Log Reader
It Take Apache format as String and then shows the log in proper format.
There are some condition in formats:
First condition is if you have any thing inside '{' and '}' please use '"'.
If this is your Format :
%{%d-%m-%y:%H:%M:%S}t %v:%p %h %m %U %q %>s %O %D %P %{Referer}i %{User-Agent}i
You have there entities inside '{' and '}'
then put this inside quotes ' " '. This fomat should be like
"%{%d-%m-%y:%H:%M:%S}t" %v:%p %h %m %U %q %>s %O %D %P "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i" -
Second condition you cant have 2 formatter together without any space or character between them like %U%q is not allowed , it should be %U %q
Working on these condition to over come.