A repository for Uniswap V4 hooks. Built using Foundry.
A counter hook that simply counts each added liquidity, removed lquidity, swap, and donate call to a pool.
This hook is also an ERC1155 contract that mints an NFT after each swap performed on a pool. The NFT meta-data is stored off-chain, although a version could be created that stores and renders the receipt information on-chain also (this would be expensive to deploy to Ethereum mainnet however).
Three seperate hook contracts that restrict access to adding liquidity, swapping, and donating to a pool based on a defined token ownership of ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155 tokens respectively.
Ancillary utilities used in testing and creation of the hooks.
This Awesome Uniswap Hooks repo contains an extensive list of Hook resources.
This contract library can be used to mine addresses for Uniswap V4 hooks. This is necessary because the leading bits of the hook contract address determine which kind of hooks are invoked when a swap is performed.