OpenMQTTGateway v0.9.6
Big release time, I hope you enjoy it!
This one brings a lot of features and improvements.
- In particular the support of RTL_433 library to ESP32 thanks to @NorthernMan54. This is a huge addition to the community as this library enables to support a lot of new protocols. More than 75 433Mhz protocols supported with an ESP32 + a CC1101!
Here is an example with a weather station:
{"model":"WS2032","id":38553,"battery_ok":1,"temperature_C":22.3,"humidity":65,"wind_dir_deg":90.0,"wind_avg_km_h":0,"wind_max_km_h":0,"rain":256,"flags":0,"mic":"CRC","protocol":"WS2032 weather station","rssi":-52,"duration":511982}
Also, @csiki2 improved the BLE gateway by adding a queue mechanism, bringing more stability to the gateway, and improving the number of BLE packets transmitted. Thanks to this, the gateway can now be configured for the continuous scan (TimeBtwRead:0, Scan_duration:1000) and catch easily BLE PIR and door/window sensors events.
Regarding the BLE gateway, sensor devices are now created automatically in Home Assistant so as to gather their entities. You can add directly these devices from configuration->devices into your Lovelace UI. Thanks, @titilambert, and @francisp.
But that's not all, let's take a deeper look at all the new devices, boards, and features!
New devices:
- LYWSD03MMC with PVVX style messages compatibility thanks to @csiki2
- Add CGDK2 BLE temperature and humidity sensor
- Add CGP1W Qingping branded sensor thanks to @titilambert
- Add CGPR1 Qingping PIR and luminance sensor
- Add CGH1 Qingping door and window sensor
New boards:
- Heltec ESP32 Lora thanks to @hallard
- TTGO T-Beam and ADC value thanks to @hallard
- ESP32 Adafruit feather
- M5Stickc Plus
- ESP32 Lolin32 Lite board definition, our current low power champion!
New features:
- RTL433 support thanks to @NorthernMan54
- Bluetooth lockless queue thanks to @csiki2
- Publish scan count in SYStoMQTT
- Enable deactivation of BLE connect by MQTT
- Added Xiaomi Mi scale XMTZC04HM lbs unit and stabilization
- Increase time led ON
- Deactivation of auto-discovery by MQTT
- Support of changing the CC1101 frequency thanks to @NorthernMan54
- Add shtc3 thanks to @NullYing
- Sonoff RFBridge direct mode board definition thanks to @brahmafear
- Add low power to M5Stick C Plus
- HASS Discovery - Create BLE devices automatically to gather entities thanks to @titilambert
- HASS Discovery - Implement multi gateways discovery, created devices by autodiscovery are not anymore gateway dependent and can now retrieve data from all the gateways that are in range. The data will be transmitted to the same Home Assistant device.
- Added ZactuatorSomfy thanks to @Legion2
- Add support for Somfy RTS remote control enhancement thanks to @Legion2
- Set CC1101 Frequency via MQTT enhancement thanks to @Legion2
- Add ability to specify repeats for raw Pilight strings thanks to @melyux
- BLE Mi Scale - add check enhancement thanks to @michapr
- Xiaomi Mi Scale V2 BLE (XMTZC05HM) configuration thanks to @tiagofreire-pt
- HASS gateway Discovery improvements thanks to @1technophile
- Add rf2 autodiscovery thanks to @hbraam
- Static IP for Gateway with ESP thanks to @duemchen
- Basic RS232 Communication thanks to @DieKatzchen
- feat: add protocol into topic thanks to @hugokernel
- feat: add device_id as unique identifier thanks to @hugokernel
- Add ability to invert the PIR Notify LED thanks to @jmw6773
Under the hood:
- Improve wifi reconnections
- Improve RCSwitch stability
- Update IRremote ESP8266
- Minor BT refactoring thanks to @csiki2
- BT discovery fix thanks to @csiki2
- Remove wifi protocol auto change, this was causing issues on some Fritzbox routers
- Platforms update
- Increase Json buffer size for ESP board
- Correct advanced network parameter on ESP
- Correct build issue when discovery is disabled
- Correct RF2 gateway auto discovery thanks to @qistoph
- Update CC1101 lib thanks to @NorthernMan54
- Fix CGG1 and CGP1W recognition thanks to @Nikolay-Ch
- BLE disconnect after a timeout
- IR correct sendIdentifierprotocol thanks to @chesterbr
- NPM docs setup thanks to @Legion2
- Improve OTA update of RF Bridge
- ifndef condition for time_avoid_duplicate thanks to @jumika
- Fix/update to Qingping Cleargrass CGD1 detection thanks to @adamrbell
- Separate "Name of Gateway" and "target MQTT-topic base" settings for multiple BLE-Gateway in one building and network enhancement thanks to @Nikolay-Ch
- Srfb bugs correction
- BLE connection will not be closed thanks to @michapr
- ESP32 OTA Critical fix - Make sure that the BT coreTask gets suspended when not needed thanks to @mtiutiu
- mqtt_user is missing or not saved into the config enhancement thanks to @gborus
- Update espilight library version
- Pilight identifier thanks to @hugokernel
- Dont make HADiscovery switch if RF is receive only thanks to @jmw6773
- The reset button function does not work if TRIGGER_GPIO = 0 thanks to @NorthernMan54
- update temperature unit to work in HA thanks to @orrpan
- Added room presence example
- Readme update thanks to @anarchking
- 433 value in topic
- Add Home Assistant user creation note
- Integration switch
- Deactivate HASS room presence by default, it can be activated by MQTT now or by the HASS auto-discovered interface
- Remove 'tem' key, this json key is replaced by 'tempc' and 'tempf'
- Improve low power mode the key is now 'lowpowermode' instead of 'low_power_mode' to make it consistent with SYStoMQTT
- Publish RF2 state to the same channel as received signals thanks to @qistoph
- Add M5 SYS parameters to auto discovery
Deprecate - items that will be removed on the next release:
- SimplePublishing and simpleReceiving methods will be removed see why here