OpenMQTTGateway v0.9.3
- Set gateway name and base topic by wifi manager
- Publish gateway HA discovery message once with retain flag
- Add network advanced setup macro (no need anymore to modify the code)
- Wifi automatic reconnection improvments for ESP32
- Add M5stack, M5stick-c and M5stick boards into platformio.ini
- Add Vegtrug (Mi Flora like) BLE sensor
- Add of cleargrass temperature, humidity and air pressure BLE sensor
- Add Xiaomi MiLamp Night led on BLE gateway
- Add Mi band steps reading
- Add Unit of Measurement for MiFlora Fertility and Fix MiJia BT thanks to @kanttti
- Add Ble Xiaomi scales compatibility, thanks to @pavon87 & @kanttti
- Implement minimum rssi filtering for BLE devices
- Make ON OFF actuator more flexible (set the pin into json payload)
- ESP IR library update
- Add support for HC-SR04 sensor thanks to @mpember
- Name of the wifi AP is now the gateway name
- Vuepress powered documentation
- Avoid spam of buffer message in hcsr501 thanks to @chesterbr
- Continuous integration improvments