilter] is gebouwd - # Requires translation! if [buildingFilter] is not constructed = als [buildingFilter] niet is gebouwd - # Requires translation! if [buildingFilter] is constructed in all [cityFilter] cities = als [buildingFilter] gebouwd is in alle [cityFilter] steden - # Requires translation! if [buildingFilter] is constructed in at least [positiveAmount] of [cityFilter] cities = als [buildingFilter] gebouwd is in tenminste [positiveAmount] van [cityFilter] steden - # Requires translation! if [buildingFilter] is constructed by anybody = als [buildingFilter] is gebouwd door iemand with [resource] = met [resource] without [resource] = zonder [resource] when above [amount] [stat/resource] = boven [amount] [stat/resource] when below [amount] [stat/resource] = onder [amount] [stat/resource] - # Requires translation! when between [amount] and [amount2] [stat/resource] = wanneer er tussen [amount] en [amount2] [stat/resource] in this city = in deze stad in [cityFilter] cities = in [cityFilter] steden in cities connected to the capital = in steden verbonden met de hoofdstad - # Requires translation! in cities with a major religion = in steden met een belangrijke religie - # Requires translation! in cities with an enhanced religion = in steden met een verbeterde religie - # Requires translation! in cities following our religion = in steden die onze religie volgen in cities with a [buildingFilter] = in steden met een [buildingFilter] in cities without a [buildingFilter] = in steden zonder een [buildingFilter] in cities with at least [amount] [populationFilter] = in steden met minstens [amount] [populationFilter] - # Requires translation! in cities with [amount] [populationFilter] = in steden met [amount] [populationFilter] - # Requires translation! in cities with between [amount] and [amount2] [populationFilter] = in steden met tussen [amount] en [amount2] [populationFilter] - # Requires translation! in cities with less than [amount] [populationFilter] = in steden met minder dan [amount] [populationFilter] with a garrison = met een garnizoen for [mapUnitFilter] units = voor [mapUnitFilter] eenheden @@ -2563,22 +2444,15 @@ with [amount] to [amount2] neighboring [tileFilter] tiles = met [amount] tot [am in [tileFilter] tiles = in [tileFilter] tegels in tiles without [tileFilter] = in tegels zonder [tileFilter] within [amount] tiles of a [tileFilter] = binnen [amount] tegels van een [tileFilter] - # Requires translation! in tiles adjacent to [tileFilter] tiles = in tegels aangrenzend aan [tileFilter] tegels - # Requires translation! in tiles not adjacent to [tileFilter] tiles = in tegels niet aangrenzend aan [tileFilter] tegels on water maps = op waterkaarten in [regionType] Regions = in [regionType] Regionen in all except [regionType] Regions = in alle Regionen behalve [regionType] - # Requires translation! when number of [countable] is equal to [countable2] = wanneer het aantal van [countable] gelijk is aan [countable2] - # Requires translation! when number of [countable] is different than [countable2] = wanneer het aantal van [countable] verschillend is van [countable2] - # Requires translation! when number of [countable] is more than [countable2] = wanneer het aantal van [countable] meer is dan [countable2] - # Requires translation! when number of [countable] is less than [countable2] = wanneer het aantal van [countable] minder is dan [countable2] - # Requires translation! when number of [countable] is between [countable2] and [countable3] = wanneer het aantal van [countable] tussen [countable2] en [countable3] is Free [unit] appears = Gratis [unit] verschijnt [positiveAmount] free [unit] units appear = [positiveAmount] gratis [unit] eenheden verschijnen @@ -2592,9 +2466,7 @@ Free Great Person = Gratis Groot Persoon [amount] population in a random city = [amount] bevolking in een willekeurige stad Discover [tech] = Ontdek [tech] Adopt [policy] = Neem [policy] aan - # Requires translation! Remove [policy] = Verwijder [policy] - # Requires translation! Remove [policy] and refund [amount]% of its cost = Verwijder [policy] en krijg [amount]% of de kosten terug Free Technology = Gratis Technologie [positiveAmount] Free Technologies = [positiveAmount] Gratis Technologieën @@ -2608,52 +2480,33 @@ Gain [amount] [stat] = Krijg [amount] [stat] Gain [amount]-[amount2] [stat] = Krijg [amount]-[amount2] [stat] Gain enough Faith for a Pantheon = Krijg genoeg Geloof voor een Pantheon Gain enough Faith for [amount]% of a Great Prophet = Krijg genoeg Geloof voor [amount]% van een Grote Profeet - # Requires translation! Gain control over [tileFilter] tiles in a [amount]-tile radius = Krijg controle over [tileFilter] tegels in een straal van [amount] tegels Reveal up to [positiveAmount/'all'] [tileFilter] within a [positiveAmount] tile radius = Onthul tot [positiveAmount/'all'] [tileFilter] binnen een omtrek van [positiveAmount] tegels From a randomly chosen tile [positiveAmount] tiles away from the ruins, reveal tiles up to [positiveAmount2] tiles away with [positiveAmount3]% chance = Vanaf een willekeurig gekozen tegel [positiveAmount] tegels weg van de ruïnes, onthul tegels tot [positiveAmount2] tegels afstand met een kans van [positiveAmount3]% Triggers the following global alert: [comment] = Activeert de volgende globale waarschuwing: [comment] Every major Civilization gains a spy once a civilization enters this era = Elke grote Beschaving krijgt een spion als een beschaving dit tijdperk betreedt - # Requires translation! Promotes all spies [amount] time(s) = Promoveert alle spionnen [amount] keer - # Requires translation! Gain an extra spy = Krijg een extra spion Doing so will consume this opportunity to choose a Promotion = Door dit te doen gebruik je deze mogelijkheid om een Promotie te kiezen This Promotion is free = Deze Promotie is gratis - # Requires translation! Turn this tile into a [terrainName] tile = Verander deze tegel naar een [terrainName] tegel Provides the cheapest [stat] building in your first [positiveAmount] cities for free = Geeft het goedkoopste [stat] gebouw gratis in je eerste [positiveAmount] steden Provides a [buildingName] in your first [positiveAmount] cities for free = Geeft een gratis [buildingName] in je eerste [positiveAmount] steden - # Requires translation! Triggers a [event] event = Activeert een [event] evenement - # Requires translation! [unitTriggerTarget] heals [positiveAmount] HP = [unitTriggerTarget] geneest [positiveAmount] HP - # Requires translation! [unitTriggerTarget] takes [positiveAmount] damage = [unitTriggerTarget] neemt [positiveAmount] schade - # Requires translation! [unitTriggerTarget] gains [amount] XP = [unitTriggerTarget] krijgt [amount] XP - # Requires translation! [unitTriggerTarget] upgrades for free = [unitTriggerTarget] krijgt verbeteringen gratis - # Requires translation! [unitTriggerTarget] upgrades for free including special upgrades = [unitTriggerTarget] krijgt verbeteringen gratis inclusief speciale verbeteringen - # Requires translation! [unitTriggerTarget] gains the [promotion] promotion = [unitTriggerTarget] krijgt de [promotion] promotie - # Requires translation! [unitTriggerTarget] loses the [promotion] promotion = [unitTriggerTarget] verliest de [promotion] promotie - # Requires translation! [unitTriggerTarget] gains [amount] movement = [unitTriggerTarget] krijgt [amount] beweging - # Requires translation! [unitTriggerTarget] loses [amount] movement = [unitTriggerTarget] krijgt [amount] beweging - # Requires translation! [unitTriggerTarget] gains the [promotion] status for [positiveAmount] turn(s) = [unitTriggerTarget] krijgt de [promotion] status voor [positiveAmount] beurt(en) - # Requires translation! [unitTriggerTarget] loses the [promotion] status = [unitTriggerTarget] verliest de [promotion] status - # Requires translation! [unitTriggerTarget] is destroyed = [unitTriggerTarget] is vernietigd - # Requires translation! upon discovering [techFilter] technology = bij het ontdekken van [techFilter] technology upon entering the [era] = bij het betreden van [era] - # Requires translation! upon entering a new era = bij het betreden van een nieuw tijdperk upon adopting [policy/belief] = bij het aannemen van [policy/belief] upon declaring war with a major Civilization = bij het verklaren van oorlog op een grote Beschaving @@ -2671,62 +2524,44 @@ upon turn end = na het beëindigen van de beurt upon founding a Pantheon = na het stichten van een Pantheon upon founding a Religion = na het stichten van een Religie upon enhancing a Religion = na het verbeteren van een Religie - # Requires translation! upon damaging a [mapUnitFilter] unit = na de beschadiging van een [mapUnitFilter] eenheid upon defeating a [mapUnitFilter] unit = na het verslaan van een [mapUnitFilter] eenheid - # Requires translation! upon expending a [mapUnitFilter] unit = na de uitbreiding van een [mapUnitFilter] eenheid upon being defeated = na verslagen te worden upon being promoted = na gepromoveerd te worden - # Requires translation! upon gaining the [promotion] promotion = bij het krijgen van de [promotion] promotie - # Requires translation! upon losing the [promotion] promotion = bij het verliezen van de [promotion] promotie - # Requires translation! upon gaining the [promotion] status = bij het krijgen van de [promotion] status - # Requires translation! upon losing the [promotion] status = bij het verliezen van de [promotion] status upon losing at least [amount] HP in a single attack = na minstens [amount] HP te verliezen in een enkele aanval upon ending a turn in a [tileFilter] tile = na het beindigen van een beurt in een [tileFilter] tegel upon discovering a [tileFilter] tile = na het ontdekken van een [tileFilter] tegel for [amount] turns = voor [amount] beurten hidden from users = Verborgen voor gebruikers - # Requires translation! for every [countable] = voor elke [countable] - # Requires translation! for every adjacent [tileFilter] = voor elke aangrenzende [tileFilter] - # Requires translation! for every [amount] [countable] = voor elke [amount] [countable] - # Requires translation! (modified by game speed) = (gemodificeerd door spel snelheid) Comment [comment] = [comment] Diplomatic relationships cannot change = Diplomatieke relaties kunnen niet veranderen Can convert gold to science with sliders = Kan goud omzetten naar wetenschap via sliders Allow City States to spawn with additional units = Laat toe dat Stadstaten met extra eenheden beginnen - # Requires translation! Can trade civilization introductions for [positiveAmount] Gold = Kan handel civilizatie introducties voor [positiveAmount] Goud Disable religion = Schakel religie uit - # Requires translation! Can only start games from the starting era = Kan alleen spellen starten van het beginnend tijdperk - # Requires translation! Allow raze capital = Hoofdstad laten slopen - # Requires translation! Allow raze holy city = Heilige stad laten slopen Mod is incompatible with [modFilter] = Mod is niet compatibel met [modFilter] Mod requires [modFilter] = Mod vereist [modFilter] Should only be used as permanent audiovisual mod = Wordt best enkel gebruikt als een permanente audiovisuele mod Can be used as permanent audiovisual mod = Kan gebruikt worden als een permanente audiovisuele mod Cannot be used as permanent audiovisual mod = Kan niet gebruikt worden als een permanente audiovisuele mod - # Requires translation! Mod preselects map [comment] = Mod preselecteert kaart [comment] - # Requires translation! if [modFilter] is enabled = als [modFilter] is ingeschakeld - # Requires translation! if [modFilter] is not enabled = als [modFilter] niet is ingeschakeld ######### countable ########### - # Requires translation! year = jaar ######### 'all' ########### @@ -2769,14 +2604,11 @@ Air = Lucht ######### civFilter ########### - # Requires translation! AI player = AI speler - # Requires translation! Human player = Menselijke speler ######### nationFilter ########### - # Requires translation! Major = Belangrijk ######### City filters ########### @@ -2793,7 +2625,6 @@ Non-occupied = Niet-bezette in all cities with a world wonder = in alle steden met een wereldwonder in all cities connected to capital = in alle steden verbonden met de hoofdstad in all cities with a garrison = in alle steden met een garnizoen - # Requires translation! Garrisoned = in garnizoen in all cities in which the majority religion is a major religion = in alle steden waar de meest-voorkomende religie een grote religie is in all cities in which the majority religion is an enhanced religion = in alle steden waarin de meest voorkomende religie een verbeterde religie is @@ -2802,18 +2633,12 @@ in enemy cities = in vijandige steden in foreign cities = in buitenlandse steden Foreign = Vreemd in annexed cities = in geannexeerde steden - # Requires translation! Annexed = geannexeerd in puppeted cities = in vazalsteden - # Requires translation! Puppeted = vazalstad gemaakte stad - # Requires translation! in resisting cities = in verzettende steden - # Requires translation! Resisting = verzetten - # Requires translation! in cities being razed = in steden die gesloopt worden - # Requires translation! Razing = slopen in holy cities = in heilige steden Holy = Heilige @@ -2823,11 +2648,8 @@ in cities following this religion = in steden die deze religie volgen ######### buildingFilter ########### Building = Gebouw - # Requires translation! National = Nationaal - # Requires translation! World Wonder = Wereld Wonder - # Requires translation! World = Wereld ######### Population Filters ########### @@ -2863,7 +2685,6 @@ All Road = Alle Weg ######### simpleTerrain ########### - # Requires translation! Elevated = verhoogd ######### Region Types ########### @@ -2882,7 +2703,6 @@ Great = Groot ######### resourceFilter ########### - # Requires translation! any = elke ######### beliefType ########### @@ -2890,7 +2710,6 @@ any = elke Founder = Stichter Follower = Volger Enhancer = Hervormer - # Requires translation! Any = Elke ######### Prophet Action Filters ########### @@ -2909,9 +2728,7 @@ enhancing = verbeteren ######### unitTriggerTarget ########### - # Requires translation! This Unit = Deze eenheid - # Requires translation! Target Unit = doel eenheid ######### Unique Specials ########### @@ -2921,7 +2738,6 @@ all healing effects doubled = alle geneeseffecten zijn verdubbeld The Spaceship = Het ruimteschip Units ending their turn on [Mountain] tiles take [50] damage = Eenheden die hun beurt beëindigen op [Mountain] tegels krijgen [50] schade Maya Long Count calendar cycle = Maya Lange Telling kalendercyclus - # Requires translation! Meet another civilization = Maak kennis met een andere civilizatie Triggerable = Activeerbare UnitTriggerable = EenheidActiveerbare @@ -2942,9 +2758,7 @@ Speed = Snelheid Tutorial = Tutorial CityState = StadStaat ModOptions = ModOpties - # Requires translation! Event = Evenement - # Requires translation! EventChoice = EvenementKeuze Conditional = Conditioneel TriggerCondition = ActiveerConditie @@ -2959,9 +2773,7 @@ Establishing Network = Netwerk aan het Opzetten Observing City = Stad aan het Observeren Stealing Tech = Technologie aan het Stelen Rigging Elections = Verkiezingen aan het Vervalsen - # Requires translation! Coup = Staatsgreep - # Requires translation! Counter-intelligence = Contraspionage Dead = Dood @@ -2978,23 +2790,18 @@ Your so-called 'defensive pact' is worth nothing. = Je zogenaamde 'defensief ver You have publicly denounced us! = Je hebt ons publiekelijk beschuldigd! You have denounced our allies = Je hebt onze bondgenoten beschuldigd. You refused to stop settling cities near us = Je hebt geweigerd om te stoppen steden dicht bij ons te bouwen. - # Requires translation! You refused to stop spreading religion to us = Je hebt geweigert om te stoppen met religie verspreiden naar ons You betrayed your promise to not settle cities near us = Je hebt je belofte gebroken om geen steden dicht bij ons te bouwen. - # Requires translation! You betrayed your promise to not spread your religion to us = Je hebt je belofte gebroken om geen religie te verspreiden naar ons Your arrogant demands are in bad taste = Je arrogante eisen vallen niet in de smaak. Your use of nuclear weapons is disgusting! = Je gebruik van nucleaire wapens is walgelijk! You have stolen our lands! = Je hebt land van ons gestolen! You destroyed City-States that were under our protection! = Je hebt Stadstaten die onder onze bescherming stonden vernietigd! You attacked City-States that were under our protection! = Je hebt Stadstaten die onder onze bescherming stonden aangevallen! - # Requires translation! You attacked our allied City-States! = Je hebt de Stad-Staten aangevallen die onze bondgenoten zijn! You demanded tribute from City-States that were under our protection! = Je hebt betalingen geëist van Stadstaten die onder onze bescherming stonden! You sided with a City-State over us = Je hebt de kant gekozen van een Stadstaat boven ons. - # Requires translation! You spied on us! = Je hebt ons bespied! - # Requires translation! You took the alliance we had with a City-State = Je nam de alliantie die we hadden met een Stad-staat Years of peace have strengthened our relations. = Jaren van vrede heeft onze relatie versterkt. Our mutual military struggle brings us closer together. = Onze gezamenlijke militaire strijd brengt ons dichter bij elkaar. @@ -3006,12 +2813,10 @@ You have declared a defensive pact with our allies = Je hebt een defensief verbo You have denounced our enemies = Je hebt onze vijanden beschuldigd. Our open borders have brought us closer together. = Onze open grenzen hebben ons dichter bij elkaar gebracht. You fulfilled your promise to stop settling cities near us! = Je hebt je belofte gehouden om geen steden dicht bij ons te bouwen! - # Requires translation! You fulfilled your promise to stop spreading religion to us! = Je bent de belofte om te stoppen met je religie verspreiden naar ons nagekomen! You gave us units! = Je hebt ons eenheden gegeven! We appreciate your gifts = We waarderen je geschenken. You returned captured units to us = Je hebt ons gevangen eenheden teruggegeven. - # Requires translation! We believe in the same religion = We geloven in dezelfde religie @@ -3019,23 +2824,18 @@ We believe in the same religion = We geloven in dezelfde religie Main Menu = Hoofdmenu World Screen = Wereldscherm - # Requires translation! AutoPlay menu = AutoPlay menu - # Requires translation! NextTurn menu = VolgendeBeurt menu Map Panning = Kaart Pannen Unit Actions = Eenheidacties City Screen = Stadsscherm City Screen Construction Menu = Stadsscherm Bouwmenu Popups = Popups - # Requires translation! Quit = Stoppen - # Requires translation! Deselect then Quit = Deselecteer dan Stoppen Menu = Menu Next Turn = Volgende Beurt Next Turn Alternate = Alternatieve Volgende Beurt - # Requires translation! Open AutoPlay menu = Open AutoPlay menu Empire Overview = Rijksoverzicht Music Player = Muziekspeler @@ -3075,7 +2875,6 @@ Pan Right Alternate = Alternatieve Pan Rechts Connect road = Verbind weg Transform = Transformeer Repair = Herstel - # Requires translation! Move Automated Units = Beweeg geautomatiseerde eenheden Add to or remove from queue = Voeg toe aan of verwijder uit de wachtrij Raise queue priority = Verhoog prioriteit binnen de wachtrij @@ -3401,9 +3200,7 @@ It appears that you do have a reason for existing – to make this deal with me. Greetings. = Gegroet. What do YOU want?! = Wat wil JIJ?! Ingenuity = Vindingrijkheid - # Requires translation! May the gods bless you, great Nebuchadnezzar, ruler of ancient Babylon! Built 5000 years ago, Babylon emerged as an empire in 1800 BC, thanks to godlike Hammurabi, The Giver of Law. Falling under the Kassites assaults then the Assyrian domination, Babylon was reborn from its ashes, gaining back its independance, and became the beacon for Arts and Learning in the ancient world. O Nebuchadnezzar, after your death, Babylon quickly fell, conquered by the mighty Persians, and then by the Greeks, until the great city disappeared forever in 141 BC. = Mogen de goden met u zijn, Grote Nebuchadnezzar, heerser van oud Babylon! 5000 jaar geleden gebouwd, Babylon ontstond als een imperium 1800 v.Chr, dankzij de goddelijke Hammurabi, De Wetgever. Babylon, dat ten onder ging aan de aanvallen van de Kassieten en vervolgens aan de Assyrische overheersing, herrees uit zijn as en werd het baken voor kunst en leren in de oude wereld. Oh O Nebuchadnezzar, na uw dood viel Babylon snel, veroverd door de machtige Perzen en vervolgens door de Grieken, totdat de grote stad in 141 v.Chr voorgoed verdween. - # Requires translation! Great Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon's glory still lives through you and your people. Will you create a spark to enlighten the world again? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Grote Nebuchadnezzar, De glorie van Babylon leeft nog steeds door u en uw volk. Zal u een vonk creëren om de wereld opnieuw te verlichten? Zal uw nieuwe rijk de eeuwen van de geschiedenis doorschijnen? Babylon = Babylon Akkad = Akkad @@ -3455,7 +3252,6 @@ My friend, does this seem reasonable to you? = Mijn vriend, lijkt dit jouw redel Greetings! = Gegroet! What? = Wat? Hellenic League = Helleense bond - # Requires translation! Great King Alexander, leader of the mighty Greek nation, you are truly blessed by the gods. In 480 BC, quarrelsome city-states such as Athens, Sparta, Thebes, found a way to join their forces, allowing Greece to defeat the mighty Persia in the 5th century BC, both on land and sea. Following their example, you lead a Greek coalition and finally struck down the Persian Empire in 331 BC. You conquered almost all the known world, and from Europe to Africa to India, you built an empire unmatched by any before it. = Grote Koning Alexander, leider van de machtige Grieken, u bent echt gezegend door de goden. In 400 v.Chr, ruziezoekende stad-staten zoals Athene, Sparta en Thebe vonden een manier om samen te werken, daardoor kon Griekenland de sterke Persen verslaan in 500 v.Chr, zowel op land en op zee. Naar aanleiding van dit voorbeeld, leid u een Griekse Coalitie naar het verslaan van het Perzische Rijk in 331 v.Chr. U versloeg bijna de hele bekende Wereld, van Europa tot Afrika tot Indië, u bouwde een rijk groter dan elk ander. Megalexandros, son of Zeus, will you ride Bucephalas again, to gift the world with the brightness of the Greek culture? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Megalexandros, zoon van Zeus, zal u Bucephalas weer berijden en de wereld het geglans van de Griekse cultuur schenken? Zal uw nieuwe rijk schitteren door de eeuwen der geschiedenis heen? Athens = Athene @@ -3510,9 +3306,7 @@ My friend, do you think you can accept this request? = Mijn vriend, denk je dat How are you today? = Hoe gaat het vandaag met u? Oh. It's you? = Oh. Ben jij het? Art of War = De kunst van het oorlogvoeren - # Requires translation! Heaven itself bends before your beauty, Empress Wu Zetian, ruler of eternal China! You lead one of the oldest and greatest civilization of humanity. In your time, China stood at the forefront of science and technology, bringing the world such contributions as gunpowder, the printing press, and the world of Confucius, and this, long before the rest of the world was mature enough to make the same discoveries! = De hemel zelf buigt voor uw schoonheid, Keizerin Wu Zetian, heerser van eeuwig China! U leidt een van de oudste en grootste civilizaties van de mensheid. In uw tijd, was China de voorloper in de wetenschap en technologie, als uitvinder van buskruit, de drukpers en de wereld van Confucius. En dit allemaal, Voordat de rest van de wereld volwassen genoeg was voor dezelfde ontdekkingen! - # Requires translation! Great Queen, can you make China prevail again, using your divine intelligence and beauty? China stands for greatness, and all its enemies will be dazzled soon enough! Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Grote Koningin, kan u China weer groot maken, door uw goddelijke intelligentie en schoonheid? China staat voor grootheid, al de vijanden zullen snel genoeg verblind worden! Zal uw nieuwe rijk schitteren door de eeuwen der geschiedenis heen? Beijing = Beijing Shanghai = Shanghai @@ -3566,9 +3360,7 @@ Generous Egypt makes you this offer. = Vrijgevig Egypte doet je dit aanbod. Good day. = Goede dag. Oh, it's you. = Oh, jij bent het. Monument Builders = Bouwers van monumenten - # Requires translation! O great Ramesses, Pharaoh of Egypt, bright as the Sun and mighty as the Nile! Lord of all living things, you lead the greatest of all civilizations, which has gifted the world with writing, advanced mathematics, sculpture, and architecture. Egyptian monuments and culture will continue to amaze the world for thousands of years. = Oh Grote Ramses, Farao van Egypte, helder als de Zon en machtig als de Nijl! Heer van alle levende dingen, u leidt de grootste civilizatie, die de wereld het schrijven, geavanceerde wiskunde, sculpturen en architectuur heeft geschonken. Egyptische monumenten en cultuur zullen de rest van de wereld blijven verbazen voor duizende jaren. - # Requires translation! Mighty and eternal Ramesses, Egypt lasted for millenia, whereas other civilisations disappeared into dust after a few centuries. Amun-Ra blesses you again to lead Egypt and its people on the path of light. Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Machtige Ramses, Egypte hield duizende jaren stand, terwijl andere civilizaties na een paar eeuwen al verwoest waren. Amun-Ra zegent je opnieuw om Egypte en zijn volk op het pad van licht te leiden. Zal uw nieuwe rijk schitteren door de eeuwen der geschiedenis heen? Thebes = Thebe Memphis = Memphis @@ -3629,9 +3421,7 @@ Would you be interested in a trade agreement with England? = Ben je geïnteresse Hello, again. = Hallo, alweer. Oh, it's you! = O, het ben jij! Sun Never Sets = De Zon Gaat Nooit Onder - # Requires translation! Long live to Your Highness, Queen Elizabeth Gloriana, leader and protector of the glorious England! Through history, enduring many invasions, England strengthened its will, playing smartly with diplomacy, cunning, and military power, to eventually rose as one of the most dominant Empires the world has ever known. Their matchless navy, brilliant scientists and artists, and powerful merchants, have shaped the known world for centuries. = Lang leve uwe Hoogheid, koningin Elizabeth Gloriana, leider en beschermer van het glorieuze Engeland! Die door de eeuwen heen vele invasies doorstaan, Engeland versterkte zijn wil, slim spelend met diplomatie, slimheid en militaire macht, om uiteindelijk uit te groeien tot een van de meest dominante rijken die de wereld ooit heeft gekend. Hun weergaloze zeemacht, briljante wetenschappers en kunstenaars, en machtige kooplieden hebben de bekende wereld eeuwenlang vormgegeven. - # Requires translation! Queen Elizabeth, will England cast once more its brightness upon all lands and seas of the world? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Koningin Elizabeth, zal Engeland opnieuw zijn glans werpen op alle landen en zeeën in de wereld? Zal uw nieuwe rijk schitteren door de eeuwen der geschiedenis heen? London = Londen York = York @@ -3682,9 +3472,7 @@ France offers you this exceptional proposition. = Frankrijk biedt jou dit uitzon Hello. = Hallo. It's you. = Jij bent het. Ancien Régime = Ancien Régime - # Requires translation! Vive Napoleon I, First Consul and Emperor of France! After the glorious Revolution which suppressed the centuries-old monarchy, the French nation stood at the heart of Europe as a Republic, and intended to export its ideals to the entire European continent, either by diplomacy or war. The French Capital Paris was more than ever the world center of Culture, Arts, and Letters. With its Great Army, reputed as one of the greatest in the History, France fought gloriously all surrounding enemies, but eventually fell against the coalition of other European powers. = Leve Napoleon I, eerste consul en keizer van Frankrijk! Na de glorieuze Revolutie die de eeuwenoude monarchie onderdrukte, de Franse natie die als republiek in het hart van Europa stond, was van plan was haar idealen naar het hele Europese continent te exporteren, door diplomatie of oorlog. De Franse hoofdstad Parijs was meer dan ooit het wereldcentrum van cultuur en kunst. Met zijn grote leger, dat bekend staat als een van de grootste in de geschiedenis, vocht Frankrijk glorieus tegen alle omringende vijanden, maar viel uiteindelijk tegen de coalitie van andere Europese machten. - # Requires translation! Napoleon Bonaparte, ruler of the French people, will you rebuild the Empire to take revenge on your foes, and make again of its Capital the City of Lights? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Napoleon Bonaparte, heerser van het Franse volk, wilt u het keizerrijk opnieuw opbouwen om wraak te nemen op uw vijanden en van zijn hoofdstad weer de stad van licht maken? Zal uw nieuwe rijk schitteren door de eeuwen der geschiedenis heen? Paris = Parijs Orleans = Orleans @@ -3735,9 +3523,7 @@ How would you like it if I propose this kind of exchange? = Wat vind je ervan al Hello! = Hallo! What do you need?! = Wat heb je nodig?! Siberian Riches = Siberische Rijkdommen - # Requires translation! Hail to Imperial Majesty Catherine, Empress of all Russians. Living in the largest country in the world, from the Pacific Ocean in the east to the Baltic Sea in the west, your people endured wars, droughts, and many disasters, imbuing the Russian society with heroism and tenacity, and producing artists and scientists among the best in the world. Russia is a powerful empire which rightfully claims its place in the world concert of superpowers. = Heil aan keizerlijke majesteit Catharina, keizerin van alle Russen. Uw volk, dat in het grootste land ter wereld woont, van de Stille Oceaan in het oosten tot de Baltische Zee in het westen, heeft oorlogen, droogtes en vele rampen doorstaan, waardoor de Russische samenleving werd doordrenkt met heldenmoed en vasthoudendheid, waardoor kunstenaars en wetenschappers werden voortgebracht die tot de beste ter wereld behoorden. - # Requires translation! Empress Catherine, your people are eager for Russian glory, to revive the sacred light of the Motherland. Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Keizerin Catharina, uw volk verlangt naar Russische glorie, om het heilige licht van het moederland te doen herleven. Zal uw nieuwe rijk schitteren door de eeuwen der geschiedenis heen? Moscow = Moskou St. Petersburg = St. Petersburg @@ -3788,9 +3574,7 @@ I offer this, for your consideration. = Ik bied je dit aan, ter overweging. Hail. = Heil What do you want? = Wat wil je? The Glory of Rome = De Glorie van Rome - # Requires translation! Ave Caesar Augustus, Emperor of Rome and Dominus of the Roman Empire! Your empire was the most powerful and feared of all in Western civilization. The Roman people crafted so brilliantly its culture, law, art, and warfare, that no one could contest the supremacy of Rome. Force and Honor led to glorious conquests, a domination of all the lands from Spain in the west to Syria in the east, even reaching the remote barbarian lands of England and Germany. Roman art and architecture have been praised for millenia and have been envied by all lesser civilizations who have followed. = Ave Caesar Augustus, keizer van Rome en Dominus van het Romeinse Rijk! Uw rijk was het machtigste en meest gevreesde van alle in de Westerse beschaving. Het Romeinse volk maakte zijn cultuur, recht, kunst en oorlogvoering zo briljant dat niemand de suprematie van Rome kon betwisten. Kracht en eer leidden tot glorieuze veroveringen, een overheersing van alle landen van Spanje in het westen tot Syrië in het oosten, en bereikten zelfs de afgelegen barbaarse gebieden van Engeland en Duitsland. De Romeinse kunst en architectuur worden al duizenden jaren geprezen en benijd door alle mindere beschavingen die volgden. - # Requires translation! O glorious Imperator, your people celebrate you and ask for the glory of Rome! In these times of darkness, the Pax Romana will be a beacon of light for all! Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Oh glorieuze Imperator, uw volk viert u en vraagt om de glorie van Rome! In deze tijden van duisternis zal de Pax Romana een baken van licht zijn voor iedereen! Zal uw nieuwe rijk schitteren door de eeuwen der geschiedenis heen? Rome = Rome Antium = Antium @@ -3840,9 +3624,7 @@ Welcome foreigner, I am Harun Al-Rashid, Caliph of the Arabs. Come and tell me a Come forth, let's do business. = Kom, en laat ons zaken doen. Peace be upon you. = Vrede zij met je. Trade Caravans = Handelskaravanen - # Requires translation! Blessings of the Great God be upon you, O great caliph Harun al-Rashid, leader of the mighty Arabian people! The Muslim Empire, the Caliphate, born from chaos after the death of the prophet Muhammad in 632 AD, intended to apply the rule of God to all Earth. And by the will of God, the caliphate reached its full power, ruling Spain, North Africa, the Middle East, Anatolia, the Balkans and Persia, to even surpass the Great Roman Empire. The arts and sciences were a holy gift of Arabia during the Middle Ages, as the infidel lands of Europe delved deep into ignorance and chaos. Lasting for six hundred years, the Caliphate finally fell before the Mongols, the plague of the civilized world. = Mag de grote god u zegenen, oh grote kalief Harun al-Rashid, leider van het machtige Arabische volk! Het moslimrijk, het kalifaat, ontstaan uit chaos na de dood van de profeet Mohammed in 632 na Christus, was bedoeld om de heerschappij van God toe te passen op de hele aarde. En door de wil van God bereikte het kalifaat zijn volle macht en heerste het over Spanje, Noord-Afrika, het Midden-Oosten, Anatolië, de Balkan en Perzië, om zelfs het Grote Romeinse Rijk te overtreffen. De kunsten en wetenschappen waren een heilig geschenk van Arabië tijdens de Middeleeuwen, toen de ongelovige landen van Europa diep wegzakten in onwetendheid en chaos. Het Kalifaat duurde zeshonderd jaar en viel uiteindelijk voor de Mongolen, de plaag van de beschaafde wereld. - # Requires translation! Great Caliph Harun al Rashid, all Arabian people long for greatness! Arabia must be once again the land of arts and knowledge, which under the radiant law of God, will fear no enemy! Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Grote Kalief Harun al Rashid, alle Arabieren verlangen naar grootsheid! Arabië moet weer het land van kunst en kennis worden, dat onder de stralende wet van God geen vijand zal vrezen! Zal uw nieuwe rijk schitteren door de eeuwen der geschiedenis heen? Mecca = Mekka Medina = Medina @@ -3887,9 +3669,7 @@ The people of the United States of America welcome you. = De bevolking van de Ve Is the following trade of interest to you? = Interesseert jou de volgende handelsovereenkomst? Well? = Nou? Manifest Destiny = Manifest Destiny - # Requires translation! President Washington, we salute you and the proud American civilization! Freed from the British dominion in the 18th century, then cleansed and reborn after a terrible civil war, the United States nation was ready to play its great role in the 20th century. At the height of its power, triumphant after two terrible world wars, United States of America, a land of immigration, opportunities, optimism and determination, has risen above all other weakening nations, unable to equal such power. = President Washington, we groeten u en de trotse Amerikaanse beschaving! Bevrijd van de Britse overheersing in de 18e eeuw, vervolgens gereinigd en herboren na een verschrikkelijke burgeroorlog, was de natie van de Verenigde Staten klaar om haar grote rol te spelen in de 20e eeuw. Op het hoogtepunt van hun macht, triomfantelijk na twee verschrikkelijke wereldoorlogen, hebben de Verenigde Staten van Amerika, een land van immigratie, kansen, optimisme en vastberadenheid, zich verheven boven alle andere verzwakkende naties, die niet in staat waren om deze macht te evenaren. - # Requires translation! President Washington, will you show to the world the legitimacy of the American way of life, and spread the flame of liberty to all mankind? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = President Washington, wilt u de legitimiteit van de Amerikaanse manier van leven aan de wereld tonen en de vlam van de vrijheid verspreiden naar de hele mensheid? Zal uw nieuwe rijk schitteren door de eeuwen der geschiedenis heen? Washington = Washington New York = New York @@ -3952,9 +3732,7 @@ We hope for a fair and just relationship with you, who are renowned for military I would be grateful if you agreed on the following proposal. = Ik zal dankbaar zijn als je de volgende overeenkomst wil tekenen. Oh, it's you... = Oh, ben jij het... Bushido = Bushido - # Requires translation! Lord Oda Nobunaga, ruler of Japan, the land of the Rising Sun is at your command! Through history, Japanese people lived and died with honor, proud of their rich culture of arts and letters. Years of bloody civil wars, invasions of foreign powers, wealth but also great poverty, have never altered the strong will of the Rising Sun island, as the Bushido spirit has imbued the fields of battle and the Japanese society for millenia. At the end of the 19th century, under foreign influence, your people took the path of modernity, and in a few decades, made of Japan a land of technological innovation and powerful industry, with which only few nations can compete. = Heer Oda Nobunaga, heerser van Japan, het land van de Rijzende Zon staat tot uw beschikking! Door de geschiedenis heen leefden en stierven Japanse mensen met eer, trots op hun rijke cultuur van kunst en literatuur. Jaren van bloedige burgeroorlogen, invasies van vreemde grootmachten, rijkdom maar ook grote armoede, hebben nooit iets veranderd aan de sterke wil van het eiland van de Rijzende Zon, aangezien de Bushido-geest al duizenden jaren de strijdvelden en de Japanse samenleving doordrenkt. Aan het einde van de 19e eeuw sloeg uw volk onder buitenlandse invloed de weg van de moderniteit in en maakte van Japan in een paar decennia een land van technologische innovatie en krachtige industrie, waarmee maar weinig naties kunnen concurreren. - # Requires translation! O great daimyo, will you take on your hands the Japan destiny, for the Rising Sun to light the world? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Oh grote daimyo, wilt u het lot van Japan in handen nemen, zodat de Rijzende Zon de wereld kan verlichten? Zal uw nieuwe rijk schitteren door de eeuwen der geschiedenis heen? Kyoto = Kyoto Osaka = Osaka diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Latin.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Latin.properties index f30fe4e03483b..ecba22266d935 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/Latin.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/Latin.properties @@ -1765,28 +1765,23 @@ Demographic = Demographicus Rank = Ordo Value = Aestimatio Best = Optimus - # Requires translation! Average = Mediocris Worst = Pessimus # The \n here means: put a newline (enter) here. If this is omitted, the sidebox in the diplomacy overview will become _really_ wide. # Feel free to replace it with a space and put it between other words in your translation Turns until the next\ndiplomacy victory vote: [amount] = Gressûs ad posterius suffragium victoriae diplomaticae: [amount] Choose a civ to vote for = Eligas civilizationem quam suffragas - # Requires translation! Choose who should become the world leader and win a Diplomatic Victory! = Eligas eum qui debetur fieri dux mundi et ferre victoriam diplomaticam! Vote for [civilizationName] = Suffrago [civilizationName](m/s/um/os) Vote for World Leader = Suffragare ducem mundi - # Requires translation! Abstain = Abstineo Continue = Continuem - # Requires translation! Abstained = Abstinuit Voted for = Suffragavit pro [number] votes = [number] suffragia [number] vote = [number] suffragium No valid votes were cast. = Nullum suffragium validum est Minimum votes for electing a world leader: [number] = Paucissima suffragia ad electum ducis mundi: [number] - # Requires translation! Tied in first position: [civNames] = In aequo ac primo steterunt: [civNames] No world leader was elected. = Nullus dux mundi electus est. You have been elected world leader! = Electus es sic dux mundi factus es! @@ -4339,11 +4334,9 @@ You have won, congratulations. My palace is now in your possession, and I beg th Welcome foreigner, I am Harun Al-Rashid, Caliph of the Arabs. Come and tell me about your empire. = # Requires translation! Come forth, let's do business. = - # Requires translation! Peace be upon you. = Pax tibi. Trade Caravans = Caravannae Commerciales Blessings of the Great God be upon you, O great caliph Harun al-Rashid, leader of the mighty Arabian people! The Muslim Empire, the Caliphate, born from chaos after the death of the prophet Muhammad in 632 AD, intended to apply the rule of God to all Earth. And by the will of God, the caliphate reached its full power, ruling Spain, North Africa, the Middle East, Anatolia, the Balkans and Persia, to even surpass the Great Roman Empire. The arts and sciences were a holy gift of Arabia during the Middle Ages, as the infidel lands of Europe delved deep into ignorance and chaos. Lasting for six hundred years, the Caliphate finally fell before the Mongols, the plague of the civilized world. = Beatum Dei Magni fiat tibi, O magne calipha Aaron Rascide, ductor potentis populi Arabici! Imperium Musulmanum, Caliphatus, erat ortus ex congerie post mortem Mahometi in DCXXXII AD, intendebat applicare rectionem Dei ad omnem terram. Et per voluntatem Dei, caliphatus attingit omnem potentiam suam, regebat Hispaniam, Africam Septentrionalem, Orientem Medium, Anatoliam, Balcaniam et Persiam, et ad antecedendum Imperium Romanum magnum. Ars et scientia erant praemia sancta Arabiae intra medium aevum, cum terra infidelis Europae defodiebat in ignorantiam et congeriem. In sescentis annis permanserat, Caliphatus tandem ruit ante Mongalos, plagam mundi eruditi. - # Requires translation! Great Caliph Harun al Rashid, all Arabian people long for greatness! Arabia must be once again the land of arts and knowledge, which under the radiant law of God, will fear no enemy! Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? = Magne Calipha Aaron Rascide, populus Arabicus omnis longinquitate expetit magnitatem. Arabia necesse denuo fiat terra artis et scientiae, quae, sub jure radiante Dei, metuet de nullo hoste! Per aetates historiae lucebitne tuum novum imperium? # Requires translation! Mecca = @@ -4531,7 +4524,6 @@ Oda Nobunaga = I hereby inform you of our intention to wipe out your civilization from this world. = # Requires translation! Pitiful fool! Now we shall destroy you! = - # Requires translation! You were much wiser than I thought. = Magis sapientior eras quam censebam. # Requires translation! We hope for a fair and just relationship with you, who are renowned for military bravery. = @@ -4631,7 +4623,6 @@ Gandhi = I have just received a report that large numbers of my troops have crossed your borders. = # Requires translation! My attempts to avoid violence have failed. An eye for an eye only makes the world blind. = - # Requires translation! You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind. = Potes nectere me, potes cruciare me, tu etiam potes rumpere hoc corpus, sed meum animum incarcerare numquam potes. # Requires translation! Hello, I am Mohandas Gandhi. My people call me Bapu, but please, call me friend. = @@ -5079,7 +5070,6 @@ Peace be on you! I am Darius, the great and outstanding king of kings of great P In my endless magnanimity, I am making you this offer. You agree, of course? = # Requires translation! Good day to you! = - # Requires translation! Ahh... you... = A... tu... Achaemenid Legacy = Hereditas Achaemenidarum # Requires translation! @@ -5228,7 +5218,6 @@ The hard-shelled crab yields, and the lion lies down to sleep. Kanaloa comes for Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of this strand of islands. = # Requires translation! Come, let our people feast together! = - # Requires translation! Welcome, friend! = Salve, amice! Wayfinding = Inventio Viae # Requires translation! @@ -5329,7 +5318,6 @@ Although I lost, my honor shall endure. I wish you good luck. = I, Pho Kun Ramkhamhaeng, King of Siam, consider it a great honor that you have walked to visit my country of Siam. = # Requires translation! Greetings. I believe this is a fair proposal for both parties. What do you think? = - # Requires translation! Welcome. = Salve. Father Governs Children = Pater Praesidet Liberos # Requires translation! @@ -5404,7 +5392,6 @@ God will probably forgive you... but I shall not. Prepare for war. = Deus probab Repugnant spawn of the devil! You will pay! = # Requires translation! If my defeat is, without any doubt, the will of God, then I will accept it. = - # Requires translation! God blesses those who deserve it. I am Isabel of Spain. = Deus beat eos qui mereant. Isabella de Hispania sum. # Requires translation! I hope this deal will receive your blessing. = @@ -5655,11 +5642,8 @@ Mongolia = # Requires translation! Montezuma I = - # Requires translation! Xi-miqa-can! Xi-miqa-can! Xi-miqa-can! (Die, die, die!) = Xi-miqa-can! Xi-miqa-can! Xi-miqa-can! (Morere, morere, morere!) - # Requires translation! Excellent! Let the blood flow in raging torrents! = Perbene! Cruor torrentibus saevis fluat! - # Requires translation! Monster! Who are you to destroy my greatness? = Monstrum! Quis es, et rupisti magnitatem meam? # Requires translation! What do I see before me? Another beating heart for my sacrificial fire. = @@ -5748,18 +5732,13 @@ Aztecs = Azteci Pachacuti = # Requires translation! Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war! = - # Requires translation! Declare war on me?!? You can't, because I declare war on you first! = Bellum contra me indicere?!? Tu non potes, quia ego primitus indico bellum contra te! - # Requires translation! How did you darken the sun? I ruled with diligence and mercy—see that you do so as well. = Ut obscuravisti solem? Cum diligentia et clementia regebam—videam te ita facere. # Requires translation! How are you? You stand before Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui. = # Requires translation! The Incan people offer this fair trade. = - # Requires translation! How are you doing? = Ut facis? -# Best effort. A very literal translation. - # Requires translation! What do you want now? = Quod vis jam? Great Andean Road = Via Magna Andium # Requires translation! @@ -6362,12 +6341,10 @@ Mining = Fodinae Sailing = Velificatio 'So teach us to number our days, so that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.' - Bible Psalms 90:12 = 'Dexteram tuam sic notam fac, et eruditos corde in sapientia' - Psalmi 89:12 Calendar = Calendarium - # Requires translation! 'He who destroys a good book kills reason itself.' - John Milton = 'Is qui perdit librum bonum interficit sapientiam.' - Ioannes Miltonus Writing = Scriptura 'Even brute beasts and wandering birds do not fall into the same traps or nets twice.' - Saint Jerome = 'Bruta quoque animalia et vagae aves, in easdem pedicas retiaque non incidunt.' - Hieronymus Trapping = Devinctio - # Requires translation! 'Wisdom and virtue are like the two wheels of a cart.' - Japanese proverb = 'Sapientia et virtus sunt similes duabus rotis currûs.' - Proverbium Iaponicum The Wheel = Rota 'How happy are those whose walls already rise!' - Virgil = 'O fortunati, quorum iam moenia surgunt!' - Publius Vergilius Maro @@ -6376,7 +6353,6 @@ Masonry = Structuræ 'Here Hector entered, with a spear eleven cubits long in his hand; the bronze point gleamed in front of him, and was fastened to the shaft of the spear by a ring of gold.' - Homer = Bronze Working = Opus Aeris - # Requires translation! 'He made an instrument to know if the moon shine at full or no.' - Samuel Butler = 'Instrumentum fecerat, ut sciret num lunam esse plenam.' - Samuel Butler Optics = Lenses # Requires translation! @@ -6384,13 +6360,11 @@ Optics = Lenses Philosophy = Philosophia 'A Horse! A Horse! My kingdom for a horse!' - Shakespeare (Richard III) = 'Equus! Equus! Regnum meum pro uno equo!' - Shakespearius (Richard III) Horseback Riding = Equitatio - # Requires translation! 'Mathematics is the gate and key to the sciences.' - Roger Bacon = 'Mathematica est porta atque clavis ad scientiam.' - Rogerius Bacon Mathematics = Mathematica # Requires translation! 'Three things are to be looked to in a building: that it stands on the right spot; that it be securely founded; that it be successfully executed.' - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe = Construction = Constructio - # Requires translation! 'Do not wait to strike til the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.' - William Butler Yeats = 'Ne maneas donec ferrum calidum est, tum verberes, sed per verberandum facias id calidum.' - William Butler Yeats Iron Working = Opus Ferri @@ -6405,7 +6379,6 @@ Currency = Nummularia # Requires translation! 'Instrumental or mechanical science is the noblest and, above all others, the most useful.' - Leonardo da Vinci = Engineering = Ingeniaria -# Not 'scientia machinalis,' which is 'mechanics' # Requires translation! 'When pieces of bronze or gold or iron break, the metal-smith welds them together again in the fire, and the bond is established.' - Sri Guru Granth Sahib = Metal Casting = Conflatorium @@ -7376,7 +7349,6 @@ Grand Temple = Templum Magnum # Requires translation! Alhambra = - # Requires translation! 'Justice is an unassailable fortress, built on the brow of a mountain which cannot be overthrown by the violence of torrents, nor demolished by the force of armies.' - Joseph Addison = 'Iustitia est castellum, non potens assiliri, aedificatum in apice montis qui non potest violentiâ torrentis deici nec potest potentiâ copiarum deleri.' - Joseph Addison diff --git a/android/assets/jsons/translations/completionPercentages.properties b/android/assets/jsons/translations/completionPercentages.properties index bbe01c3caf21b..aeb7be18b4f6c 100644 --- a/android/assets/jsons/translations/completionPercentages.properties +++ b/android/assets/jsons/translations/completionPercentages.properties @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ Bosnian = 3 Brazilian_Portuguese = 99 Bulgarian = 47 Catalan = 99 -Croatian = 92 +Croatian = 95 Czech = 79 -Dutch = 92 +Dutch = 95 English = 0 Filipino = 89 Finnish = 36 @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Indonesian = 100 Italian = 99 Japanese = 81 Korean = 92 -Latin = 56 +Latin = 57 Lithuanian = 83 Malay = 24 Norwegian = 59 diff --git a/changelog.md b/changelog.md index a187012a0f95f..38e2d5870211f 100644 --- a/changelog.md +++ b/changelog.md @@ -1,32 +1,18 @@ ## 4.14.14 -AI: Don't pick most expensive tech as free tech, if it's marked as "0 weight for AI decisions" +Automated air units respect "Cannot move" unique -Run mod compatibility checks on another thread, to avoid ANRs in new game screen +Resolved rare New Game Screen "application not responding" errors -Resolved - automated air units with "Cannot move" do not move - -Removed uses of UncivGame.Current.gameInfo when unnecessary - -Decreased base Fort value to not build it instead of useful improvements - -Resolve - Remove images of expended units - -Fix tests, unresolve - -Resolved - Display city state type name for battle bonuses - -Resolved - AI can move air units with "Cannot move" unique - -Resolved - "Unit built" notification selects the built unit - -4.14.13-patch1 +AI: +- Don't pick most expensive tech as free tech, if it's marked as "0 weight for AI decisions" +- Decreased base Fort value to not build it instead of useful improvements -Fixed battle animation crash +Remove images of expended units -Map mirroring! +Display city state type name for battle bonuses -Crop images - By itanasi +"Unit built" notification selects the built unit ## 4.14.13 diff --git a/core/src/com/unciv/ui/screens/worldscreen/NotificationsScroll.kt b/core/src/com/unciv/ui/screens/worldscreen/NotificationsScroll.kt index 2d0103298e8d7..401e25ad74bec 100644 --- a/core/src/com/unciv/ui/screens/worldscreen/NotificationsScroll.kt +++ b/core/src/com/unciv/ui/screens/worldscreen/NotificationsScroll.kt @@ -266,8 +266,8 @@ class NotificationsScroll( notificationsTable.add(header).right().row() } for (notification in categoryNotifications) { - // Temporarily ignore touhidurrr notifications - if (notification.icons.any { it in serverIconsToIgnore }) continue + if (worldScreen.gameInfo.turns % 10 != 0 // Allow touhidurrr notifications every 10 turns + && notification.icons.any { it in serverIconsToIgnore }) continue val item = ListItem(notification, backgroundDrawable) itemWidths.add(item.itemWidth) diff --git a/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/1082.txt b/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/1082.txt index 85f8e84194feb..b57bd90e79c8e 100644 --- a/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/1082.txt +++ b/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/1082.txt @@ -1,5 +1,3 @@ - - AI: Don't pick most expensive tech as free tech, if it's marked as "0 weight for AI decisions" Run mod compatibility checks on another thread, to avoid ANRs in new game screen